Sept. 19, 2012, 1:53 p.m.
Sept. 19, 2012, 1:53 p.m.
After the passing of his father, Pharaoh Kurt Hummel has taken over Egypt with his second in command, Finn. He is revered among the land for his god-like good looks, and is betrothed to the equally beautiful Quinn Fabray. Kurt has never been a fan of enslaving the Jews, but knows that it is the norm, and as Pharoah, if he were to try and change it, there would be an uprising. But what happens when a new shipment arrives, and the boy with the striking hazel eyes looks up at him? He isn't broken like all the others.
Author's Notes: Warnings: Slavery, religion-bashing, whipping descriptions, sexual content of the straight and gay persuasion (to come later), other warnings that will be posted at the start of each chapter. Pairings: Klaine endgame, One-sided Kuinn (Kurt/Quinn), Hiram/Leroy, mild future Puckleberry, past Hiram/Shelby, Leroy/Shelby friendship, Anderberry siblings, One-sided Finchel (extremely mild)