Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
During the posting of Angel in a Red Vest, popcltrgeek suggested doing drabbles, shorts, etc., from Adrian's point of view. I loved the idea. This is that series, in constant state of updating. While it's not necessary to have read Angel in a Red Vest first, it'd be helpful especially since you have no idea who Adrian is, and I tend to refer back to the main story in little sneaky ways.
In this Allegory from Adrian, we arrive on the scene Christmas Evening a few years into the future. Adrian is now 13 years old and a little more grown-up than we saw him last.
The third in a series from the Angel in a Red Vest verse.In this Allegory from Adrian, we are still within the timeframe of our main story, just a few weeks past our previous tale. In other words, it's Halloween and Adrian has plans, regardless of what's been going on in the lives of the grown-ups around him.
The first in a series of shorts from the Angel in a Red Vest verse.It's four years since we left our handsome trio. Adrian catches us up on his new life a little and then lets us peek in on a moment in the life. A moment Kurt and Blaine would probably just as soon he keep to himself.
The second in a series of shorts in the Angel in a Red Vest verse.In this Allegory from Adrian, we are still within the timeframe of our main story. Burt has been hospitalized and they are all still living in Lima, Ohio. And Blaine plans a diversion from Kurt's constant stress level while Adrian shares the tale for Nana. And us.