June 21, 2013, 2:45 a.m.
June 21, 2013, 2:45 a.m.
Artist: (http://beeemyhoney.tumblr.com/) beeemyhoney. Rating (art/fic if different): PG-13. Warnings (if any): alcohol use. Fic Summary: "Just dance, Kurt, nothing else, just dance." Kurt likes to lose himself in the music, to let it lead him so he can forget everything around. He likes to be left alone, until one night, someone moves right along with him. Link to Art: (http://24.media.tumblr.com/dcb6de387ef614e433c43619f3ed80b8/tumblr_mjop6hXnFN1s5nymgo1_1280.png) Full art. Beta'ed by (http://gnomerino.tumblr.com/) gnomerino and (http://ulysses31dancer.tumblr.com/) ulysses31dancer ♥