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I'll Be There

Kurt gets ready to leave Dalton to go back to McKinley.

K - Words: 1,821 - Last Updated: Jan 21, 2012
1,039 0 1 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Drama, Songfics,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, OMG CREYS,

Author's Notes: I originally wrote this last year before Kurt left Dalton but im just now posting it. It is also the first thing i ever really wrote so please be gentile lol Remember this is the real first thing i wrote and it was written about a year ago.
Kurt stood in his now almost empty dorm room at Dalton, packing away some clothes and a few random things. He was leaving the safety of his new school and returning to McKinley. His parents could no longer afford the academy he had grown to love. He was sad to be going but happy to be back with his friends and have his old Glee club back and being closer to his dad and the rest of his new family. But there was one thing Dalton had that McKinley would never...Blaine.

They have only been together about a month and he had to leave. He told Blaine about his move last week after his father called him. Kurt of corse broke down into tears at the thought and his amazing boyfriend just held him close and reassured him that they would still be together and that Blaine would be making the drive to Lima as often as possible, and as much as Kurt needed. Kurt reached for a framed picture of Blaine and himself that sat on his bedside table intending to pack it away. He sat at the edge of his bed and lost himself in the photo.

It was of the two of them about 2 weeks after they got together, they were at one of the warblers movie nights curled up on the couch. Dressed in cozy pajamas, Blaine was settled in the corner of the couch with Kurt curled into his left side, his head on Blaine's chest. Blaine had his left arm around Kurt, his hand resting on his hip just under his lose fitting t-shirt while his right hand was playing with Kurt’s fingers. Both with a content smile on. Kurt sighed thinking he would never get to attend another warbler movie night. It took a while but he became very attached to the warblers.

They were almost like brothers now. Kurt could feel the tears start to sting his eyes. In the background of the picture you could see Wes running after David, gavel in hand. And a handful of other warblers smiling and laughing. Kurt sniffed as a tear slid down his perfect skin and hit the picture. There was a soft knock at his door and he didn't even look up. He knew who it was.

“Kurt?” blaine asked softly as he entered the room gently closing the door behind him. Kurt sniffed again and picked his head up to look at his boyfriend, tears now ran freely down his face.

“Oh baby” Blaine rushed to his side and held him close as Kurt silently cried into his neatly pressed Dalton blazer. Blaine looked at the picture in his hands and smiled a sad smile. He didn't want Kurt to go but he knew he had to be strong for them both. The moment Kurt walks out of the building and into his car he knew he would lose all control of his emotions. he took the picture from Kurt's hands and put it in the box behind him on the bed and took Kurt's face in his hands making him look at him. he gave Kurt a smile and kissed his lips softly. he pulled away and wiped the tears from his face With his sleeve when Kurt sniffed again.

“Kurt, everything is going to be fine please you have too stop crying your gonna make me start.” Blaine tried to lighten the heavy mood that hung in the room. Kurt shook his head and nuzzled into his boyfriends neck.

“Come stop your crying it will be all right” Blaine sang quietly and pressed a kiss to the side of Kurt's head. Kurt let out a laugh limitedly followed by a sob.

“Just take my hand hold it tight.” Kurt lifted his head and looked at Blaine who smiled at him and took his hands gently and squeezed them tight.

“I will protect you form all around you, i will be here don’t you cry.” he continued to sing and wiped more tears from Kurt's now flushed and tear stained face. Kurt smiled at Blaine. He really did have an amazing boyfriend. How did he get so lucky?

“For one so small, you seem so strong.” Blaine stood and made a body builder pose making Kurt laugh.

“My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm” he took Kurt's hands and pulled him up wrapping him in a tight embrace. Blaine rested his chin on Kurt's shoulder. His lips next to Kurt's ear as he kept singing.

“This bond between us can’t be broken, i will be here don’t you cry. Cause you’ll be in my heart” Blaine placed one of Kurt's hands on his chest over his heart. “yes, you’ll be in my heart” Blaine pulled his head back a little to look Kurt in the eyes as he sang.

“From this day on now and forever more. You'll be in my heart, no matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart, always.” Kurt's phone beeped from his pocket signaling him it was time to go. Blaine released him and picked up the few things that were on the bed and tossed them into the box.

“Why can’t they understand the way we feel. They just don’t trust what they can’t explain. I know were different but, deep inside us we’re not that different at all.” Blaine turned around with the box in his hands to see Kurt standing with his eyes closed tears still running down his beautiful face. Blaine took a deep breath, this was going to be harder then he thought. He placed the box on the floor next to the door and took Kurt's hands again.

