Jan. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 24, 2014, 6 p.m.
Nick and Jeff dont think Christmas will be the same without a Klaine duet. Neither does Blaine. But thing is...Does Kurt?
Reviews make me happy :D
"I miss you, Im an idiot arent I? Trying this hard when I broke your heart," The violent sobs were clearly viable in his croaky voice. Obviously he hadnt been sleeping much either. It was silent then there was a sob of laughter. "Nick and Jeff are upset too you know? Said theres no Christmas without a klaine duet. They started to act out our Baby Its Cold Outside routine, not realising I was crying my eyes out. I - Im not expecting anything but- never mind. Its suckish in Lima still, nothings changed. Everyones still homophobic bastards. I miss you and I - still- I still love you Kurt," The voicemail cut dead with a loud beep and Kurt wiped furiously at his eyes.
"Damn," Kurt whispered under his breath and walked into his bedroom, still keeping up with his facial routine then changing into sweats and a t-shirt, his phone rang. Not bothering to check the caller ID he picked up. "Kurt Hummel, may I help?" Whoever was on the end of the phone sucked in a breath then began to sob. Oh my gaga, Kurt was talking to Blaine.
"Kurt, oh my god Kurt...." Blaine shook his head, not believing this was happening.
"Blaine... I... Blaine..." Kurt would be lying if he said he didnt miss Blaine. He really was the love of his life wasnt he?
"Kurt! Damn Kurt oh god youve probably picked this up by accident, its what? 12:00am oh god Im so sorry Kurt dont hang up! Please, wait! Ok look I miss you like hell ! So do Nick and Jeff, they miss their countertenor bestest friend ever ... I miss my boyfriend. Wait no you arent my - shit Im going to um - go,"
"Blaine shut up will you? I miss you like crazy," Kurt felt the tears pooling in his eyes and he blinked , desperately trying to push them to the back of his eyes.
"You miss me?" Blaines bottom lip pouted out and Kurt stifled a laugh.
"Of course I do you dork!" Kurt was in full on sobs now, not caring if Rachel came in and tried to ask whats wrong. "Youre pouting now arent you? The full on puppy pout,"
Blaine nodded but realised Kurt couldnt see him. Idiot. "Ha um , yeah I am. Remember when I used to do that and you um- you always told me off then kissed the pout?" Blaine asked carefully, not wanting to trigger anything in Kurts mind.
"Y-yeah Blaine-" Kurt croaked, memorys hitting him like a truck. "Fuck Jesus Christ Blaine I miss you, remember when you used to kiss my Adams apple whenever I felt like I was going to cry?" Kurt was well aware that Blaine could hear his sobs but he didnt care. After everything that happened , the break up, the cheating, the phone-calls-never-answered, the voicemails, it had all become too much. Kurt was allowed to show emotion, right?
"Of course," Blaine hiccuped slightly , the memorys hitting him pretty badly too. "I- I dont know what to say Kurt,"
"I wish I could kiss you," Kurt blurted out, a sudden rush of heat rising to his cheeks like some lovesick school girl.
"Me too Kurt, Im sorry but Ive - Im going to go now," before they got the propers goodbye done, Blaine had hung up. So after a full year, he just hangs up. Whats up with that?
Two days passed and Kurt didnt even remember leaving his bed once. He was in the middle of a very difficult Candy Crush level when the door knocked. "RACHEL DOOR!" Kurt screamed as if she didnt hear the knock.
"You get it you lazy bum!" She shouted only a little less loud. Kurt huffed and walked over to the door sliding it open to reveal... Oh.
"Kurt," Blaine croaked and the tears began. Kurt didnt even realise that tears were flowing down his cheek until Blaine wiped one away with his thumb.
"BLAINE!" Kurt screamed and wrapped his arms tightly around Blaines neck, also resting his head on Blaines shoulder.
"You still smell like vanilla," Blaine smiled, wrapping his arms right around Kurts waist.
"You actually dont still smell like gel," Kurt pulled away and thats when he noticed. Blaine was now so much more loose. His t-shirt was unbuttoned at the top, his jeans well, they werent tight but the most odd thing was his hair. It wasnt gelled flat into his head, his curls were bouncy and free, the way Kurt loved them. "I missed you Blaine,"
"I missed you too and um- I love you Kurt ..."
"I- I still love you too and um I have the karaoke set up? All I Want For Christmas Is You is on the cd? You want to do the so very infamous Klaine duet?" Kurt asked putting his hand out to lead him into the sitting room.
"All I want for Christmas is you... Sounds ... Perfect" little did Kurt know Blaine literally meant - All I want for Christmas is you.
Kurt Hummel, he was clearly Blaine Andersons long lost other half.