Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
Blaine is pretty popular in his city of Long Beach, CA. Summer is here and he's ready to spend it with friends- BMX bike riding in the skate park and surfing when the waves are perfect. Flirting with girls is a definite. But when a new kid from Ohio shows up, Blaine finds himself wanting to share all these things with him, too. But Kurt's just his friend, right? straight!Blaine AU.
Author's Notes: Okay just transferring the story from FF.net to here for those who would like to read it :) Currently I'm 5 chapters in so I'm doing it all in one go! I also need to say that I own nothing mentioned in the fic except for the plot. -A prompt for bmx!biker!Blaine from a tumblr anon where Kurt helps Blaine after a fall and they become good friends. I turned it extremely AU so I don't know if it's a story for everyone, but I hope you read anyway: straight!Blaine with Klaine endgame? We'll see :)
Finally !! I've trying ti finish this for days!! Now I can finally say: it's awesome, you're great and I hope I read you soon :) now I'll go to sleep, 'cause it's 5:31 am, but I just had to finish this !! u.u good night Ale ;)
Hey, This is one of my favourite fanfiction's I have read can't wait too read more Bowtiesandcoffee
I love this AU SO SO MUCH!!! And I love the LONG_ASS Chapters! I want more! This is TOP-NOTCH! :-*
Love love love love love this!!!! usually when stories are really long like this I lose my focus but I'm loving this and begging for more! Great job!!!
So freaking good!
Without a doubt one of the best stories I have ever read! Seriously, incredibly written and totally original! The charector development is fantastic and the overall plot is fun and interesting and completely it's own. I am in love with this story. Definetly worth the read.
Can't wait to read this!