Dec. 7, 2013, 6 p.m.
Dec. 7, 2013, 6 p.m.
Sequel to We're In This Together, Or Not At All. Blaine has his first ultrasound where he and Kurt get to see their baby for the first time. While he's excited to be having a baby, Blaine has reservations about telling people that he's pregnant and Kurt understands, so he agrees not to tell anyone yet, but what happens when Burt and Carole find Kurt's copy of the ultrasound DVD?
So now Burt and Carole know, next is Mr. and Mrs. Anderson! :)
-Krystal :) x
Kurt couldn't believe how fast time was flying by. It seemed like just yesterday that Blaine had told him he was pregnant and now here they were sitting in the doctor's office for his first ultrasound. Blaine was now ten weeks pregnant and he has just started showing, which Kurt is excited about, but Blaine on the other hand isn't. They still haven't told anyone about the pregnancy because every time Kurt mentions telling their parents at least, Blaine gets extremely upset. He's afraid of what everyone will think when they find out, even though Kurt has told him countless times that male carriers are quite common. Kurt understands Blaine's worries, but he wants to tell people. He just wants their baby to be happy and healthy, he doesn't care what anyone else thinks, it's his family, not theirs.
“Okay boys, here's those DVDs you asked for. Do you have anymore questions for me before I let you go?” Doctor Lee asked, pulling her chair closer to the bed Blaine was laying on.
“When will we have to schedule the c-section? Is that something we'll do closer to the due date?” Kurt asked. It was something he and Blaine had talked about a lot since they found out about the pregnancy.
“Yes, that's something we'll do once we get closer to the due date. There's a chance that Blaine could go into labour naturally, ideally we would like to have the c-section before that happens, labour pains aren't fun, especially for male carriers who don't have the proper body parts to give birth naturally.”
“And you said my due date is December 10th?” Blaine spoke up, wanting to be sure he had gotten the information right.
“Yep. You could have the baby earlier or later than that date, but December 10th is when your full nine months will be up.”
“Do you have anymore questions Blaine?” Kurt asked, helping Blaine off the bed, smiling as his hand ran over the small bump of Blaine's stomach.
“No, I don't think so, not right now anyway.” Blaine grimaced as he stood up. His back has been hurting a lot since he got pregnant, he knows it's just his body adjusting to him being pregnant, but it's been causing him a lot of sleepless nights.
“Alright then, I'll see you boys soon then. If you need to get in touch with me for anything you have my number.” Doctor Lee smiled as she led them back out to the main area of the clinic.
“Thanks again Doctor Lee.” Kurt shook her hand before turning back to help Blaine towards the door.
“I'm just doing my job, you boys take care of yourselves and that baby.”
“We will.” Kurt called over his shoulder as he walked Blaine out to the Navigator and helped him get in.
“You know I'm not helpless right?” Blaine asked with no real bite to his words, he's far too exhausted to turn down Kurt's help.
“Yes I do know you're not helpless, but I also know how even simple tasks like getting into the car can wear you out.” Kurt said, patting Blaine's knee before shutting the door and moving around to the drivers side. “Do you want to get something to eat or do you just want me to take you home?”
“Home, as long as you'll stay with me for a while.”
“Of course I'll stay. We can put the DVD in of the ultrasound and just relax, that sound okay?”
“Yeah, I'd like that.” Blaine said, smiling to himself. “Can you believe it? We're having a baby.”
“I know, it's crazy.” Kurt said as he pulled out of the clinic parking lot.
“Good crazy or bad crazy?”
“Good. Definitely good.”
They fell into a comfortable silence, neither of them spoke when they pulled into Blaine's empty driveway, his parents both away for work. They didn't speak as they walked up the stairs to Blaine's room. They didn't speak as Kurt sat up Blaine's laptop so they could watch their baby's sonogram while they rested. They sat in silence for almost two hours, both completely in awe as they watched the DVD, they're having a baby, that little black and grey blob on the screen is their son or daughter.
Kurt was the one to break the silence. “Blaine honey, are you asleep?”
“No, I'm just- that's our baby Kurt.”
“I know. It's amazing isn't it?” Kurt smiled, kissing the top of Blaine's head.
“I'm glad you're here, helping me with this. I don't know what I'd do without you.” Blaine admitted, cuddling as close to Kurt as he could.
“You're having my baby Blaine, like I've told you before, we're in this together.”
“I love you Kurt.” Blaine whispered, half hoping Kurt wouldn't hear him. They hadn't made it to the ‘I love you' stage of their relationship yet, they'd just started officially dating about a month ago.
