Cyclone Give Kudos Bookmark Comment


A drabble that was asking to be written down.Kurt is a child in the Fabray plantator family who own a lot of plantations in Mauritius.Blaine is the only child in the Anderson sugar buisness.When the two families meet to contemplate buisness, the two boys are also introduced to each other.One day, a cyclone strikes and while the families take refuge in the house, they find that Kurt is missing. Cue Blaine who runs out into the storm to find him. Even if it means spending a day or two in a cave behind a waterfall.

T - Words: 1,287 - Last Updated: Aug 22, 2015
572 0 0 0
Categories: AU,
Tags: hurt/comfort,

Author's Notes:

I hope you enjoyed it and if more development of the verse is welcome, then just tell me and Ill hopefully write another oneshot or two. Or maybe a fic, but Ill need someone to collab with on that. Sorry :-/

Have a klainetasitic day!

“Kurt!” Blaine exclaimed. The others looked at him like he had just tap danced on the table in his mother's underwear.

“Kurt is still out there somewhere!” he continued. The boy grabbed a hat and ran out of the house, not even bothering to close the door behind him.

The sky was covered in thick, dark clouds and barely any sunlight shone through. It felt like it was evening, though the hour was barely past midday. A heavy wind was already blowing, bending the palms in two and spitting gusts of dust at Blaine's face, trying to rip his clothes with its claws. Rare drops of rain fell down and splattered loudly on the plants around, a couple hitting Blaine square in the face. The boy still kept on running, never looking back. Down the steps, further down the path, a road he knew so well already and traveled calmly so many times. Of course, he didn't know that Kurt was there, but he hoped to find the boy hidden under the waterfall. Jumping over dead roots and stones, as the weather worsened, he reached the waterfall at once. He took a deep breath and ran through the heavy downpour of the water.

“B-blaine?” a meek voice asked.

“Kurt! Oh, thank heavens you're here!” Blaine exclaimed, moving deeper into the cave to find Kurt hidden under a blanket.

“I, I was about t-to leave when this huge boom rang out and the sirens went off and the wind started blowing and I got so scared Blaine,” Kurt rushed out, tearing up to the end of the sentence. Blaine walked closer to the boy and wrapped his arms around him. Kurt let his tears go, crying his heart, worries and fears out, until all his tears finished and he was left in Blaine's arms, sobbing. Blaine kept on patting the boy's back and whispering sweet nothings and reassurances into his ear.

“We can't go out there – the wind is too strong and it will start storming soon,” Kurt hiccupped, “the cyclones usually last only a day or two, though, so we will be out before you know it.”

The doubt in his voice was clear to Blaine, and as if to not upset him further, he gave the boy a smile and said, “we should make ourselves comfortable here then.”

The curly haired boy walked towards the wall of the cave, picking up the pillows that were scattered around the floor and fluffing them up, before putting them down in a nest formation. He then walked over to the lamp on the rock and lit it with a match that was nearby. Blaine plopped down on the pillows, patting the spot next to him. Kurt crawled over and sat down near him, wrapping himself deeper into the blankets. Blaine smiled lovingly at the boy and let him put his auburn haired head on his shoulder, dosing off.

The wind outside blew with an incredible force, making the house shudder. Everyone was in the living room, huddled together. Quinn was pacing from one side to the other, worried about her younger brother and Blaine. She looked out of the window to see nothing but walls of water and occasional thunder bolts. The sight didn't give her any hope.

Kurt awoke started by the thunder that was outside. He took a few seconds to remember where he was, but as soon as he did, he felt his heart beat faster and breathing labor. The shuffling and the discomfort of the boy woke Blaine up.

“Shh, it's okay, you're safe. The storm can't reach us,” he whispered, caressing the boy to try and calmed him down. The loving touch helped, and soon Kurt was breathing normally, but still shaking slightly from fear. Suddenly, his stomach growled.

“Hungry?” Blaine asked with a smile. Kurt looked away, blushing.

“Hey, it's okay. Let's see if we can find something to eat around here,” Blaine said, stood up and started searching. He found a half full cookie jar and an apple on the makeshift shelves and table. “Well, kind sir, seems that all we have now are cookies and an apple. Would you like to join me for a humble supper?”   

Kurt didn't need to be told twice – he stood up and clumsily waddled over to the place where Blaine was standing. Kurt's hair was disheveled, clothes messy and he was wrapped tightly in a blanket, creating the cutest sight that Blaine has ever seen. Kurt sat down and took a cookie, nibbling on it. Blaine took a cookie too and the two made quick work of half of the cookies. They weren't exactly full, but they decided to keep some just in case the cyclone would last for longer than a day. Kurt then shuffled towards the pillow nest and curled up, shivering. Blaine noticed that and laid down next to the boy, hugging him to provide him with a little of his own body heat. Truly, Blaine was cold – the cave was moist and cool on a hot summer day, and the cold showers outside didn't provide much heat either. Kurt noticed how cold Blaine's hands were and decided to share the blanket with him. He took it off, shivering as cold air hit his skin and wrapped half of it around Blaine. The two laid together, slotting perfectly like two puzzle pieces under a blanket as the wind roared outside. As soon as Kurt thought Blaine was asleep, he let out a quiet sob. He missed his sisters and brothers and would much rather be with them in the warmth of the house than out in a cave. With Blaine, but still. He swallowed his sobs when he felt the body next to him moving.

“Kurt,” Blaine whispered gently. Kurt let out a breath.

“Kurt, look at me.” The boy turned to find Blaine staring at him intensely.

“What's wrong?”

Kurt let a tear roll down his cheek.

“Make it go away Blaine. I just want to go home.”

Blaine thought for a moment and found an answer. Apologetically, he mumbled, “I think I know how to take your mind off of it. Do you trust me?”

Kurt gazed into his eyes, “yes, do anything. Please.”

“I'm sorry it happened like this.”

Before Kurt had a chance to ask Blaine what he meant, he felt the boy wrap his arms around his waist and lean in. Kurt closed his eyes, his senses heightening and becoming extra aware of the boy that was almost pressed flush against him. Then, suddenly, Blaine's lips were on his. Kurt stiffened, and was about to ask what Blaine was doing and whether it was right that he was doing it, but he felt the boy move his lips gently over his own. A sharp intake of breath followed as Kurt's mind emptied itself out and his senses went crazy. Kurt's lips seemed to have a life of their own – they molded and caressed Blaine's in a way that he could have never imagined doing. One of the boys let out a small noise, and then all around them became a blur, lips colliding and moving in ways that were just sinful, eliciting such feelings and bursts of pleasure that neither boy has ever experienced. The weather outside was forgotten and ignored. As long as they were doing what they were doing, Kurt had absolutely no fear or worry in the world.


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