Sadie Hawkins Series
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Sadie Hawkins

Blaine tells the Hudson/Hummels about the Sadie Hawkins dance.

K - Words: 1,757 - Last Updated: Nov 16, 2012
1,675 0 6 2
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Sam Evans,
Tags: hurt/comfort,

Author's Notes: Part of my Broken verse but can be read as a one shot.


A/N: I want to thank everyone who has read any of my stories, I've gotten some really awesome reviews and I really appreciate them. I'm new to writing fanfiction and I've only ever let a few select people read anything I've written so the positive feedback I've gotten from the people here has really boosted my confidence in my writing ability. Thank you all so much!


                Blaine was happier than he remembered being in a while, it was Friday night and he was at dinner at the Hummel/Hudson house as per usual but today was even better because Kurt was there. They could sit next to each and reach over and touch each other any time they wanted, they could hold hands or share little kisses, Blaine was pretty sure the night was perfect and nothing could ruin it. He was wrong.

                “Sam, has anyone asked you to the Sadie Hawkins dance yet?” Carol asked innocently.

                “Not yet but I think Brittany and I might go together.”

                “There’s a Sadie Hawkins dance at McKinley?” Kurt asked

Blaine nodded.

                “Are you ok with that?” Kurt asked Blaine quietly

                “Not really but my therapist and I have been talking about it.”

                “Dude, why don’t you like Sadie Hawkins dances? Is it ‘cause you’re gay and no girls will ask you?” Finn asked with his mouth full of food.

                Kurt shot Finn his ‘bitch please’ glare. “It is not because he’s gay!”

                “Well, it kinda is but not because I’m worried about not getting a date.”

                “Then what’s the problem?” Sam asked confused.

                “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Kurt assured Blaine placing his hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder.

                “No I do, my therapist says I need to but maybe it can wait until after dinner?”

                “Of course, it’s not really a dinner table friendly conversation.”

                “Dude, what happened?” Finn asked

                “Finn, we’ll talk about it later.” Burt interceded seeing how uncomfortable Blaine was getting.

                The table of six went back to eating their dinner and making small talk, no one mentioned the words “Sadie Hawkins” for the rest of the meal but neither Kurt nor Blaine were able to relax and enjoy the meal. When they were finished Burt announced they were all going to the living room and that the dishes could wait.

                                “Now you know I’d never pressure you into talking about something you really didn’t want to talk about but if your therapist says you need to talk about it then that’s what we are going to do.” Burt said turning to Blaine once they were all seated.

Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand, knowing his boyfriend would need all the support he could if he was going to talk about this.

                “There was this Sadie Hawkins dance at the school I went to before Dalton. I had just come out so I asked my friend James who was the only other gay guy at my school to go with me. We were having a great time but we were cautious like we didn’t dance to any slow songs or make any physical contact or anything. We were just two friends enjoying the dance. At the end of the night we were waiting for his dad to pick us up when these three football players attacked us.”

                “Like with slushies and stuff?”  Finn asked

                “Like with crowbars and stuff.”



                “It’s really hard to describe what it’s like when someone is trying to beat you to death you know? But I can remember so much pain and this really loud screaming that just wouldn’t stop, it turns out I was the one screaming.  When they stopped I couldn’t really move or see much and I didn’t hear James so I thought he got away. But then I heard this really quiet gurgling sound and after a while I realized it was the sound of James choking on his own blood. I tried to crawl over to him to try and help him but I just couldn’t move, we laid there for what felt like hours and the next time I opened my eyes I was in an ambulance.” Blaine couldn’t stand to look at the faces of the people he loved as he told them his story so instead he kept his eyes on his and Kurt’s intertwined hands.

                “After that I don’t remember much, I guess I lost consciousness again and from Cooper has told me I fell into a coma. My recovery took a really long time and I missed a lot of school which is why I didn’t graduate last year.”

                “What happened to James?” Kurt asked softly, he had never been told the details before.

                “He died.” The tears that had been threatening to spill from Blaine’s eyes now broke free.

                “Oh baby.”

                “It was all my fault, I shouldn’t have asked him to go with me, I should’ve done something to help him when we were laying there. I could’ve saved him!”

                “No you couldn’t have.” Carol interjected.

Everyone looked at her confused.

“I was working that night; you were so badly beaten that I didn’t realize it was you to just now, but I was there.  I was part of the team that worked on James, Blaine he was still alive when he got to the hospital.”

                “He was?”

                “Yes he was and if we couldn’t have saved him with all our training and medicine and machinery there is absolutely nothing you could have done to save him.”

                “You’re sure?”

                “I’m sure sweetie, trust I’ll never forget that night, it was one of the most horrible nights in my nursing career.”

                “I’ll never forget it either.”

Carol got up from her seat and walked to the couch; she sat next to Blaine and pulled him towards her, wrapping him in the kind of hug only a mother can give.

                “I know you won’t sweetie.”

                “Why did I have to ask him to that stupid dance?”

                “You didn’t know what would happen, it’s not your fault it’s the fault of the guys who attacked you. “

Blaine didn’t respond other than to continue to cry into Carol’s shirt.

                “What happened to those guys? They’re in jail forever right?” Sam asked.

