Pictures of You, Pictures of Me Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Pictures of You, Pictures of Me

Fill for the Glee Kink Meme. Blaine asks Kurt if they can take naked photographs together, Kurt is initially embarrassed by the thought and shy about his body but he thinks about it and decides he trusts Blaine enough to go through with it.

E - Words: 3,949 - Last Updated: Mar 13, 2012
3,445 0 6 10
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, PWP, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: I have no idea if vintage polaroid cameras have adjusting settings. Oh and no harsh judging, English is not my native language.

“What did Cooper give you for your birthday?”

It was one of the coldest winter days in Ohio, snow was falling peacefully outside the window while Kurt and Blaine were getting cozy on Blaine’s enormous bed. The wool blanket was softer than Blaine’s curls and Kurt sprawled on it like a lazy cat, humming with pleasure.

“Oh, it’s actually something that I wanted for a long time... Let me show you!” Blaine reached a hand into his drawer and pulled out an old polaroid camera. Kurt wrinkled his nose.

“While I see the decorative appeal of a vintage camera and the way it tastefully complements your room’s marvelous design, I’m sure you’re going to abandon it the minute you realize that you can’t even use it properly!”

“I’m going to punish you for doubting my talent” Blaine replied and, adjusting the shutter speed, suddenly took a photo, blinding Kurt for a second with the flash.

“Noo, get this thing away from me!” Kurt rolled on his stomach and hid his face in the pillow “I hate photographs, I always look so weird with my little teeth and puffy cheeks! My hair sticks everywhere…”

“Wait. Are you serious?” Blaine’s voice sounded incredulous. Feeling a sudden gentle touch on his back, Kurt slowly turned to face him.

“You are actually serious, I can’t believe it” Blaine gently cupped Kurt’s cheek and lifted his chin up in order to keep eye contact. Then he whispered furtively, as if he were sharing a secret “If I were you I wouldn’t have been able to stop touching myself, seriously…” Kurt giggled at the silliness and the tension vanished.

The newly developed photograph fell out of the camera, and Blaine smiled enthusiastically.

“Look at how handsome my boyfriend is!!” he exclaimed, tugging Kurt’s sleeve. ‘I’m dating a puppy’ Kurt thought, internally shaking his head.

“Thank you” Kurt let out a loud sigh “But I still think…”

“Nonsense” Blaine shushed him “It was my birthday last week, and this is my camera, and you are my boyfriend, so I’m gonna make tons of pictures of you and hang them in my locker, whether you like it or not!” he looked more comical than threatening, Kurt couldn’t help but chuckle again.

Blaine took several pictures, most of them featuring Kurt leaning on his elbows, making his best bitchface expression, the one with a raised eyebrow.

“For god’s sake, darling, I do understand fashion, but why do you have to wear a knitted scarf when we’re inside?”

With a bit of hesitation, Kurt took off his scarf, but only because it was actually getting quite hot in the room.

“Take a look, here you are perfect, with your amazing stylish hair and that adorable little nose, if you could stop glaring you would look even better” Blaine showed Kurt the photos he just took. Kurt didn’t think his nose was adorable, he would rather describe it as ridiculous, but seeing Blaine that excited made something melt inside of him.

“Okay then, Anderson, I dare you, photograph me like one of your French boys” Kurt said, faking a seductive tone and undoing the first few buttons on his shirt. He was feeling at ease with Blaine, he always did, and this entire photosession thing actually sounded like a big joke. Why not play the part?

“Only if you talk to me in French, mon chéri” Blaine was openly laughing, but not once he took a break from the camera, snapping photo after photo.

J’aime un imbécile” Kurt chirped batting his eyelashes and smiling like a Cheshire cat.

“Darling, while I understand that you just insulted me, I will forgive you just because your eyes are stunning. By the way, you are aware that Kate Winslet was naked in that scene, aren’t you?” Blaine raised his eyebrows to stare pointedly at Kurt, fighting the urge to laugh.

“So this is why you lured me in your mansion, to make obscene photographs of me and laugh at my pear hips!” Kurt put a hand on his heart with an exaggeratedly offended look.

“You forget that I’ve seen your hips more than on one occasion, they do not resemble pears and I actually dream of them more than it is healthy. I mean of your hips. Not of the pears, because pears are quite healthy…”

Blaine suddenly turned shy and began toying with the strap of the camera. Clearing his throat, he continued.

