July 19, 2013, 1:07 a.m.
July 19, 2013, 1:07 a.m.
Cover: It's a fake movie poster with Chris leaning against the red car used in SBL and under it a picture of Darren sitting in a car of a new photo shoot of his. How do you find your way back home when you left the one you had? Whoever wondered why Blaine slept in his car or in a tent, he told his story in one word: Runaway. On the forced journey of his, he did not think he would find someone with a very similar answer, but a very different approach to that problem. No one would expect a Kurt Hummel, especially when he was out to rob his way into their lives, and Blaine was no exception. A story about love, self-acceptance, growing up and finding a new home.
Author's Notes: The fake movie poster is used with permission from gleeddicted. Check her out on tumblr. Really inspired me. Story can be found on my Tumblr: heartstringduet