I'll Be Waiting Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

I'll Be Waiting

When Blaine visits a new coffee shop down the street, he accidentally grabs the wrong drink. He is then compelled to frequent the shop everyday until he is once again in the presence of the man who's face seems to haunt every second of his life.

T - Words: 1,273 - Last Updated: Nov 08, 2012
1,363 0 3 4
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: futurefic,

Blaine sat at the edge of his chair, trying to appear busy but his head unconsciously shot up every time he heard the door open. He never used to come here; Starbucks always seemed too commercial for him. But ever since he and David had stopped at the one down the street from their work office during a very short meeting break, he’d been compelled to return.

But it wasn’t because of the deliciously flavored medium roast or the friendly baristas. It wasn’t the dark, inviting scene or the seemingly timelessness of the atmosphere that brought Blaine back. It was a chance encounter.

There he’d been taking the lid off his cup and about to pour a packet of sugar inside when something stopped him; it was white, frothy, and definitely not what he’d ordered. He blinked down at the whipped cream foaming at the top of the cup before picking it up and glancing at the drink order beneath the sleeve. Looks like he accidentally grabbed someone named Kurt’s non-fat mocha.

Blaine turned around and opened his mouth to call out and ask if there was a Kurt still in the room when he heard his own name being spoken.

“Is there a Blaine here? I grabbed your drink by mistake.” Blaine looked over at the voice and felt his breath hitch. Now, Blaine wasn’t a believer in fate and destiny and all that bullshit, but he just had to chalk this up as something. There was no way that him being at a freaking coffee shop he never visited before and getting his drinks switched by Adonis was just coincidence.

As Blaine approached the man across the room, he tried not to stare at his extremely tight pants, or the way that his shirt stretched over his chest and appeared to be painted on because how else could it fit so damn perfectly to his muscles. It looked like his clothes were created to fit him and only him. Blaine also tried not to stare at his bright blue eyes, but as he got closer he realized that they were so much more than that. They were blue and green and how was it possible that this man seemed to have whole galaxies in his eyes?

Blaine smiled up at the man when he reached him. “You must be Kurt, then,” Blaine said and Kurt smiled back at him.

“And that must be my mocha,” he said, pointing to the drink in Blaine’s hand. Blaine looked down at it and shook his head a little. He couldn’t really think of anything to say without sounding stupid, so he simply held Kurt’s drink out to him. But as Kurt grabbed his drink and replaced it with Blaine’s, he felt slightly…disappointed? He wanted an excuse to stay with this man. But Kurt was already talking and David was calling for him to hurry because the meeting was about to continue and Blaine was burdened with the reality that even though it may have seemed like the time had frozen, it was still ticking by and his window of opportunity was closing quickly. “Sorry about the mix-up,” Kurt was saying, but Blaine didn’t know why, because he himself was definitely not sorry. “Um, have a good day,” the man said and before Blaine could function enough to stop him from leaving, he disappeared like smoke.

And that’s why Blaine was back in that damn Starbucks. Since then he’d gone every morning before work, every lunch break, and every night when he got off in hopes that he would once again run into the man that constantly haunted his dreams and burned behind his lids every time Blaine blinked.

But it had been months, three to be exact and Blaine’s once burning hope was flickering in the breeze of his doubt and he was sure that he was just fooling himself now. Even if he did see that Kurt again, who’s to say that everything would work out? Knowing Blaine’s luck the man would walk in the door hand in hand with his boyfriend who was taller and smarter and richer than Blaine was. Or maybe he’d be engaged. Or worse- married.

Blaine took a deep breath and a long gulp from his cup, hoping that the burn of his coffee on the inside of mouth and throat would help clear his head. This is useless, Blaine, he told himself. And he knew it was. That’s why when he stood up and shrugged his bag strap over his shoulder, he made a promise to himself that this would be the last time he would come here in search of Kurt.

Blaine said goodnight to the baristas and they wished him a happy holiday. Blaine bit his lip and turned toward the door just in time to see a very happy couple in the corner of the room grab each other’s hands over the table and lean forward to kiss each other. Ugh. Stupid couples. Stupid winter.

Blaine grumbled internally and walked with his head down as he opened the door, only to freeze when he saw a pair of shoes in front of him. He felt his heart stop and he slowly raised his head, feeling like he was floating as he glanced up at the face before him- and instantly fell back down on his ass as reality punched him in the gut. “Excuse me,” the man said and Blaine tried not to bit the man’s head off as he held open the door for him.

He was about to close the door and begrudgingly sulk back to his car when he heard footsteps approaching him. With a sigh, Blaine stood there and waited for them, holding open the door like the gentleman he is because he has nothing else to fucking do for the rest of the night but be single and lonely.

“Blaine?” Blaine squinted in the dim light emanating from the windows of the coffee shop and waited for the punch again, but instead found himself in the presence of those damn cosmic eyes.

“Kurt,” he heard himself say, and Kurt smiled at him and goddammit Blaine didn’t care if he was about to suffocate because he forgot how to breathe; Kurt was here and after three months remembered his name and Blaine felt like he could fly. But maybe that was just from all the coffee he’d been drinking lately.

“I was hoping I’d see you again. I- Are you leaving?” Kurt asked suddenly and Blaine followed his gaze to the coffee cup in his hand. Blaine looked around and saw a trash bin just outside the door. He walked over to it and tossed his half full cup before walking back up to an amused looking Kurt.

“Nope. Just got here.” Kurt bit back a smile and stared into Blaine’s eyes and he may not believe in fate and destiny but Blaine sure as hell could believe in love at first sight.

“Well, Mr. Blaine, are you here alone?”

“I was waiting for someone, but it looks like he just got here,” Blaine said and Kurt’s smile dropped a little. Blaine tried not to feel excited that Kurt would be upset by that but abandoned all hope as his grin stretched incredibly wide across his face, threatening to split it in half. Blaine took Kurt’s hand in his and led him inside the coffee shop. “So what took you so long?” Blaine asked as they approached the barista counter, the woman smiling at him behind the cash register knowingly.

“Me? I’ve been waiting three months. Where have you been?”


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Loved it.... :)

Loved it.... :)

THIS IS AWESOME!!!! Will you continue this at all or not? I would love for this to continue.