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Wes borrows Kurt's phone to send Blaine a text, impersonating him and telling Blaine to come to Kurt's dorm.

K - Words: 761 - Last Updated: Apr 01, 2013
1,169 0 0 3
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Wes,

Blaine was sitting at his desk, typing away on his laptop when he felt his phone vibrate. Thankful for a break from his essay, Blaine stretched and grabbed his phone, only to drop it when he read the text. Blaine scrambled to retrieve his cell, and when he picked it up he reread it five times to make sure he was actually reading it right.

My room in 10. Clothes optional ;)

Blaine blinked in surprise. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't thought about it before- stretched out naked on his bed with Kurt pressed against him, rutting and kissing and-

To be honest, he didn't know Kurt felt that way. Blaine could be pretty oblivious to other people feeling about him, and his best friend was no exception. Sure, he and Kurt sang flirty duets together, went out for coffee, and had sleepovers most nights of the week, but he'd always thought Kurt was sort of...innocent when it came to sex. He never thought Kurt would be thinking about him as much as he'd thought about Kurt.

Without over thinking, Blaine abandoned his essay and ventured to Kurt's dorm room.

Blaine knocked softly before opening the door to Kurt's room. "Kurt?"

"Blaine? What are you doing here?" Kurt was sitting on his bed, surrounded by school books and notepads.

"I uh, got your text," Blaine said nervously, not really knowing what to say. Kurt cocked his head to the side.

"My text?" Kurt looked around his bed for his phone and oh god did he not send him that? Oh god oh god oh god.

"You know what, it was nothing. I must've read the contact wrong. It was probably Jeff," Blaine rambled. He felt his face flush and god this was terrible.

"Yeah, because Kurt and Jeff are practically the same," Kurt said, smiling as he began to go through his phone and- "wait, what?" Kurt's eyes grew too big for his face. "I didn't send that," he said in a rush, face growing red as well. "WES!"

"April Fools!" Wes called from down the hall and both boys looked at each other uncomfortably.

"I'm so sorry oh god he said he couldn't find his phone and asked to borrow mine I'm so sorry Blaine oh god."

"Kurt, it's okay. I um, I better get back to work," Blaine said, wanting to get out because he was so mortified.

"Wait," Kurt called and Blaine froze, halfway out the door. " came." Fuck. "That text. You came. Do you-"

"I mean, I just thought-"


"I mean, you're-"


"And we- so I just thought- but no, yeah- good." Blaine turned to make a run for it, but Kurt stopped him again.

"Blaine. Do you like me?" Kurt asked in a small voice and Blaine took a deep breath. You're already halfway there, Anderson, might as well go all the way.

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"Well, yeah, but...just because you thought I wanted to have sex?" Blaine walked back into the room and shook his head as he took a seat in front of Kurt on the bed.

"Kurt, we've always been honest with each other, and I want to continue that. I have thought about- us, being intimate, but that's not all it is. I really, really care about you, Kurt. That's why I wanted you to transfer so badly. Because I wanted an excuse to be with you." Blaine reached out and cupped Kurt's hand in his. "I don't want this to ruin our friendship, but I want you to know the truth. I do like you, Kurt. A lot."

Blaine watched Kurt's face for a while, waiting for him to respond, but Kurt seemed frozen. "I'll let you get back to work," Blaine said, giving Kurt's hand a squeeze before getting up. When he reached the door, Kurt called out to him again.

"Blaine." Blaine looked over his shoulder to his best friend and wondered if he had just pushed away the person he cared most about. "I've never had a boyfriend before." Blaine smiled softly.

"Neither have I." Blaine turned to leave again.

"Blaine." He turned around and saw Kurt making his way across the room to him. Kurt bit his lip, looking a little nervous, but when he reached Blaine he wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed his lips to Blaine's. Blaine made a surprised noise because Kurt was kissing him and held onto the boys waist as he kissed him back. Kurt pulled back a moment later. "I like you too, idiot." Blaine grinned and kissed him again.


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