Aug. 22, 2012, 9:59 a.m.
Aug. 22, 2012, 9:59 a.m.
A blizzard knocks out the power at the Hummel-Hudson household while Kurt and Blaine are watching TV. Or, "The first time Kurt and Blaine sleep together without sleeping together."Rating: PG (unless boys kissing offends your sensibilities)Warnings: Unbearable levels of adorablenessWord Count: ~2500
Author's Notes: So I wrote a drabble for a friend on Tumblr about six months ago, and yesterday I decided to add to it (because that's the kind of person I am) so here's the full thing! I posted this yesterday on here at like 2 AM but I managed to screw up the formatting or something and I decided to just delete the whole thing and start fresh, oops. Enjoy!