July 4, 2013, 1:22 p.m.
July 4, 2013, 1:22 p.m.
Summery... After the death of his father, sixteen year old, Kurt Hummel is sent to live with his twenty three year old cousin, whom he has never met. He knows its weird to have feelings for him, but he also knows the weirdness of his condition. Little does he know, the feelings are mutual. Warnings: Bp!Kurt. Age difference. Umm... Sex. Yeah. Rated M for a reason. Reviews, feedback, loves, hugs, etc. are always appreciated! Don't forget to rate and comment! Thanks- Sav
Author's Notes: Reviews, feedback, loves, hugs, etc. are always appreciated! Don't forget to rate and comment! Thanks- Sav For chapters seven through the end, I got amazing ideas that input my own twist on from: loveforklainealways/mesined/sofiamichelle They were so helpful! Thanks guys! Love you. R