July 6, 2013, 5:49 p.m.
July 6, 2013, 5:49 p.m.
AU in which Kurt and Blaine never meet in Ohio. Oneshot. 1K.Two years after moving to New York, Santana pushes Kurt to go get a boyfriend at the lonely hearts club.
"Oh my god Santana, no. Just, no."
"Excuse you, Hummel. See, I am being an absolute sweetheart to you, and this is what I get in return? Please. We've been out of Lima for two years, you're turning 21 soon and you've never had a boyfriend. I've had more experience with men than you, and I don't even like them. You're so pathetic, I would suggest becoming a nun."
After a moment of silence, Kurt looked at her with exasperated eyes.
"Okay, but I'm only going so you can stop constantly mocking me. You know, the average age there will be like, 40. Chances are, if I do find anyone there, they'll be some 30 year-old sociopath living in their mother's basement and playing Starcraft."
"Shut up! Give it a shot. You never know" she snapped.
She was now standing, looking far more involved in the situation than she should.
"Listen up you asshole. I, for some bizarre reason, care about you and Rachel. You guys gave me a home when I first moved here, even if I was kind of a bitch to you guys in high school. Seeing you alone all the time looks so depressing, I feel like stabbing a fork in my eye. So you're going to this club and you're gonna meet another guy. You're happy, I'm happy. Clear?
Kurt was speechless.
"Fine. I'll go, but no promises"
Santana had a huge grin of excitement.
Oh my God, why am I doing this?
The 20 year-old tossed a few bills at the cab driver. The meeting was held in Brooklyn, and honestly, walking in this weather would've been a pain in the ass. The cold, dark November skies covered the city again. Kurt's coat was gorgeous, but definitely not made for cold days like these. His teeth were chattering as he walked over to the address on his paper. Upon arriving at the doors, he hesitated. He didn't even want to come here in the first place. Plus, if he did meet anyone here, he would have to endure Santana showing off that she was right. Although, to be honest, she wasn't entirely wrong. Kurt was lonely, and he did want a boyfriend. Aside from Adam, who was so nice but there just wasn't any sparks, he's never dated anyone. He sat on the freezing steps in front of the building, contemplating how to convince Santana that he did go to the meeting, but he didn't see anyone interesting. Hell, he could even say that no one gay was there. She can't say anything to that. Kurt stopped daydreaming when he heard noise coming from his left, down the street.
"Wes, you are so going to pay for this. I told you, I'm fine being single, really." the stranger said to his phone.
Kurt chuckled a bit when he realized that they were probably in similar situations. The other man sat on the steps, visibly planning to stay there for a while.
"Yeah, I'm walking in right now. They want us to turn off our phones, I'll see you soon."
The stranger shut off his phone and sighed. Noticing Kurt who was staring at him, he smiled.
"Pushed into this by a friend?" he asked.
"Exactly. I have absolutely no desire to go in. You?"
"Same. She's convinced that I'm depressed."
The man chuckled lightly. His laugh was nice, Kurt noticed.
"I'm Blaine, by the way."
"So, how long have you been in New York?"
"I actually moved here right after I graduated from high school. So that would make it two years."
"In that case, you must be about 20?"
"I'm turning 21 in a few months, but yeah. Did you grow up here?"
"I wish. I grew up in Westerville, in Ohio but I moved here to study at NYU three months ago."
"Seriously? I'm from Lima! I moved here to study at NYADA."
Blaine smiled.
"I guess people get sick of Ohio rather quickly." he said.
"Indeed. Wait, you've only been here for a few months, so you're practically a tourist."
"Rude!" Blaine joked, putting his hand on his heart and looking offended.
A small moment of silence settled between them, but for some odd reason, it wasn't uncomfortable.
"What are you studying?" Blaine asked.
"Musical theatre with my best friend."
"You know, I almost went in that program."
"Really? I didn't think you would be the kind of guy that would be into theatre."
"I am. I played Tony in a production of West Side Story back in Ohio."
"My best friend played Maria once. Does the name Rachel Berry ring a bell?"
Blaine looked lost in his thoughts.
"Is she really tiny?"
"Yeah, that's probably her."
Kurt recalled a vague memory of Rachel talking to him about her co-star. If he remembered right, she asked him out but he politely declined. Kurt couldn't remember why though.
"I think she asked me out once."
"If I may, why did you say no?" Kurt couldn't resist, the curiosity was too big.
"Um, I'm gay."
Well that was unexpected, Kurt thought. He should've realized it earlier. No straight guy has a bow tie like that.
"Pardon me?"
"Oh, nothing. It's just that I am too."
Another silence settled between them. Kurt turned around to see people exiting the building.
"Hey Kurt?" Blaine said.
"CanIhaveyournumber?" he blurted out.
"Yes!" Kurt said, far too enthusiastically.
He took a pen from his pocket and wrote the number in Blaine's palm. They both stood up and looked around.
"I think I should go home now."
"Me too. Um, we can go grab coffee sometime."
"Yeah" Kurt smiled.
Kurt slowly walked towards an available cab, before turning around to look at Blaine, who was walking away in the other direction.
Maybe the lonely hearts club wasn't that inefficient.