“But, you know, some photos would be nice… What I mean is… From an artistic point of view… I don’t even mean hips and all that in between… Just your chest or legs… The human body is a work of art after all… Though most Greek statues are naked… And what we have here? You and I, that’s called Greek love…” he started rambling.

Kurt could actually sense the atmosphere changing from their flirtatious teasing to this buzzing thing charged with an unknown energy, a mix of insecurities and unanswered questions. Blaine was still avoiding his eyes, ears burning.

“… Yeah I probably shouldn’t have said that… Now you think I’m a pervert… I’m not… It’s not like I will hang those pictures in my locker or show them to someone… It’s just your skin… It’s soft… Sometimes I miss it under all those layers… And what will I do when you’re in New York?... Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that… Just forget everything” he was rubbing the back of his neck.

“Honey, stop” Kurt said with the steadiest voice he managed. He took Blaine’s hand in his own, massaging his palm lightly “I’m not gonna get angry at you for this, it’s just kind of out of the blue.”

Blaine was looking at their intertwined hands like they suddenly turned to be the most interesting things in the universe. He clearly was embarrassed and Kurt realized that he’s the only one who gets to see Blaine like this. Rambling and blushing, or tired and frustrated, or lazy and grumpy, or sated and giddy in the glows of aftersex, and not the usual epitome of composure and politeness that is Blaine in public. His Blaine is not afraid to honestly confess his inner thoughts, fears or desires, no matter how shameful or ridiculous. He’s not afraid to give everything to Kurt. So why the hell Kurt must be afraid, since he already belongs to this boy, completely and wholesomely, body and soul?

“I may be crazy, but… alright.” Kurt was biting his lips “As long as I get pictures of you too some other time. And, you know, if I get uncomfortable you will stop, won’t you?”

Blaine looked like he was choking on air, he held tight on Kurt’s hand.

“Of course Kurt, you don’t have to do anything. It’s just some silly fantasy, if it makes you uncomfortable…”

“No…It’s not that… It’s not getting naked with you! It’s the idea of my body being trapped in photographs that makes me uncomfortable. Taking a picture that could last forever would always remind me of how odd I look”.

“I don’t… honestly don’t understand how you can be so self-conscious. It’s like you and I see two different Kurts.” Blaine sighed, exasperated. On spur of moment, he leaned in and pecked his boyfriend gently on the cheek. “Kurt, you are the most gorgeous creature I’ve ever seen in my entire life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. And there is nothing wrong with capturing your beauty.” Kurt was unprepared for this earnest response, thought he might’ve been already used to Blaine’s cheesiness.

They looked at each other for a moment, and then Kurt slowly closed the small distance and kissed Blaine tenderly, moving his lips just the slightest bit, sliding what seemed like the shadow of his tongue on Blaine’s upper lip, before breaking the kiss. It was altogether a promise and a reassurance. The room was silent except for their breathing.

Blaine smiled bashfully and reached for Kurt’s shirt, slowly unbuttoning it. He started removing it gently from Kurt’s shoulders, but paused suddenly, and reached for the camera. His hands were shaking, when he pressed the button, over and over again. Strangely, seeing Blaine nervous made Kurt more confident.

Photo after photo fell on the duvet. Kurt looked down and was surprised at the results. The brightness of the light, the focus, the color contrast were all considered, and quite masterfully so. Tearing his eyes from the pictures, he found Blaine’s honey-hazel ones, which were staring at him expectantly, clearly waiting for some sort of evaluation or reaction.

“Tell me what do you want me to do?” Kurt flashed him a vigorous smile, exhaling loudly.

Blaine returned the grin, obviously relaxing at the fact that Kurt seemed to get accustomed to the idea.

“Just… Do what you want, really” he fidgeted with the camera “This is all about expressing yourself, something you’re a master of, when it comes to clothes. I just want to see how you can do this just using your own body”.

Kurt took a deep breath. Okay then. He eyed his reflection in the big mirror that hanged on the opposite wall, on top of Blaine’s drawer. His shirt was half-open, revealing his scrawny shoulders and the prominent line of the collarbone. Kurt reached for the remaining buttons of his shirt, and finally took it off. His undershirt seemed kind of pointless, so he removed it too. Now that he was shirtless he became aware of the camera noises in the silence.

