Feb. 1, 2023, 8:34 a.m.
Feb. 1, 2023, 8:34 a.m.
With such a memorable first meeting, it can be no wonder that their future will be anything but ordinary. Or, a tale of how several lefts can eventually lead to a right. * The sequel to ‘Swipe’, featuring fourteen snap shots of Kurt and Blaine’s life following that fateful encounter. Now completely posted on Scarves and Coffee only, because I have no patience ;) Happy early Valentine's Day! ♡
Author's Notes: Welcome to Swipe's sequel! I wasn't planning to write this at first, but RockItMan and little_escapist over on Ao3 kickstarted the inspiration and well... Here we are! =D This fic is now complete! The last chapter was beta'd just last night, so I decided to upload all the remaining chapters and give Scarves and Coffee the exclusive preview while the people over at Ao3 still need to wait for daily updates ;) I could not have done this without the amazing quizasvivamos to bounce ideas off, cheer me on, beta the fic and just being a really awesome friend. I love you, Beth! ♡ Happy reading, my loves! ♡