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I Think I Love You

AU where Blaine is straight... or is he? What happens when he walks in on Kurt in the locker room in the shower?

E - Words: 2,704 - Last Updated: Jan 23, 2013
2,440 1 11 4
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, General, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

Author's Notes: My first ever Straight!Blaine fic. Also my first ever sex(ish) fic. Hopefully it's not crap. Basically Blaine is straight and he walks in on Kurt taking a shower in the McKinley High locker room... stuff happens.

Kurt hated P.E. he never understood why it was a requirement all four years of high school. Personally, he'd rather be in home ec. learning how to bake a cake than working up a sweat attempting to play sports.

He usually waits until everyone has cleared out of the locker rooms before taking a shower, he learned the hard way that he was not welcomed to shower with the "jocks". Today was no different, everyone else had left, leaving Kurt alone in the horribly smelly locker room.

He sighed as the warm water pelted his back. It had been a long and very stressful day, he had two tests to study for, a song to prepare for Glee club and Friday night dinner to get ready for with his dad, Carole and Finn. Then there was the usual, everyday harassment he received from the non-glee jocks, they had made today extra special by not only giving Kurt a blueberry slushie facial, but by making sure he was slammed into the nearest wall or locker every time they passed him in the hallway. Finn and Puck had tried to put an end to the bullying a couple months ago, but that had just made it worse, so they agreed to quit trying to help. Kurt just held on to his dreams of making it out of Lima, out of Ohio, to the bright lights of Broadway where he could just be himself.

"Just one more year and it'll all be over." Kurt said out loud, sighing as he turned off the shower which had gone cold. The hot water never lasted long in this place.

"What the hell are you doing in here Hummel, trying to find a guy to convert?" Blaine Anderson, the quarter back of the football team, the most popular guy in school and also the main reason behind all the crap Kurt had to deal with on a daily basis asked as he walked into the locker room.

"Of course, that's exactly what I'm doing Anderson. Why don't you just walk away and let me get out of here so I can get dressed and leave you to whatever meathead thing you were going to do." Kurt snapped, he hated Blaine with a passion. On his first day to McKinley, Blaine made sure Kurt knew exactly who was in charge by giving him a slushie facial and locking him in the janitors closet for two whole periods. 

"I'm not going anywhere Hummel, I won't be pushed out of here by the likes of your fairy ass." Blaine sneered, not moving away from standing directly in front of the shower door. If Kurt wanted out, he'd have to walk out right in Blaine's eyesight. Blaine felt a rush of something run through his body at that thought, shaking it off as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. "What, are you afraid to get out with me standing here?"

"No, I just- you wouldn't be kind enough to hand me that towel would you?" Kurt asked, already knowing the answer.

"What do you think Hummel. So are you just going to stand there all day or are you going to get out so I can get on with my life?" The idea of Kurt naked and wet sent a chill up Blaine's spine, what was going on, why was his body acting like that?

"Why don't you move away, or turn around or something, I really don't feel comfortable being naked around you, especially with you looking." Kurt noticed the way Blaine's eyes darkened when he said that, it confused him, Blaine wouldn't be turned on by him mostly because he isn't gay, but also because they hated each other.

Blaine couldn't help the way his body was reacting to Kurt being naked and only a shower wall between them. He didn't understand why it was happening, but Blaine knew exactly what it was. He was getting turned on by the thought of a very naked ad wet Kurt Hummel. "Fine, I'll walk over here, is that better?" He moved across the room and turned his back to Kurt.

"Yes, thank you." Kurt sighed in relief, he really didn't want to stay in the shower any longer, he was cold and just wanted to get out of there. He had barely gotten out when Blaine turned around.

"I'm sorry I-"


They both started speaking at the same time. Kurt grabbed the towel that was laying on the bench and hastily pulled it in front of him, trying to hide as much skin as possible.

Blaine couldn't stop staring at Kurt, he'd never seen anything or anyone as beautiful as Kurt. He couldn't stop the groan that left his mouth or the way his eyes closed slightly. He just wanted to pound his head against the wall, there was no way in hell he could ever be attracted to Kurt Hummel. He isn't gay, and Kurt, well he is beautiful. Blaine just wanted to reach out and touch him.

"What the fuck Blaine!" Kurt was livid, and also confused, the saw the reaction Blaine had to seeing him naked and it was confusing the shit out of him.

I'm sorry I just- Look I- Shit!" Blaine sat down on the bench, far enough away from Kurt so he wouldn't be tempted to reach out and touch him. He ran his hands over his face like he was trying to wipe it off.

"Blaine, what's-"

"You, you're- I'm so confused right now. My body is reacting like it's attracted to you, and I have no fucking clue why." Blaine didn't dare look up at Kurt, instead he focused his attention on the ground.

