Feb. 27, 2013, 5:05 p.m.
Feb. 27, 2013, 5:05 p.m.
Nearly three months after intensifying their physical relationship, Blaine and Kurt finally sit down to discuss some of their fantasies, now that they are comfortable enough with each other to begin acting on them. A few weeks later, Blaine's parents are out of town for the weekend and he invites Kurt over for a few hours, promising him a special surprise. Filled for this GKM prompt-- http://glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/41745.html?thread=55932433#t55932433 The major warning here is the wearing of panties. I recommend moving on right now if that squicks you. Full list of warnings provided in the story notes.
Author's Notes: Warnings: panties, rimming, dirty talk, mild D/S, mild consensual slut shaming This is one of those stories that starts with a prompt and then runs amok, leaving the author wondering at exactly which point the creative control shifted from them over to their characters.