April 26, 2016, 7 p.m.
April 26, 2016, 7 p.m.
AU Kurt is struggling coming out to his dad and having a hard time at school, Burt had a brother who passed away and leaves him his farm to look after. To get away from the struggles of life in Ohio, Burt and Kurt take a mini vacation where they meet homeless!Blaine who already came out to his dad but was told not to ever set foot in the Anderson's house hold again unless he were to change his ways. What happens when the Hummels come across Blaine as trespassing on their property, and what will Burt do about it - when he notices his own son falling for the stranger with the guitar.
Author's Notes: I got the idea when I went to my dad's farm for a 6 day vacation. I thought, heey what would happen if Blaine was homeless and caught trespassing on someone's property? We had a scary moment when there was a light on our property and we thought someone was out there, but it actually turned out to be the moon. It scared us because there shouldn't have been any light on the property that wasn't created by us and neighbours were far away. Basically this story is kinda based on real life events. Without the whole homeless story though - I just have a thing for homeless!Blaine. I think homeless!Blaine could be a thing, and there would be homeless gay teens out there struggling to get by so anyhow enjoy. This is like a hug for all those struggling teens to come out. You're not alone.