"I'm going to get dressed, then maybe I can help you figure this out?" Kurt was afraid that he'd overstepped by adding that last part.

"No." Blaine growled, literally growled as he pushed himself off the bench and grabbed Kurt's face in his hands. He gave Kurt a pleading look, as if to ask him what to do, Kurt just looked terrified that Blaine was going to hurt him, so Blaine did what his mind and body both seemed to want, he kissed him.

Kurt couldn't believe this was actually happening, Blaine Anderson was kissing him. He waited as long as he could before he gave in and melted into the kiss, Blaine must have noticed because as soon as he gave in, Blaine moved to deepen the kiss. Kurt didn't hesitate this time, he opened his mouth to Blaine's letting Blaine's tongue explore his mouth. He really wanted to pull Blaine closer, but that would require dropping the towel and leaving him very naked in from of a confused and very much dressed Blaine, but it didn't stop the moans that were escaping from his throat. He'd never been kissed before, and he never dreamed his first kiss would be like this.

Blaine pulled back suddenly and Kurt froze, this was it, Blaine was going to freak out. "Kurt I- God I need- can I-" Blaine couldn't get the words out, he needed more, Kurt's mouth tasted amazing, he was still confused, but his body was acting on it's own.

"What? What do you want Blaine? Tell me." Kurt maneuvered the towel so he was holding it in one hand and brought the other one up to cup Blaine's cheek, feeling a slight stubble that Kurt could help but want to run his lips over.

"You, I want- I need, God Kurt I want to-" The words still weren't coming out so Blaine moved closer and rolled his hips into Kurt's, his erection pressing ino Kurt's, causing them both to moan.

"Blaine, I-I-"

"Wanna suck you, can I, please Kurt, please." Blaine had never heard himself sound so needy, but he was too far gone to care, all he knew in that moment was he needed to feel Kurt, he need to taste him, to touch him.

"Blaine." Kurt moaned, rocking his hips into Blaine's, he'd never done anything sexual, he'd tried masturbating once, but he ended up so embarrassed that he never tried it again.

"Please Kurt, I need you. I need to feel you." Blaine was desperate, he'd never wanted anything more than he wanted to suck Kurt off until he came down his throat. He'd never been this turned on in his life.

"God Blaine, you can't just- yes, God yes, Blaine please." Kurt gave in, his cock was so hard that is was started to be painful, he needed something and the thought of the pretty boy jock in front of him, on his knees, sucking him off just made it worse, Kurt needed it.

Blaine immediately fell to his knees, pulling the towel from Kurt's grasp. He wasted no time in taking Kurt completely in his mouth, he wasn't in the mood for teasing, he needed to feel the weight of Kurt's hard, leaking cock in his mouth.

"Ahh, Blaine." Kurt's hands found Blaine's hair, gripping tight, not even paying attention to the helmet of gel Blaine always wears.

Blaine felt like he'd died and gone to heaven, Kurt tasted perfect, he felt perfect, like his cock was designed just for Blaine's mouth. Blaine pulled off long enough to speak. "God Kurt, you taste amazing."

"D-don't stop Blaine, please." Kurt let out a choked sob, he was so close, he just needed a little push over the edge.

Blaine had never sucked a cock in his life, but he could tell that Kurt was close and that just turned him on even more. He needed Kurt to come, he needed to taste him, so he slowly moved his hand up to dip into Kurt's crack. That's all it took before Kurt was coming down Blaine's throat with no warning, yelling out his name.

Blaine continued to work Kurt through his orgasm, pulling off only after he was sure he'd gotten every drop.

Kurt fell to the ground, exhausted, he'd never experienced anything as mind-numbing as that.

"Wow, that was- wow." Kurt said, breathing hard.

"Yeah, wow." Was all Blaine could say, he was too distracted by Kurt. He took the time Kurt was taking to recover to actually look at Kurt. He really was beautiful, his skin was perfect and smooth, he was slim, but there were muscles there, Blaine could see them starting to show. His face was perfect, his jawline was harsh and more defined than Blaine had ever seen in anyone, his eyes were a mixture of blue, green, and gray, almost like the ocean. That's when it hit Blaine, he liked Kurt, he was attracted to Kurt. He couldn't even remember when he first started noticing there was something different about Kurt, that's why he started bullying him, because he was afraid of what he was starting to feel.

"Blaine, are, are you going to freak out?" Kurt asked, his breathing returning to normal, he felt a little uncomfortable being completely naked practically sitting in Blaine Anderson's lap.

"Uh, well, I guess it depends on your definition of freaking out, but no, I don't think so." Blaine looked Kurt in the eye, seeing how uncomfortable and scared Kurt looked. "Why don't you get dressed, then maybe we can talk?"

"Ye-yeah, sure, sounds good." Kurt stood up and grabbed his clothes. He hurriedly put them on, trying not to look over at Blaine who had moved back to the bench. "Um, okay, I'm done."

