Nov. 26, 2011, 2:11 p.m.
Nov. 26, 2011, 2:11 p.m.
Two years after Kurt and Blaine's messy divorce, Kurt finally wins full custody of their daughter after a long and painful battle. A week later, Blaine attempts suicide. He has no one else to turn to, and Kurt volunteers to take him in, believing that he can rehabilitate Blaine. The man he fell in love with is still in there, somewhere - he just has to figure out how to bring him back. The process, however, won't be easy for anyone.
Author's Notes: Warnings: Alcoholism, brief mentions of one-time domestic abuse (the only explicit instance will be in a in a flashback in chapter two), depression, and in later chapters attempted suicide (but no character death). If any of these things are triggering for you please don't read, I don't want to upset anybody. And if I missed a trigger, or another one appears somewhere along the line (lol let's make all the characters miserable!!1!) let me know and I'll add it to the warnings. A/N: Both titles (of the 'verse and the chapters themselves) are from Florence + The Machine songs, as her music has been my biggest inspiration for writing this. (I chose Hurricane because the song Hurricane Drunk reminds me of the Blaine of this verse.) Since this has no end that I can see at the moment, I'll be updating this as I feel like it, when I feel like it - whenever I have a scenario in my head for the v'erse that I want to write. I want to try to make each piece a standalone thing, too, but we'll see how that goes. Maybe no one else will be interested in this, but it won't stop bugging me, so I wanted to get it written. Also, I apparently can't go for long without writing heartbreaking angst. I wonder what that says about me.If anyone has constructive criticism to give for this or anything else I post, I'm always open to it!
amazing - epic too good for words!
Amazing story.
Excellent!!!! My favorite so far!
I don't know why this wasn't in my favorites from the first chapter. Excellent writing, wonderful story. I love all the complex emotions portrayed.
I love Little Numbers, but Little Numbers have got so much credits, and it's all over Tumblr, Twitter & DeviantArt........ And why isn't this one?! I mean, it's the best fanfiction I've ever read! This Fanfiction has made me cry and smile, and made placeses in my lower body temple and beat... umh, ANYWAYS! It's so fantastic, and I wish every single Klainer in the entire world would read it... I've shared it to my twitter and Tumblr, 'cause asåerokwsal it's amazing omfg. Keep up the good work, hopefully I'll get as addicted to other works of yours... And with addicted... I mean, addicted ~ Since I found the story, I've read it in school, while eating breakfast, while drying my hair, read it out to the middle of the night, not getting any sleep.... cause ohmgawd this story.......
Love it!!!
Lovely ♥
Oh good lord, you are so fantastic. I'm a bit of a masochist, so all of the Blangst and depression and just everything that makes my heart clench so painfully and god, this is just beautiful. You made me sob so many times throughout this. I am really looking forward to the finale. Bravo.
Omg.. I'm in love with this story
Really enjoying this story - but I have a feeling it's going to be heartbreaking!!! Thanks for a great read.
You're amazing, omg