Aug. 11, 2012, 6:29 p.m.
Aug. 11, 2012, 6:29 p.m.
Part of the Hurricane 'verse. So maybe neither of them knows what they're doing half the time. Sometimes they tiptoe around each other because they don't know how to act, other times it's as easy as breathing. There are days when Blaine is more like a best friend than he is a boyfriend or whatever they are, and that's good, too. It's familiar, because that, at least, is how it's always been. Just like any other relationship, really. A series of drabbles varying in length and rating, as a follow up to Hurricane.
Author's Notes: Be sure to read Hurricane if you haven't already, because if you don't this fic will make exactly zero sense!Hey everyone! Feels great to be posting again. So as you may know,this will be a whole bunch of drabbles expanding on my previous WIP, "Hurricane". I can't promise consistent updates but I do have plenty of ideas (and I'm always open to prompts!) so I should be able to keep you entertained for a little while :) I hope you like it, thanks for reading! (I'll add the other characters that will appear in this fic as they appear.)All warnings from Hurricane still apply, but this is more about the aftermath than it is these specific issues. Even so, you can expect talk and flashbacks of self-harm, depression, panic attacks, alcoholism, and (minor, one time only, completely forgiven) domestic abuse.