April 10, 2013, 6:32 p.m.
April 10, 2013, 6:32 p.m.
Mpreg. Nerd!Kurt and Badboy!Blaine drabble.
Kurt enters his bedroom and promptly takes a half step back in surprise.
There, lying on his bed, fast asleep, is his very pregnant boyfriend.
Kurt smiles to himself, pushes his glasses back up his nose and quickly puts his books and bag away on his desk. He's come home early after taking a particularly grueling History final, fully prepared to put together the baby's crib as a surprise for Blaine for when he came over later, but it looks like school was a bit too much for his boyfriend today.
Either that or Blaine got kicked out of class for mouthing off to the teacher.
He rolls his eyes at his thoughts, sets about removing his shoes and climbs into bed behind Blaine, his arm automatically wrapping around his boyfriend, fingers splayed wide across Blaine's round belly.
Blaine makes a low, content noise at that, shuffles back into Kurt's body and sighs, his eyelashes fluttering against soft skin until his eyes open blearily.
"Shit, what time is it?"
Kurt's mouth turns down in agitation against the back of Blaine's neck, his voice muffled but still very clear when he says, "No cursing around the baby, B, we talked about this."
He can practicallyseeBlaine rolling his eyes, and he smirks to himself when Blaine rolls over – with help from Kurt – to (as Kurt had predicted) roll his eyes, teeth messing with his lip ring.
"No,youtalked about it, while I pretended to listen and agree. S'not like he knows what I'm saying, Kurt,jesus."
"I'll have you know that he can hear you by now, Blaine. Have you even read any of those books I got for you?"
Blaine scoffs, tugging on Kurt's hand to help him sit up. "Course I did. I'm just saying, our kid should be exposed to a vast vocabulary, and I'm just trying to help out with that."
Kurt can't help but chuckle under his breath, pressing a kiss to the small inked wolf by Blaine's ear before he mutters against his skin, "You're such an idiot."
"Yeah, yeah,youridiot. Now be quiet and rub my back, Riddick here has been hell on my body today."
"Blaine we arenotnaming our son,Riddick."
Blaine smirks, looking at Kurt over his shoulder and says, a teasing gleam in his eyes, "You say that now. But I can bet you'll be singing a different tune once I get my hands on you later – you forget that just because I'm knocked up, it doesn't mean I can't convince you to do anything with this mouth."
Kurt's cheeks redden, and if Blaine wasn't carrying their son (and if he wasn't currently exhausted and achy), he's sure he would have smacked the boy, pushed him back onto the bed, and shown him whathecan do withhismouth.