Aug. 27, 2011, 5:44 p.m.
Aug. 27, 2011, 5:44 p.m.
Five times Blaine tried to convince himself he didn't love Kurt. And one time he gave up. A 5-and-1 fic with general s2 spoilers and rated because I'm paranoid and kinda swore in my A/N.
Author's Notes: A repost of this fic. Originally on FF. This is written because I've been meaning to write a 5-and-1 fic for a while and because I've decided to do a bit of character exploration. It's kinda my headcanon/explanation for why Blaine was an asshat to Kurt. Enjoy! :3 ... I have the need to confess that the working titles for this changed back and forth between "Blaine Sucks at Romance" and "Blaine Finally Grows Some Balls and Admits He Loves Kurt" XD