Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
A collection of stories centered around the Anderson Kingdom and their children.
The Royal family has never had a problem securing their claim to the throne. That was until now. The King and Queen have been unable to bear any children passed their only son, Blaine. Now when their reign is threatened by other Nobel families that declare their family as weak, they turn to the one way they know that will show everyone their family line has not ended. Having their son marry and produce a strong line of heirs.
You are cordially invited to attend the ball to celebrate the marriage of Prince Timothy Anderson and Lord Richard Sterling. How will the family deal with the upcoming wedding while there is bullying going on between the siblings and Blaine is having trouble letting his precious babies grow up. -Sequel to Wont Tell Anyone