“I wish I wasn’t so pale” he blurted out.

Blaine, who at the moment was shifting on the bed trying to find the best angle, stopped for a second and looked at Kurt. He shuffled on his knees to get closer. Asking silent permission, he laid a tentative hand on Kurt’s neck.

“From the first time I saw you I thought that you looked aristocratic. Fragile and tender yet full of an unknown, magical force. Powerful.” He reached out to stroke Kurt’s chest with the lightest of touches, up and down, from shoulder to abdomen, brushing over the tiny pink nipples, delicately grazing the line of light hair that went down from his bellybutton, pressing his thumb to the Adam’s apple, and then caressing up again, resting a hand over Kurt’s heart. “I think you’re a masterpiece, your skin is baby-soft and oh so light that it seems to shine, and I’m amazed by it every single time I get to touch you” Kurt was holding his breath and fighting shivers the whole time. He was acutely aware of his arm hair standing up, his pulse speeding crazily and that ragged breathing, but he couldn’t do anything, Blaine’s touches were soft and teasing, his words sweet and earnest.

Blaine reached for the camera, and took close-ups of Kurt’s torso, his hand never leaving its position over Kurt’s heart. Kurt was watching the whole process in the mirror, and somehow it seemed exciting but completely natural, being admired, photographed and touched all over by a cute boy. Artistic, even. Blaine started humming softly, unaware that he was doing it out loud.

“Every step you take

Every move you make

Every breath you take

I’ll be watching you ”

Continuing the previous pattern with his other hand, Blaine took photo after photo, until Kurt was aching for Blaine’s lips and body and oh why was he still dressed? But his boyfriend seemed to be oblivious. He was entranced, obsessed, hypnotized by every pore, every cell on Kurt’s body.

“Every single day

Every word you say

Every night you stay

I'll be watching you…”

After what seemed like hours of photographs and gentle caresses, Kurt couldn’t take it anymore. He gently took Blaine’s wandering hand in his own and kissed his palm, smiling lightly when Blaine gasped in surprise, then kitten-licked down his hand, moving onto his wrist and finally reached the sleeve, looked at Blaine quirking his eyebrows, hoping he would get the hint.

“Gosh, I’m sorry Kurt, you must be really uncomfortable like that” Blaine realized, and quickly shed his bowtie, cardigan, shirt and undershirt all in one go. ‘Now look who’s really comfortable with his body’ a frustrating thought flashed in Kurt’s mind.

They stared at each other, shirtless and unrestrained. The temperature in the room has risen very quickly, though the atmosphere wasn’t exactly uncomfortable, both boys were unsure of what to do next.

“Maybe… You could just move, Kurt” Blaine suggested, trying to convey the idea that seemed beautiful in his head gesticulating wildly “Move the way you want to. Pretend I’m not here”

How could Kurt pretend that Blaine was not there, if only a minute ago the guy was practically devouring him with his hands, and now they were both shirtless, on the bed, the same bed that witnessed their sexual debut?

“Okay, I’ll try. I’ll just… look in the mirror” Kurt concentrated on this pale thin boy that was staring right back at him. When Blaine was touching him, he forgot that those arms were too long, those shoulders were made of skin and bones, that chest seemed to belong to a baby, rather than to a young man, hairless and without abs. He felt wanted and beautiful. Was it the way Blaine saw him every day? Kurt smiled absentmindedly, he didn’t notice how Blaine quickly swayed to capture that smile on his camera.

He tilted his neck, brushing over the prominent line of the pulse vein with a single finger. He remembered that one time when Blaine got distracted and sucked under his ear for far too long: the hickey got so huge he had to wear a scarf on the hottest day of summer. He avoided all questions, justifying his choice of accessory with latest fashion trends. It would have been mortifying explaining the whole thing to his father. The faintest blush crept up his cheeks, and Blaine was quick to take a picture.