“And you’ll be in my heart. Yes, you’ll be in my heart from this day on now and forever more.” Kurt nodded and walked with Blaine toward the door bending down to pick up the box as they went. They walked down the stairs together one last time. Kurt gripping the box tight, Blaine's arm secure around Kurt's waist.

“Don’t listen to them ‘cause what do they know, we need each other, to have, to hold. they’ll see in time i know” Blaine could feel the tears start to prick at his eyes and he willed them not too fall. he had finally realized his love for the boy next to him and got the courage to tell him and now he was leaving. he wouldn't get to see him every morning, have breakfast and walk him to each class sharing a sweet kiss before departing to his own and it killed him inside. they finally reached the parking lot and Kurt placed his final box in the back seat. his dad smiled a hello at Blaine and walked to the drivers said. Kurt clutched at Blaine like life support. Blaine held him as tight As he could. Kurt's sobs muffled by Blaine's blazer. Blaine rubbed Kurt's back soothingly. He kept singing.

“When destiny calls you. You must be strong.” He lifted Kurt's face too look into those big wet blue eyes.

“I may not be with you but you’ve got to hold on” Blaine couldn't hold back any more and let his tears fall finally. Kurt was hit with a fresh wave of tears at seeing Blaine break down. They held each other close.

“They’ll see in time I know. We'll show them together.” Blaine pulled away and walked Kurt to the passenger door and opened it for him.

“‘Cause you’ll be in my heart.” Blaine gave Kurt one last kiss before he stepped back allowing Kurt to climb into the car and shut the door. Kurt pressed his right hand to his chest and his left to the car window. Blaine bit back a sob and put his hand to his heart.

“Believe me, you’ll be in my heart. I'll be their from this day on.” Blaine watched as the car pulled out and drove down the road away from him.

“Now and forever more” he sang quietly to himself. He looked up when a hand gripped his shoulder. David gave him a sad smile and placed something in Blaine's hand. He looked down and then back at David with wide eyes. David just grinned and nodded.

“Monday” was all David said and pulled Blaine back inside.


Kurt was standing in the hallway at McKinley talking to Finn while he put his things in his locker. Finn was going on about some video game when Kurt's phone went off in his pocket he took it out and glanced at the screen. He broke out in a huge smile, it was a new message from Blaine.

“ohh you’ll be in my heart. You'll be here in my heart, no matter what they say, i’ll be with you. You'll be here in my heart, i’ll be there always...alwayyysss. i’ll be with you. i’ll be there for you always. Always and always.” Kurt’s eyes started to well up reading the text. he missed blaine so much it hurt.

“Your not even listening to me are you?” Finn asked. Kurt looked up at his brother, tears in his eyes. Finn sighed.

“Blaine?” he asked Kurt nodded. Finn pulled his brother in to a hug.

“I know you miss him Kurt, IM sorry.” Kurt sniffed and pulled away form there hug.

“Thanks Finn.”

“Just look over your shoulder.”

“Jeez how love struck am i,” Kurt laughed wiping some tears away. “i can still here him singing in my head”

“Just look over your shoulder”

“uhh..kurt?” Finn said pointing somewhere behind Kurt.

“What is it?” Kurt asked turning around and looking in the direction Finn was pointing. There in the semi crowded halls of William McKinley High School stood one Blaine Anderson in all his glory. Hair unglued, lose ripped jeans and a plane black shirt, topped off with his glasses. Just the way Kurt loved him.

“Just look over your shoulder.” He sang and started to work his way through the crowed of students too his beloved. Kurt began running down the hall desperate to get to Blaine, dropping his bag and phone along the way. When they finally reached each other Kurt threw himself at Blaine and held him tight never wanting to let him go. Blaine picked Kurt up in his arms and spun him around. he was so grateful for David getting permission from the head master for him too miss the next few days of school and lending Blaine his car.

The perks of being best friends with the head masters nephew i guess. Blaine set Kurt on the ground and pulled him in to a deep passionate kiss. Not caring about the other students around. He pulled back after a while and smiled at Kurt who had what Blaine guessed were happy tears pouring from his eyes. Blaine himself was not to far behind, only he didn't let his fall just Yet.

“Blaine what are you doing here?”

Blaine just smiled and brushed Kurt's bangs back into place and sang.

“I’ll be there always.”


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omg Tarzan the cuteness is eating me alive :))))