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Blaine's scared that he and Kurt will lose contact now they are only friends and Kurt is living in New York. Kurt reasures him.

K - Words: 676 - Last Updated: Jul 09, 2013
788 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: futurefic,

Author's Notes: Just a cute little drabble, hope you enjoyed reading:)

Kurt sighed, waiting for his favorite coffee shop to open. Yes he was up that early. Last night his sleep had been interrupted and restless, until he'd given up and got ready for the day ahead at quarter-to-five, even though he really had nothing planned. Though he took his sweet, sweet time, somehow he was ready at half five and had walked through the streets of New York just as the sun was starting to come up. An orange glow reflected off the windows of the towering buildings, making the city and almost empty streets look like they were on fire, even though the air was bitter cold.

He was currently stood outside and it was six O'clock, and he still had half an hour before he could stock up on caffeine to help him through the day. The odd person walked past, planning to get an early start on a the working day ahead, giving him a strange look as he lent against the wall by the door.

He pulled out his mobile, spinning it around in his hand for something to do. Suddenly it vibrated, blasting out a stupid phone default melody. He almost dropped it in shock, quickly scrambling to catch it before it hit the floor as it continued to ring.

Blaine's name flashed on the screen and he quickly lifted it to his ear.


"Kurt! Hey, Hi,"Blaine replied sounding exciting.

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. Kurt it's Blaine..."

Kurt laughed, "I know that hun, your ID showed up."

"Oh right...Of course," Kurt could tell Blaine was blushing just by the sound of his voice.

"Why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep, did I wake you? I'm sorry," Blaine panicked.

"No, no I couldn't sleep either," Kurt smiled.

"That's weird," Blaine mused, "Maybe we're connected somehow?"

"Yeah," Kurt agreed with a little chuckle.

"So how are you?"Blaine asked, sounding eager.

"A little tired but good," Kurt replied, glancing at his watch, "Is there any particular reason you called me so early in the morning?"

"No, no I was just wondering what you might be up to today?" Blaine admitted.

"At six?" Kurt scoffed.

"Umm, yeah. Is that a problem?" Blaine asked, a little unsure.

"No not a problem, I just wasn't expecting it. That's all," Kurt hummed lightly. "I don't have any classes today, so I'm just going to spend the day in The Big Apple."

"Ohh, I'm so jealous!" Blaine said in thethe same voice he always did when he was pouting.

"I might call Adam a bit later," Kurt continued, "Ask if he wants to go shopping."

"Oh," Blaine sounded defeated, "Are you guys official then?"

"No," Kurt shook his head, he sighed a little, "I don't really know what I'm doing to be honest...I just need to stop comparing everyone to you."


"So how about you?" Kurt asked, "What are you up to then?"

"Nothing as exciting as you, school, Glee, trying to mend Mr. Shue's broken heart," Blaine listed.

Kurt sighed a little, "I feel so bad for him, any news about Emma?"

"Not yet, but everyone's still looking."

"It was nice of him to let us go ahead with the party," Kurt noted.

"I'm so glad he did, otherwise we might not have um...'hooked up.'" Blaine sounded like he was smiling.

"As just friends," Kurt said firmly.

"Yes Kurt, as just friends," Blaine sighed, "But you can't tell me you didn't enjoy it."

Kurt's cheeks turned a little warm, "Of course I did, it was...familiar. But that doesn't mean..."

"We're together," Blaine finished, "I know."

"I just don't you want you to get the wrong idea Blaine," Kurt sighed a little.

"You can't fight it forever Kurt, we're destined to be together. I can feel it, and I know you can as well," Blaine said proudly.


"I have to start getting ready," Blaine announced, "I'll Skype you later or something. I love you."

The line went dead and Kurt blinked a few times at the conversations randomness and abrupt end.

The door of the shop opening made him look up, seeing a tall brown haired girl with big blue eyes smiling at him.

"Sir, are you waiting to come in?"


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