Jan. 29, 2013, noon
Jan. 29, 2013, noon
Kurt is assaulted after singing at a school dance and is left for dead, thrown aboard an empty train car at the railroad freight yard to hide the crime. He wakes up to find he's been thrown off the car somewhere in an Oregon logging camp, 2500 miles from home. A curly-haired kid named Blaine finds Kurt and protects him from the people looking for him by hiding him in his cabin and teaching him how to survive. LIfe is again turned upside-down when they find their way back to Ohio to face new dangers and a different life. But in the end? Well, read on and see where this strange path leads.
Author's Notes: A million thanks to my sweet friend, idea fairy, and beta, Klainelove, for all of her inspiration and dedicated work in editing my story and having the balls to tell me when I'm wrong. I love you for it.To my friend Rosiecarr for giving me so much inspiration, not to mention the name of the story.To Klainefairytalelove for challenging me to try and live up to the impossibly high standards she imagines about me. Sorry, honey, I only wish they were true.Oh, and I can't forget: so much love for Michelle, LIsa, and Keryn for providing me with all the virtual hugs and care that an old lady could ever ask for. Thank you, my dear friends.
This is really the best. Love it so much!