Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
Kurt's high school years at NYADA - New York's Premier Performing Arts High School.
When the bullying gets worse toward the end of 8th grade, Burt enrolls Kurt at NYADA - New York's Premier Performing Arts High School. But being safe from the bullies doesn't mean there won't be anymore drama in Kurt's life. Boarding School!Klaine, Meddling Sebastian and Chandler and the trio infernal - Quinn, Santana and Brittany. Guest appearances by the Warblers and the rest of New Directions.
After Burt finally makes the decision about Kurt's future, Kurt and Blaine have to overcome new obstacles - as a couple and on their own. While Blaine has to figure out his college plans and deal with a new rival, Kurt gains an admirer in freshman Adam. As much as he wanted a quiet sophomore year, Kurt doesn't get what he asked for. Season 2 of NYADA.