Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
Kurt and Blaine might have met in a rather inauspicous way, both scarred by past choices and insecurities. But eventually they become each other's biggest support and best friend. As their relationship developes, a deep love for one another unfolds as well. These stories chronical the evolution of their friendship and then romance. AU Future!fic series in which Kurt never met Blaine in high school, never went to Dalton, and never got to move to New York because Burt got sick again. In this universe, Blaine is a sophomore in college (yes, older than Kurt). He quit the Warbler's his senior year, which is how he and Kurt do not recognize or know each other. There are some some difficult themes and topics in this verse, but if you are patient engouh to get to the last story (Ghosts), you'll get a happy and loving ending!
Sometimes, Blaine isn't all that sure how present he is, how alive he is in a life he seems to be watching instead of living. How he can continue to justify staying in a relationship that makes him unhappy. Until the night he spots a beautiful stranger in a night club and feels a spark of something; something that's almost like living again. Disclaimer: I don't own Glee. A fact that depresses me daily.
When Kurt had dreamed of New York, he had dreamt big, in true Kurt Hummel fashion. He'd make it on Broadway, moving on and leaving every last lingering piece of Ohio behind. He'd shake the dust of a small town from his clothes and just be. Of course, it hadn't worked out that way; not any part of his dreams. He could wait for bigger, for better, for shinier. But he couldn't wait through this. The loneliness, the aching for something, anything, that would make him feel less solitary and unknowable.