Jan. 19, 2012, 8:45 a.m.
Jan. 19, 2012, 8:45 a.m.
AU: Blaine sends a text message to a wrong number by accident. Things progress from there.
Author's Notes: I accidentally deleted this story today... Sorry for the incovenience!
so cute!
<\\3 ...<3...<\\3...<3...This is what Klaine does to me. Tears me apart and then puts me back together again.
<3 I cant wait until they meet :DD
All Text Messages and super super awesome
Absolutely amazing!
Absolutely love your story! :)
Actually the first fic I read and still the best
Ahh I just love this story!
Amazing it was perfect i wanted more!
asdfghjk. No words. So adorable. Right up there with GYOW and Dalton.
Best Fanfic EVER!
Best story written through text messages.
best. text messages!
best. fanfic. ever.
Every person in the world should read this.
Everyone's been telling me to read this and it's on the same scale as GYOW and The Sidhe flail-wise so I guess I should. I guess you should too. -pushes- EDIT: GO GO GO READ NOW CDISUHCIUDSH WHAT HAVE I BEEN DOING WITH MY LIFE GO
Fantastic fic! So in love with this!
flawless fic is flawless and freaking adorable.
Great story and a unique way of sharing one!
hilarious and original
Hilarious! Love love love!
I absolutely love this story. I can't stop reading it!!!
I am in love with this story, Your characterization is amazing, I mean You have shown both of them as equals with different strengths and weaknesses yet they are perfectly compatiable ! Thanks for introducing me to great music !
I cant get over how much i love this fic
I can't properly articulate my feelings on this fic at the moment (or ever, probably) but basically if you haven't read it, what are you doing with your life.
I can't wait for the next chapter! I,m so excited!!!
I head about this story, and I decided that I need to read it
I just stayed up way too late to read all of this and it was so awesome. Who knew you could get so much out with just the texts/calls? The pictures and the songs added such an awesome layer. Loved this cute little fic.
I live for this story !
i love how it's written in text messages... so special and lovely to read... they need to get together ;O;!
I love it!
I love this story and i can't wait for the next chapter
I love this story! SO Much. x
i love this!! soo hooked
I love you. Please write more.
I love your story, I think you have done an amazing job with it. I find it amazing that you can write a whole story out of text messages and phone calls. It really is a change ! I also was wondering something. Long story short, I am having my senior year exams in a couple of weeks (not SAT, because I'm not American (or British for that matters)), and I am doing a "file" about fanfiction and I really want to use your first chapter as an example. I was wondering if you were okay with me doing it. Have a good morning/day/envening/night (well, whenever you will read this) =) Tomy-chan22
I read it & fell in love with it! Pretty sure most of the Klaine fandom did!
I read your name on every wall, on every wall, tell me, Is there a cure for me at all? For me at all? Tell me!
I think I'll fall in love with this story ...Please tell me there are more chapters :D I can't wait <3
I think the fact that this is Little Numbers speaks for itself. Also, this was the first ever Fanfiction I read (ever, not just Klaine fanfic), and it was so beautiful...
I'm one of your followers on tumblr, and I just love you! 'Little Numbers' is a work of art, thank you so much for sharing it with us. I got my best-friend hooked, and she in turn converted her entire family into Boy fans! Haha! Anyway, extremely huge well done on this!!
in love with this!
In my top 10 Klaine fics list. Fucking amazing.
it was very good.
Just a beautiful Beautiful Fanfic
Literally the best story I've ever read...
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS STORY!!! It's finally on S&C :) :) :) Now I can save it to my favorites!!
Love Love LOVE this!
love love this
love this story
love this story and bradshaw
Love this story to kingdom come.
Love this story! I literally just made an account so I could favorite it. Thankfully it has led me to many other great klainers :P
My adventure with fic began with this story.
My favorite fanfic I've ever read. When I first found it, I read it twice in one day. I then convinced my best friend to read it even though she doesn't read fanfic and she loved it too. You're an amazing writer.
ohmygod, this is on S&C? Yay!
OK. I am on my second go-round on your story and getting giggles aloud, just like before! This was one of the very first of my favorites when I started reading on the Scarves and Coffee site and it remains a treasure. Wonderful job ~ so happy you put the time/effort into such a darling plot line. I can't wait to get to the music! Valerie
Omg I love this fic :D
One of the best fics ever written READ IT!!!
One of the best Klaine fanfics I've ever read sweetie! You're very talented! And you inspired me to play piano again so it's a big + for you ;) I love 'I giorni' by Ludovico Einaudi and it was you who showed me this song and I'm so happy that you did cuz I forced myself and learnt to play it ;) such a beautiful story :') thank you <3 ~babyturtle
One of the best Klaine fanfictions I've ever had the pleasure of reading.
One word... PERFECT!
perfect and so unique
Read the entirety of this story on LJ. Laughed. Cried. Laughed some more. Fell so in love with them. And I cry listening to I Giorni. <3 Perfect story is perfect.
Seriously amazing :)
So addicted to this story, I find myself so happy every time I see a golden retriever
So wonderful and perfect and adorable and I feel like if you haven't read this you might live under a rock but still just read it.
Stumbled across it way back when, still a permanent favourite
Such a good fic
Super cute.
The Best. cutest story! :)
The fic that started it all. <3
The most precious story I've read in a long, long time! A real treasure! =)
this fic is great :D
This is absolutely my favourite Klaine fluff fanfiction!
This is the best, most fluffy, cute, awesome thing ever!
This story had been on Tumblr and I never got around to reading it but I'm glad I did.This story made me laugh out loud so may time.Loved it
This story is simply amazing!!!
This.... Like... Dude. Yes.
Whoever doesn't have this in their favourites clearly has no true taste in romance. Absolute perfection! Or maybe I really am just a sap for romance, but it's so so so so so good. READ AND WEEP.
Wow. Oh wow. You're on here. I literally was two seconds from joining livejournal to proclaim my love for this fic!!!! So amazing! Gaaaah can't wait til more!
YES. Just yes.