Feb. 29, 2012, 5:10 a.m.
Feb. 29, 2012, 5:10 a.m.
AU!Klaine. Kurt Hummel is 25 years old when he finds himself being the owner of the bakery he had been dreaming about his whole life, just in time to sweeten up Blaine Anderson's days. Artwork by Brandi.
Amazingly well written
ASDFGHJKL; AMAZING This is so wonderful
aww Blaine bb
Best Fic Ever!!
Best fiction ever!
Best story EVER!
Best story ever!!! Chap 14
I absolutley love this story ! keep writing , you are wonderful.
I have absolutely no words for this story. It is so flawless, and I physically can't. It's making me flail like I just watched Klaine kiss 4 times in an episode. This is so cute and fluffy and I can NOT wait until the next update!! So very well written, and can you throw Blaine's dad out of a window for me? kthanks!
I'm in Love!!
it's good, but the writing is mildly immature. cute ending though. rather feminine kurt, but mainly bottom blaine
Love this so much!!! please update soon!!!
love this story
Lovely story
Omg, I just came across your story yesterday and it's so gooood! Amazing, beautiful and heart-warming! Love it!
One word: amazing <3
perfection has a name
So cute.
so good story!!!
So so so good...and adorable...and cute...and every adjective that comes under butterflies in stomach.
Such an amazing story! I love it!
such an awesome story! :)
Such perfection.
Sweet fluff
This is actually my favorite story ever
This is my favorite story! After I read this, all I could say was amazingamazingamazing.. Thank you for this story! I will recommend this story to my Gleek friends :)
This is one of my favorite fics ever, I loved it!
this is seriously the sweetest and hottest thing I've been reading in a long time. Like a pie straight out of the oven. Poor Blaine, my feelings! And perfect Kurt is perfect.
This is wonderful! I love the contrast between the two characters lives and also now I'm hungry. Lovely job :3
You have just an enchanting writing style, I've completely fallen in love with this story. Take care of yourself and I will eagerly await more! P.S. I'll totally be recommending this to all my crazy fangirl friends~