Aerobic Workouts Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Aerobic Workouts

Mr. Anderson's glee club lesson gets interrupted by an embarrassing revelation. (Originally posted on Tumblr in 2012)

T - Words: 589 - Last Updated: Aug 17, 2022
522 0 0 1
Warnings: Referenced student/teacher relationship
Categories: AU,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

“All right, guys, come on! I know you can get this down.”

About half of the choir room’s occupants rolled their eyes. Mr. Anderson was dead set on finishing their choreography for Regionals today.

“Mr. Anderson,” Mercedes said with an impatient tone. “We’ve been here for hours.”

“You can’t legally keep us for much longer,” Quinn spoke up, pushing her hair behind her ear.

Mr. Anderson sighed and leaned on the piano. “I know, guys. You’re working really hard and I do appreciate it -“

“Not all of us are working hard,” Rachel commented, glancing at the glee club members sitting in chairs on the edge of the room - Mike, Brittany, Kurt, and Artie.

Mr. Anderson grinned. “That’s because they’ve all shown me they can do the choreography. They don’t need additional practice. You guys are just lucky they’re sticking around for moral support.”

The dancers rolled their eyes, annoyed. Mr. Anderson tried to rally the class. “Come on, guys, one more time! We can get it this time.” He rolled his sleeves and undid a couple of buttons on his dress shirt. The choir room was extremely hot.

“Woah,” Sam, who was closest to Mr. Anderson, muttered. He smirked and looked down, avoiding the eyes of his teacher.

There was a long whistle from the back of the room, probably coming from Puck. Mr. Anderson looked up. “What?” he asked.

There was silence for a moment. In the corner of the room, Kurt looked up, curious.

Finally, Santana spoke. “Look, Mr. A, I’m not the type to beat around the bush, so I’m just gonna say it - you’ve got a hickey the size of Russia and we can all see it.”

There was another moment of silence in which Mr. Anderson opened his mouth slightly, and the whole room reverberated in shock at Santana’s words.

Then everybody began to laugh. “It’s a little hard to take you seriously like this, Mr. Anderson,” Quinn said, giggling.

“You can sit down with the others,” Puck called out, “You don’t need to dance, you’ve obviously already had an aerobic workout.”

Mr. Anderson turned increasingly red, willing himself not to glare over into the corner and give himself away. Instead he turned away from his students, buttoned his shirt back up and took a few deep breaths. He composed himself and then faced the kids again, waiting for their chuckling and whispering to subside. Finally, they all quieted down.

“We’re going to forget about that interruption,” Mr. Anderson said sternly, “and go through the dance moves one more time. Then you can all go home.”

Still light-hearted from the amusing interlude, the glee club agreed to go through the moves again. Kurt tapped his pencil on his math notebook while he listened to his classmates dance, smiling to himself.

He’d told Blaine that he’d have to cover up his collarbone after their after-hours make out session in Blaine’s office. It wasn’t Kurt’s fault that hickeys drove Blaine crazy in the best way possible.

Once everyone was packing up and filing out of the choir room, Blaine caught Kurt’s eye across the room. Kurt picked up his bag and headed towards the exit, passing Blaine as he did so. He slowed down to whisper in Blaine’s ear.

“Meet me in my car if you want another one…and this time we’ll make sure it’s somewhere no one but us will ever see…”

Kurt smirked happily as he left the room, knowing that Mr. Anderson’s eyes were expanding at the thought already.



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