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Fowl Play

Kurt's scarf gets stolen at the park and a handsome stranger helps him recover it.

K - Words: 729 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2013
871 0 0 3
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

Author's Notes: Writer's block plus frequenting a park laden with ducks equals fic.
"Hey, come back here!" Kurt cried. He was in the park and enjoying the sunshine as he worked on some sketches for a new line he was designing. He had been lying on a blanket when a duck came waddling over and snatched up his scarf in its beak before taking off. He was now chasing the dumb bird, trying to catch up to it so he could take it to his favorite restaurant and get it cooked for dinner. "It's not even your color!"

The duck raised off the ground and flew a few yards away and Kurt stopped running to glare at it. He straightened up and started walking in a wide circle around the duck, hoping to trick it. Kurt made his way closer, surreptitiously glancing at in through his peripheral; it seemed to be dubious to Kurt's plan. Kurt continued his nonchalant fa�ade, adding whistling to the mix, but as soon as he got within ten feet of the bird, it flew off again, this time near a little pond. "God, no," he muttered.

Kurt made his way to the bird again, this time with his hands out in assort of surrender. "Please, just drop the scarf. I won't really cook you." The duck blinked at him and ruffled its feathers slightly. Kurt took slow steps, trying to 'suade the duck into trusting him with his careful movements. The bird took a step back when Kurt got closer; a step toward the pond. "Okay, okay, I won't come any closer. Just- please. It's silk." Kurt stared at the duck, like he was waiting for it to respond, but it simply stared at him. "What do you want from me? Okay, I'll tell you what, if you give me back my scarf, I'll help you catch the eye of that monster over there." Kurt gestured to another duck along the pond's bank. The duck ruffled its feathers. "Not your type? Okay, how about that one?" Kurt nodded to one that was swimming in the pond. Kurt heard someone behind him chuckle. "Enjoying the show?" he called, refusing to take his eyes off the beast before him.

"A little bit," the voice said, and Kurt could distinctly tell it was male. A moment later a figure came into view, coming up beside Kurt and Kurt opened his mouth to tell the man not to come any closer, but the man tossed something at the duck. Was he stoning the duck? Why hadn't Kurt thought of that? No, no, it was food.

The duck dropped Kurt's scarf and quickly flew to the crumbs, and the man walked forward to grab Kurt's discarded scarf. Kurt made his way over to him, throwing a nasty look over his shoulder at the bird, before smiling at the man. "Thank you." He handed Kurt back the gray fabric and smiled back. He was extremely handsome; curly brown hair and bright eyes like warm liquid honey.

"No problem. I've had my own fair share of fowl play here too." Kurt scrunched his nose at the man's pun and he laughed. "Yeah, you're right, that was terrible."

"I won't hold it against you," Kurt said before he could stop himself. The man stood up and Kurt looked away, mentally scolding himself. He had thoughtlessly flirted with men enough times to know that a lot of them were put off by it. But it was just so hard, not knowing who was gay.

"I'm Blaine," the man said, extending his hand toward Kurt.

"Kurt," he said, taking it. "Thanks again, for saving my scarf. If there's any way I can repay you, let me know." Kurt dropped Blaine's hand and forced himself not to look at his eyes or his full lips, but Blaine was biting the bottom one between his teeth, making it damn near impossible.

"Coffee," he said and Kurt blinked.


"That's how you can repay me. Coffee. There's a caf� about two blocks south." Was he seriously asking Kurt out? "Unless you're busy, which I totally understand."

"Coffee sounds perfect," Kurt said before Blaine could continue rambling. Blaine smiled.

"Great, let me just grab my stuff." Kurt followed Blaine over to his blanket, but turned around to look at the duck.

"You win this round," he whispered. The duck quacked and ruffled its feathers; Kurt squeaked, jumped forward, and walked closer to Blaine.


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