Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
Kurt Hummel's parents divorced when he was nine and while he stayed with his mother in Ohio, his father moved to Texas. Their relationship is strained over the next couple of years until a tradegy happens and Kurt has to move in with his father and new stepfamily. A father who has never understood him, a father who is homophobic. Klaine in later chapters of the first story: Oh father, where art though The sequel "Finding Home" is being written right now
AU: Burt and Elisabeth Hummel divorce shortly after Kurt's ninth birthday. Kurt stays with Elisabeth in Lima, while Burt moves to Texas. When Kurt is seventeen his mother dies and Burt, who has remarried, suddenly has to take care of a son he never really understood and deal with more than a few surprises along the way. Homophobic Burt and Finn. Klaine in later chapters.
Welcome to Finding Home, the sequel to Oh Father, where art thou? It's Kurt's senior year at McKinley and now that he and his father are finally getting along, it's going to be magical. Right?