Kurt quickly got tired of tilting his neck, so he turned his whole back to the mirror, and angled his neck the other way. His spine was extrusive, so he straightened his back, to see how the tiny bones descended from his neck down to where his jeans hided them from view. He certainly didn’t look like a model, far from it. But one thing he liked about his own back was how it fitted perfectly to Blaine’s chest on those rare times when they were spooning. He pictured a distant day, Blaine hugging him from behind and kissing his neck while he stood behind the counter making pancakes. He would certainly wear an apron. He wasn’t sure if he needed the rest of the clothes. And he would definitely sprinkle Blaine’s nose with flour if he got impatient. He giggled at the ridiculous situation, imagining the pout on Blaine’s face and his sad puppy eyes if he denied him pancakes with strawberry jam.

Blaine was mesmerized by the flexing muscles, by those shoulder blades, and the silky-smooth skin on Kurt’s back. He wished that he could just reach out and feel him. But that would surely ruin the magical atmosphere and Kurt’s precious daydreaming beam.

Facing the mirror again, Kurt got up on his knees, and lifted his arms. When he was stretching like that, he could count all the ribs one by one. Blaine couldn’t help himself, he let out an involuntary sound, a cross between a whine and a groan. He’s been watching Kurt the entire time and he certainly wasn’t a coldhearted professional photographer. He didn’t see an object, he saw the boy of his dreams, in all his beauty. Reactions were natural. Kurt blushed crimson when he noticed Blaine’s obvious arousal in his pants. He wouldn’t admit it in a million years, but he was quite proud. Looking at how tightly Blaine was clutching the camera, Kurt made a decision. He wanted a photosession? He’ll get one.

Without hesitation, Kurt stripped to his underwear. He laid on his back, leaning on the elbows, displaying his long creamy-colored legs to Blaine, a hint of a mock on his lips. Blaine wasn’t sure whether to cry in joy or retrieve his jaw from the floor where it fell.

“Kurt?… Wh-”

“Come on, sweetheart, your turn”

Swallowing thickly, Blaine bounced off the bed in order to take his jeans off, not without stumbling once or twice. Kurt’s determination dissipated when he saw Blaine, the tight cotton boxer briefs straining over his erection. Kurt would never take this sight for granted. Blaine’s arms clearly struggled to make a decision in the eternal debate at whether to reach out and pine Kurt to the bed, forgetting everything he ever knew about photography, or take the camera with shaky fingers and make some truly awful blurry photos. Blaine took a deep breath instead – wasn’t he the one that suggested the idea? He should be calm and enjoy the process. And he should calm Kurt down too, whose sudden internal panic was written all over his face.

Blaine bended down to one side of the bed and pulled out an old empty shoe box, while Kurt was looking at him curiously. He carefully gathered the photographs that were scattered all over the bed and started to put them in the box, until he saw that the box was not as empty as he thought it was.

“Oh my god, Kurt, look, it’s Mr Cuddles!” Blaine exclaimed in the silence of the room “I’ve had him since I was 3!” He was holding an old fluffy piece of something, that once could have been a teddy bear with a bowtie.

The genuine childlike excitement in Blaine’s eyes, his shocked expression, the fact that he was still in his underwear, with a hard on, and wanted to take nude photos of his boyfriend all at once, were reasons enough to make Kurt burst out laughing. He clutched a pillow and ignored the offended “hey”s of his boyfriend, tears dwelling out of his eyes from laughing so hard.

Blaine grabbed the pillow from Kurt’s hands and caught hold of his arms, he was laughing too, the whole situation was immensely ridiculous.

“Kurt, come on, stop”

“Blaaaaine… I can’t… Mr Cuddles”

After a few minutes of giggling, when Kurt’s face was red and hair disheveled, Blaine’s curls free from the gel and his smile radiant, they both seemed to have calmed down. Blaine immediately reached to hold Kurt properly, arms embracing his waist. He kissed Kurt sweetly yet passionately, tongue tracing every part of Kurt’s mouth it could reach. Blaine felt Kurt’s hands stroking his back, until one hand reached to his neck pulling him even closer, and the other clutched his hair with insistence. Blaine couldn’t help but thrust his hips and they both moaned at the contact. Their lips parted, because both boys needed to get some air, and Blaine’s torrent of words was finally unleashed.