                “No, there were no witnesses so it was just my word against theirs.”

                “But your injuries should have been enough to back you up and there should’ve been your blood on their clothes.”  Burt pointed out.

                “Yeah but that would’ve required effort on the part of the police and a gay bashing in Ohio isn’t considered top priority.”

                “That’s fucked up.”

                “Dude, I’ve got a great idea!” Sam announced trying to sound way more cheerful than he felt.

                “Is it finding those guys and killing them? Cause if so I’m on board but we really should call Puck first.” Finn asked.

                “Yeah Puck’s a good fighter, he’d be real useful.” Burt agreed.

                “That wasn’t my original idea but I like that plan a lot better.”

                “Ok, no. There will be no murdering of anyone.” Blaine spoke up

                “Blaine’s right, if we were to go after them we wouldn’t be any better than they are.”

                “Plus Cooper already tried and all that happened was he got a broken hand and a couple nights in jail.”

                “But there are more of us.”


                “They can’t just get away with this.”

                “They already have.” Blaine said as Kurt wiped the tears from Blaine’s eyes.

                “Sam, what was your original idea?” Carole asked

                “I thought we could all skip the dance and have our own party at Breadstix.”

                “Oh, that’s a good idea! I’ll call Mercedes and everyone and we’ll have a New Directions party!” Kurt said bouncing in his seat.

                “No. I don’t want a party.”

                “Ok, we can all just stay here and watch movies and pig out on junk food.”

                “No. I want to go to the dance.”


                “Really, I think the only way for me to move past it is to actually go to a Sadie Hawkins dance without anything bad happening.”

                “And you’re sure?”

                “Yeah I’m sure, it’ll be fine nobody did anything to us at your senior prom and it’s not like we’ll be alone in a dark parking lot at the end of the night.”

                “Yeah dude, I’ll totally go as your date and make sure nobody messes with you!” Sam said excitedly.

                “Thanks Sam but I was kinda hoping to go with Kurt.”

                “Oh, yeah. That makes sense. I’ll still make sure no messes with you.”

                “You know Blaine, if you want someone to go to a dance with you the proper protocol is to ask them.”  Kurt said playfully.

                “Kurt Elizabeth Hummel will you please accompany me to the Sadie Hawkins dance?”

                “I would love to Blaine Devon Anderson.”

                “Fantastic, now go wash the dishes.” Burt instructed.

                “Why do we have to do them? Make Sam and Finn.”

                “Because we want them clean and not broken.”

                “But Blaine’s going through some emotional turmoil, I really think he needs to go upstairs and lie down.”

Blaine nodded trying to look really sad which was aided by the tear stains on his face.

                “Fine, Blaine can go lie down while you do dishes.”

                “I need Kurt to come with me, he’s my support system.”

Burt huffed, he knew guilt trip when he heard one.

                “Finn & Sam go do the dishes, but you are paying for every one you break and don’t put them away until Carol says they are clean. Blaine and Kurt go on up to Kurt’s room but keep the door open and remember I could walk by at any time and I don’t want to see either of you naked.”

Kurt was going to protest when Blaine interrupted, “Actually I think we should go to my house, my contacts are bothering me and I forgot to bring my case.”

Kurt looked at him and raised his eyebrow questioningly.

                “There’s nobody home at my house.” Blaine whispered.

                “See you tomorrow dad.” Kurt called dragging his boyfriend out of the house.



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This was really good. I could so see Sam, Finn and Burt reacting in that way to Blaine being hurt and for Blaine and Kurt to be against further violence. I loved seeing Klaine guilt Burt into letting them out of doing the dishes and I thought Burt's reason for not wanting Sam and Finn to do them was hilarious. I look forward to reading your future stories.

Awh my poor Blainers. If the episode is anything like that, if we see that in the flashback I think I might actually be sick. And..he wont even have Kurt there to make him feel better and relax him.

I don't write reviews often, but I give credit where credit is deserved. I love your Broken stories and your newest one. Your writing style is amazing and relatable. It's not to complex, like some fan fiction I've read (supposed to be a compliment, I hate the complex kind) but its not so simple it's boring. I personally don't buy your authors note at the beginning of this story. Also, I love how you portray characters like Finn and Burt, like Finn with his "like slushies?" Or Burt with his "I don't want to see either of you naked". It shows how much they really care about Blaine and it adds some humor in a story based on such a serious topic. I really hope you add more, and I think you should eventually put all of these one shots together into one large story. I rate this a 2000000/10 but since that isn't on the scale, I put a 10. Also, if by chance you have a gmail account, I would love to collaborate with you on a story. ~PuckKlaineArtie :3

Thank you, I don't know what you don't buy about my author's note though, it's completely true. I have been writting other things pretty much my whole life but as for fanfiction, Broken was my first real story, there was a little tiny drabble or two I wrote to get them out of my head but I didn't even save them. I haven't ever co-written with ayone before, I would like to give it a try, I just set up a gmail account which is

I just read all three of these one-shots and I have to say they are beautifully done. I like how easy they are to read and I just love all your stories that I have had the chance to read. I hope you write more for this series and maybe write another one for the roomate series( I honesty love both). Hopefully there will be a new story up on here soon!