Happiness comes with baggage Give Kudos Track Story Bookmark Comment

July 22, 2012, 10:51 p.m.

Happiness comes with baggage

Blaine is a musician who loves living during the night and barely works during the day. He has a string of one night stands and never commits to relationships. Kurt is the complete opposite; married once with two kids and a second lasting relationship from which he got a girl. The two meet one day when it's heavily raining and both of their days have been a series of disasters...Pairings: Kurt/Blaine,(mentioned)Past Blaine/OC, Blaine/OCs (one night stands), (mentioned)Past Kurt/OCs. Mentioned: Nick/Jeff, Tina/Mike, Puck/Quinn, past one sided Kurt/Puck, past Finn/Rachel, past Finn/Jesse

Author's Notes: This is a partial French Klaine AU. Why partial? Blaine is still from Westerville and he moved to France with his best friend Sebastian during his college years. Kurt is French, he grew up in Maux which is near Paris and then moved to the big city. The whole idea of the story is largely inspired from a French movie entitled "Un Bonheur n'arrive jamais seul" (which is the direct French translation of the title of the story.) I want to say a huge thank you to my wonderful Beta who not only helped me with typos, grammar and vocabulary but she also points out the continuity/consistency errors. There will be some passage in French. I'll translate them at the end of each chapter when they're not already explained directly. If ever you still have a problem understanding something, don't hesitate. I hope to updtade once every other week. If ever there'll be a problem for an updtate, I'll post about it on my tumblr : I really hope that you will enjoy this journey :)

Closed - E - Chapters: 15/? - Words: 56,856 - Last Updated: Apr 13, 2022
15,332 1 1 35 0
Categories: AU, Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Cooper Anderson, Finn Hudson, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, Mike Chang, Mrs. Anderson (Blaine's Mother), Nick, Noah Puckerman, OC, Rachel Berry, Rory Flanagan, Santana Lopez, Sebastian Smythe, Thad, Tina Cohen-Chang, Wes,
Tags: multiple partners,

Table of Contents


Words: 659 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013
Chapter 1

Words: 3,365 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013
Chapter 2

Words: 3,859 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013
Chapter 3

Words: 3,258 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013
Chapter 4

Words: 4,285 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013
Chapter 5

Words: 3,745 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013
Chapter 6

Words: 4,578 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013
Chapter 7

Words: 4,300 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013
Chapter 8

Words: 4,401 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013
Chapter 9

Words: 4,697 - Posted: Aug 18, 2013


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me gusta mucho!!! :))))