“Kurt, ah, the things you do to me… You’re so gorgeous… ” Open-mouthed kiss on Kurt’s neck “The way you look so fierce and sexy” scratch of Kurt’s nails on Blaine’s back “Yet so innocent and pure” Loud moan “I want to be forever yours” Lick on Kurt’s nipple “Sometimes I get jealous of your coffee cup” bite on Blaine’s shoulder “I can’t believe you’re mine, ahh”.

Blaine’s hand cupped Kurt’s ass through the thin underwear, urging his hips even closer

“Blaine… ahh… stop.”

His hand froze, and whole body stopped. Blaine’s eyes were hurt when he made eye contact with Kurt. He was desperately trying to understand where he had gone wrong. Kurt was trying to catch his breath, silently asking Blaine for a moment. Then he smiled.

“I just want a picture… of us…”

Clinging on Blaine for balance, he propped himself up on his knees, and looked in the mirror.

Blaine felt relieved. He grinned too, because they looked quite debauched and oh so young. He took the camera and leaned his head on Kurt’s shoulder, his left arm on Kurt’s waist, balancing the camera in the right one. He took the photo, smiles on both their faces, and in that moment he felt happier and safer than he’d ever been. He decided he would always cherish this moment in his heart. He sighed happily wrapping himself in the heat that was Kurt’s body.

Kurt turned his head and whispered in his ear

“Don’t you think we could do better … with less clothing?”

Blaine would never understand how Kurt was even real. He was always surprising him in the best of ways. Blaine slipped his hand right under the waistband of Kurt’s boxers and traced the slightly indented line of the sensitive skin there. He felt Kurt shudder, so he pecked his cheek and slowly pulled the underwear down, freeing his neglected erection. Kurt reached for Blaine’s boxers and pulled them down hastily. He was at the edge from the moment Blaine started to unbutton his shirt, there was no time for gentle touches.

Blaine turned to face Kurt’s side. He pressed his hard on to Kurt’s hip lightly and groped Kurt’s ass, the muscly flesh so perky and soft he wanted to feel it forever. Blaine’s other hand traced circles on Kurt’s stomach, lightly trailing a thumb on the head of Kurt’s dick, then repeatedly dipping in the bellybutton, in and out, in and out…


Kurt held the camera and took a photo without adjusting any settings, his eyes so fuzzy with arousal he couldn’t see straight. He didn’t care what the photo turned out to be. Under Blaine’s touches he felt like a sculpture being modeled by a talented artist, remarkable and infinite. The camera fell from his hands and he reached to Blaine’s face, slamming their mouths in a dirty and desperate kiss.

Blaine fell on the bed pulling Kurt on top of him without losing his tight hold on Kurt’s ass. Kurt was moaning, gasping, whimpering and whispering profanities all at the same time. Blaine thought that he could listen to those sounds until his dying breath. Kurt took hold of Blaine’s dick, smearing precome, stroking wildly. Blaine felt the heat pooling in his stomach and it took only a few more strokes until he was coming all over their stomachs. Seeing Blane’s all sweaty, blushing and gasping, with his lips parted was enough for Kurt to lose it. He came shouting Blaine’s name, his muscles clenching, until he couldn’t take it anymore and slumped on top of Blaine, powerless.

They laid for a few minutes, until Blaine reached a hand to brush Kurt’s hair away from his eyes and plant a kiss on his temple. Kurt curled on his chest, clinging to him and humming happily. It felt warm and safe, the scent of Kurt and Blaine everywhere and he didn’t want to let go, despite the sticky mess on their bellies.

 "Thank you," Blaine murmured into the quiet.

"No, don’t thank me. We did this together," Kurt responded. He felt sleepy and completely sated.

Blaine pressed his thumbs to Kurt's jaw and whispered "I'm just - so, so grateful that I found you."

His tone seemed conversationally light but the sincerity in his eyes was unmistakable.

Kurt’s stomach flooded with butterflies, he realized he would never get away from them, as long as he was in Blaine’s embrace. He put a hand over Blaine’s heart and averted his eyes, grinning suddenly.

“Remind me to send Cooper a present.. You know, nothing big. A helicopter or something.”

End Notes: Mon chéri - my darlingJ'aime un imbécile - I'm in love with an idiot


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This is so adorable and in character. Most of the time Klaine one-shots get taken so out of character that it just ruins it but this was adorable.

Thank you very much :D

This is sooo cute! Love it!

Thank you very much <3