Mr.Bear Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

April 30, 2012, 1:03 a.m.


Blaine hates his life at the orphanage. The only thing that gives him hope is his best friend Kurt.

K - Words: 1,012 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2022
1,031 0 1 0
Categories: Angst, AU,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: friendship,

Author's Notes: This was for day one of Klaine week: Children!Klaine

Blaine hates his life at the orphanage. Especially the “adults days”, like the children call them. He has to get up early, shower, suffer while Marie combs his hair, put on that not-fitting suit and stand still and force a smile. Those adults always pass him by, looking at him like an animal in a zoo. But they never take him home with them. No one wanted to adopt the petite boy with the messy hair. Blaine hates everything about his life at the orphan house. Well not everything. Blaine wakes up early on Adult day and slips out of his bed, tapping quietly out of the room he shared with three other boys. The hallway was still quiet. He walks along the gangway for a while until he reached the dining hall. “Kurt?” he whispers into the empty room. “Are you here?” No one answers him. “Kuurt!” he says louder. “Pss! Stay quiet!” A small figure appears behind the counter. Kurt climbs on top of it and sits down, his legs hanging down. “Have you slept well, Blainers?” Blaine smiles brightly and walks towards his best friend. He may hate the orphanage , but he loves his best friend. They had met two months ago. Kurt was taken away from his old family an brought here. On his first day he had hide in the dining hall, where Blaine had found him, crying. They had talked for a long time and Kurt had told him, that his parents don’t love each other anymore. So they fought and sometimes Kurts mum had slapped him. Blaine had hold him tight and gave him his favorite Teddy. “His name is Mr.Bear. He is my best friend, because I don’t have any friends here. But maybe, you could be my friend.” He had whispered shyly. “That would be nice.” Since that day, they’ve been best friends. They spend everyday together, played hide and seek and sometimes they played father, father and child. The other children used to call after them, insult them, but Kurt and Blaine don’t care. They have each other, nothing else matters. “Today is adult day.” Kurt says, helping Blaine to climb on the counter. “So? It’s not like anyone is going to take me with them.” Kurt smiles at him and runs his hand trough Blaine’s hair. “Don’t say that! One day a Mum and a Dad are going to adopt you. And your life will be awesome.” “Maybe,” Blaine whispers, ” maybe I don’t want to be taken away from here.” Kurt stares at him. “Why? You hate to be here.” “But you’re here.” They look at each other for a moment. Kurt doesn’t know what to say, so he simply takes Blaine’s hand. “We are going to be best friends forever, right?” “Right.”
“You know what to do, kids!” Their Caretaker, Marie, walks up and down the hallway, looking at the kids lined up on both sides. The girls are wearing dresses and bows in their hair, the boys are wearing their suits. Blaine shifts uncomfortably, looking at Kurt who was placed on the other side of the hallway. He was smiling happily and bounces on his feet. Blaine sights. He wants to stay next to him, hold his hand. They always hold hands when one of them is scared. Kurt holds Blaine’s hand after adults day, when no one has taken him to a new, better home. Blaine holds Kurt’s hand at night, when he can’t sleep because a thunderstorm is lighting up the sky. It makes them feel safe. Blaine looks at the girl standing next to him. Maybe he could hold her hand. He reaches out for her right hand, but as soon as his fingertips brushes the back of her hand, she glares at him and he pulls his hand away. The big bell rings and the front door opens. The director of the orphanage walks in, followed by several couples. They slowly walk down the hallway, starring at them. Blaine tries to smile, but he couldn’t. Kurt grins at him and gestures for him to smile, too. A couple stops in front of Kurt. A man with a vest and a baseball cap, bows down and looks at him. Please go on, please go on, Blaine prays inside his head. But he doesn’t.
 Half a hour later, Blaine sits next to Kurt on a chair in front of the directors office. “Maybe they will adopt both of us.” Kurt whispers and smiles at Blaine. “You- you think that’s possible?” “Of course it is.” The door opens and the director comes out. He stops in front of the boys and grins down at them. “Blaine, you can go to your room. Kurt, can you please come with me?” Kurt lets go of Blaine’s hand and walks towards the door.
Where was he? Blaine kicks his feet forwards and leans back on his elbows. He was sitting on their counter in the dining hall and Kurt still wasn’t there. Have they taken him with them? Was he gone? The door cracks open and Kurt slips in, carrying the Teddy, Blaine gave to him. He stops in front of the counter and looks at him. “Blaine, I have to go.” Blaine jumps down from the counter. He hugs Kurt tight and presses his face into his neck. Kurt pats his neck. “Don’t cry.” “What should I do without you?” Kurt presses the teddy against Blaine’s chest. “Take Mr. bear.” “No.” Blaine sobs, “He’s yours.” “You need him more.” Blaine looks down at the old Teddy he had bought with him from his old home. It looked used and somehow dirty. Blaine knows that Kurt had slept with him by his side every night. He loved Mr.Bear as much as Blaine used to. “Th- Thank you.” They’re silent for a moment, looking at each other. “Will we see each other again?” Kurt presses a kiss to Blaine’s lips and smiles. “One day we will meet again. I swear.” Then he’s gone and leaves Blaine alone with Mr.Bear.


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dhfkjhfdskfhdfI just keyslammed! ^I never keyslam unless I am amazed by something!This is amazing...You should like.... write more to it...