"Oh my God, Kurt Hummel is wearing sweats, I never thought I'd see this day." Blaine joked, he really was shocked though Kurt was known for his crazy outfits.

"Shut up Anderson, they're comfortable and way easier to get on than my jeans. So um, where are we going to talk, here or-"

"I like you Kurt, like I really like you. I think I knew the first time I saw you but I was scared and confused so I tormented you. I didn't want to think about what it all meant, so I chose to bully you. I'm sorry I did that Kurt, I shouldn't have and I understand if you hate me, I know I would if I were you, but I really am sorry and-

"Blaine, you're rambling." Kurt couldn't hide the smile that spread over his face. He'd never noticed how cute Blaine was, he was always shoving Kurt into lockers or throwing slushies at him, so he never had a chance to really take in Blaine. Now that he had a chance, he noticed why all the girls wanted him. He was very good looking, his olive skin was smooth, his muscles were very visible, a result of the countless hours he has spent working out. His eyes were what caught Kurt though, they were a golden honey color and when he looked at Kurt, they would start shining like stars.

"S-sorry, I just-"

"Blaine, are you gay?"


"You heard me, are you gay?" Kurt needed to hear him say it, this was a very important moment.

"I-I, I think so. I know that I like you, like a lot. I'm attracted to you Kurt, does that make me gay" Blaine didn't know what to say, he just knew he couldn't deny what he was feeling for Kurt.

"Not necessarily no, but do you think you're gay?"

"Maybe, I- yes." Blaine gave up, he knew he couldn't lie right now, not to Kurt, not after what just happened.

"You don't have to be scared Blaine, you don't even have to come out, but you do need to be honest with yourself. That's step number one." Kurt smiled at Blaine, hesitating only a second before bringing his hand up to cup Blaine's jaw.

"I'm gay, and I think I might be falling in love with you Kurt Hummel. How's that for honest?" Blaine had never been more nervous waiting for a response, what if Kurt didn't like him, what if he ran away, what if he told everyone.

"That's great, and just for the record because you're thinking so loudly, I do like you, I'm not going anywhere, and I most certainly will not tell anyone. I would never out anyone, ever, so don't worry." Kurt was mentally freaking out, Blaine Anderson said he might be falling in love with him.

"Thank you, I- thank you." Blaine didn't know what else to say.

"You're welcome Blaine. Did you mean it?" Kurt needed to know.

"Mean what? That I might be falling in love with you?

"Yeah." Kurt held his breath, waiting for Blaine to answer.

"Yeah, I meant it. I think I started falling in love with you when I first met you, and now I'm finally letting myself feel it, and to be honest, it feels pretty damn good." Blaine smiled, he really did feel like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.

"I don't want to push you, but is that your way of asking me out?" Kurt asked, half playful, half serious.

"If it was, what would you say?"

"Hmmm, I think I'd have to say, yes." Kurt laughed seeing Blaine let out a sigh of relief. "This isn't going to be easy, especially if you don't come out, but I promise to be there with you, to help you every step of the way." Kurt took Blaine's face in his hands, forcing him to look at him.

"I want to, come out I mean. I know it's going to be hell, but I don't want to hide what I feel for you. Just in this amount of time, you've made me feel happier than I've been in years."

"I'll be here, you won't have to deal with it alone." Kurt smiled, pulling Blaine into a hug.

"Thank you Kurt, really. I'm so sorry for everything I've done-"

Shh... No, you've already apologized, it's done. What do you say we get out of here. I hare locker rooms, they smell awful." Kurt turned his nose up, causing Blaine to laugh.

"Yeah that sounds good. We could go back to my place and just hang out, my parents are away on business, we can order pizza and watch movies, but only if you want to, I-"

"I'd love to Blaine." Kurt smiled, holding his hand out for Blaine to take and he took it without any hesitation.

They knew this wasn't going to be easy, there would be days when they'd almost give up, but they'd think back to this moment and remember that they had made it this far, they couldn't give up, not now, not ever.




End Notes: So yeah, there you have it. Hopefully it wasn't too bad.Let me know what you thought. I'd like to keep writing straight!Blaine fics.-Krystal :) x


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Thank you so much! :D

Congratulations, awesome story!

OMG thank you so much!!! :D I'm working on some more straight!blaine stuff so maybe I'll add on to this one sometime :)


Thank you! :D-Krystal :) x

Loved it :)

ur welcome

That was fucking amazing! And extremely hot :)

Thank you so much :D -Krystal :) x

Hmm.. I've never thought about doing a verse before... but maybe I should.. :) Thanks for the idea! And I'm glad you liked it!!! :D-Krystal :) x

Wooooo this is amazing you should do a verse 'cause I loooove straight!Blaine >_<