April 25, 2013, 12:36 p.m.
April 25, 2013, 12:36 p.m.
Blaine and Kurt attend a party at Santana's. Kurt expresses his concerns about Blaine drinking, given Blaine's history with alcohol. Regardless of a promise to control himself, Blaine gets sloshed and Kurt ends up feeling obligated to take care of his boyfriend. He allows Blaine to spend the night on the Hummel-Hudson couch, knowing there will be consequences come morning. Regardless of the awkwardness that ensues, the consequences eventually prove to be far from terrible. Warnings for underage drinking, slight-but-not-so-much dubcon, and the most mild form of watersports ever (by my standards, at least.) I'd say this story is 3/4 angst, fluff and hurt/comfort, and 1/4 kink at most. Filled for a GKM prompt, though, so what can you really expect?
Author's Notes: I know this story won't be for everyone, but thanks in advance if you're taking the risk to read it.