“I love you too Blaine, and our baby.” Kurt placed his hand over Blaine's stomach, rubbing softly. “You know we're going to have to start telling people soon right? You won't be able to hide this forever.”
“Do we have to talk about this right now?”
Kurt sighed, he thought that maybe after seeing the baby, Blaine would be less afraid of telling people. “No, we don't have to talk about it right now, but we will soon. We can't avoid it forever.”
“I know, but right now I just want to sleep.” Blaine yawned, curling into Kurt.
“Okay honey, get some rest, I'll be here when you wake up.”
“I promise.”
A week had past since the ultrasound and Kurt was pretty sure he was going crazy. All he wanted to do after seeing his baby for the first time was tell people about it. He wanted to shout to the world that he was going to be a dad, that his boyfriend was having his baby, but Blaine still wasn't ready to tell people. So like the good, supportive boyfriend he is, Kurt hasn't said a word, not even when his dad and Carole keep asking him why he's so happy all the time.
“Alright ladies, hit the showers!” Coach Sue yelled through her megaphone. Kurt just rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag, heading straight for the doors. He hated showering at school, so he usually just waited until he got home. Throwing his bag into the back seat of his Navigator, Kurt sent Blaine a text letting him know he was on his way home from practice and he'd call him later. Tonight was family dinner night so he wasn't allowed to go to Blaine's. Maybe once they tell their parents, Blaine will be allowed to come over for family dinner since he's carrying Kurt's baby. That was the thought on Kurt's mind as he pulled into the driveway, shocked to see his dad's truck parked next to Carole's car, he wasn't due home for another hour or so.
Worried that something was wrong, Kurt hurried inside. “Dad, Carole?”
“In here kiddo.” Burt called from the living room.
“What's going on, is everything okay?” Kurt asked, noticing the seriousness
on both his dad and Carole's faces.
“Why don't you sit down sweetie, your dad and I have something we need to talk to you about.” Carole nodded to the chair across from the couch she and Burt were sitting on.
“Okay, what's-”
“Before we start, I just want you to know that we didn't invade your privacy so don't think we did.” Burt said, taking his ball cap off and placing it on the arm of the couch.
“Okay, Dad you're scaring me, what-”
“I was cleaning in here today and when I pulled the cushions off the couch to clean under them, I found this.” Carole held up a DVD case so Kurt could see it. “I thought it was a game that Finn had filmed and left on the couch, so I put it in the player to check. It's not a game though, it's a sonogram.”
Kurt felt his heart drop. He'd been carrying the DVD with him wherever he went so his parents wouldn't find it. It must have fallen out last night when he and Blaine were doing homework on the couch.
“I asked Finn about it, but he swore it wasn't his, and I know it's not mine or your dad's, so that leaves you.”
“Is it your's Kurt?” Burt asked, thinking he already knew the answer by the expression on Kurt's face.
“I-it's mine, yes. Well actually it's Blaine's but- that's my copy. It must have fallen out of my bag last night.
“What do you mean it's Blaine's?”
“I-I- Blaine-” Kurt took a deep breath to calm him nerves. He has to tell them now, he can't lie about it. “Blaine's pregnant, he's a carrier. We hooked up before we got together, he found out that he's pregnant not long after that.”
“How far along is he?” Carole asked.
“Eleven weeks now, that's from his first sonogram last week.” Kurt pointed to the DVD that Carole was still holding.
“Why didn't you say anything before kiddo?” Burt asked.
“Blaine wasn't- isn't- ready to tell people. He's worried about what everyone will say once they find out.”
“Do his parents know?”
“No, not yet. Please don't tell them, Blaine and I will tell them when he's ready.” Kurt looked at his father pleadingly.
“We won't say anything to them, but you boys are going to have to tell them eventually.”
“We will.” Kurt sighed, some of his worry disappearing. “Does this mean you're not mad?”
“Well I'm not thrilled, you're still in high school and you're going to be a dad, but I can't change it, so I'm going to do what I've always done. I'm going to love you and support you, no matter what. That baby is my grandkid, I'll help you boys anyway I can.”
“Thank you Dad. I love you.” Kurt smiled brightly, moving to hug his dad.
“I love you too kiddo, and you tell Blaine that Carole and I feel no different towards him, he's welcome here anytime.”
“I will Dad.” Kurt took the DVD and went upstairs to call Blaine. He knew Blaine would be upset about this, but maybe, knowing that Burt and Carole had handled the news well, will give Blaine the strength to tell his parents.