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Tattoo This Canvas Skin

This was originally written for a project on Tumblr that has, unfortunately, gone defunct. :( I want to thank oddmeants and flyblckbirdfly for trying desperately to make the project work. The prompt for the week was "One of the boys needs to check their email on the other boy's computer and sees his browsing history. He is shocked." When I wrote this story I mis-remembered the prompt and just used it as the computer was open. Blaine's computer. It's a first-time-sexy-times Klaine story set in canon. Don't worry, I'm writing a prompt for the beautiful anxioussquirrel. I wrote this for fun in between. I really like close quarters/having to be quiet/first times. Can you tell? I didn't mind describing Blaine in bed, either. ANYWAY...without further ado, I give you the fic...

E - Words: 2,700 - Last Updated: Oct 07, 2011
1,946 0 6 8
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: first time,

I'll just be five minutes, mom wants me to unload the dishwasher before Dad comes home and I just want to have some time with you uninterrupted – go on up to my room, okay?” said Blaine as he reached for the latch on the dishwasher.
“Ugh, yeah, okay, I have so much homework for Kizansky tonight anyway, so I'll be on your bed, waiting.” replied Kurt, knowing full well that his words would make his boyfriend's ears turn pink.  Which they did.
“Now who's a baby penguin?” Kurt laughed to himself.  Since their conversation so many months ago Kurt's feelings on anything sexual had evolved; transformed into some other beast entirely.  He was ready for...well, maybe not sex but definitely more than just the heavy make-out sessions that left him feeling needy and wanting; lips lust-bruised and jeans achingly tight.  He pictured much more than that now when he was alone at night with only his thoughts and a pillow to stifle his moans.  He groaned to himself as he entered Blaine's room.
He really wasn't ready to start homework.  Checking one's email before homework could be research if your lab partner sent you their notes, right? Kurt thought to himself, dropping his bag on the bed and making his way to Blaine's desk. 
He was surprised to find a document open.  Blaine never left anything open on his computer...then again his mom must've called him down to unload the dishwasher.  He must've thought he would have time to come back and save this, Kurt thought.
It was a word document, quite lengthy, and single spaced.  English, ugh, thought Kurt as he began to move the mouse to the minimize button.
The mouse froze.  His name was all over the page.
He wasn't trying to be nosy.  He wasn't trying to pry.  But, honestly, when you see your name on something you just read it.  It's like a knee-jerk reaction.
Kurt's eyes widened as he read the words on the screen.
September 15, 2011
Had another dream about Kurt last night.  It's the third one this week.  I just want to send a quick note to my subconscious: yes, I know you desire Kurt.  Yes, I know you would like to be doing more than kissing him.  No, you don't need to send me graphic examples of said activities in my sleep, making waking awkward.  It's so frustrating.  It's not that I don't think Kurt's ready – I do – it's that I know Kurt's waiting for me to make the first move.  But...but what if I mess it up?  What if he's not ready like I think and I'm “that” guy.  I don't want to be “that” guy.  I want to be the guy who made him moan my name and come undone for the first time.  I wish I could just ask him what he likes.  Like that wouldn't be awkward.  “Hey, Kurt.  How do you like to masturbate?”  Wait, now I kinda want to ask that question.  It's going to be so hard at Artie's party tomorrow because I know we are in the same house and-
Kurt heard Blaine's footsteps on the stairs and flung himself (silently) onto Blaine's bed, quickly removing his notebook from the backpack he had unceremoniously dumped there, and opened it quickly to his notes just as Blaine was turning the doorknob.
Blaine entered, eyes zeroing in on his computer and cheeks red.  Kurt tried to appear calm; like he had been there the whole time.  Blaine quickly crossed the room, hit save, and closed his document before spinning around in his computer chair.
He cleared his throat.
“Uhhm, so, what are you working on?'
Kurt knew he was afraid, so afraid that Kurt had seen what he had written.  His private thoughts laid bare.  He wanted to give his boyfriend some of his dignity even though he had snatched some of his privacy away.
“Oh, god, it's chemistry.  WHY didn't I take it last year like all the sane people?  I can't stand all of this electron sharing!” Kurt complained, putting on what he hoped was an irritated air.  “I just dropped myself here and started right in.  I hope you don't mind?”
Blaine's shoulders relaxed as he replied, “No, it's totally fine.  Let me get out MY chemistry.  I wish we were in the same class...”
“Ugh, I know.  I might email Rachel and see if she has better notes than I do.  Can I use your computer?”
“Sure, of course.  Whatever you need,” Blaine replied, smile on his face.  He doesn't suspect.  Good.  Good. thought Kurt.
“So Artie's party is tomorrow night, are you still going?” asked Kurt nonchalantly.
Blaine glanced at him, spreading out on the floor with his chem text and notebook, elbows on the carpet and stomach on the floor.
“Of course.  My parents think it's great I've made friends so quickly and my mom likes Artie.  I may have failed to mention that my alarmingly handsome boyfriend is also sleeping over.”  He wiggled his eyebrows at Kurt, teasing.
Kurt almost told him then.  Almost.  It would ruin the plan he was already formulating, though, so he just said, “Oh, well that's convenient.”
Kurt could hardly contain himself at Artie's.  Playing video games with the boys, talking, laughing, and doing “guy stuff”.  Kurt had slowly been invited to do these things, and to bring Blaine, over the summer.  Now they had a system.  Kurt didn't necessarily love playing video games but he did love fashion magazines.  He would bring whatever suited him to the party and then he could feel like he was involved and be included in conversations but still be able to zone out if he wanted to.  It was the best of both worlds.
Tonight was different, however.  He had asked Artie ahead of time if he and Blaine could sleep in the bed in the spare room this time and have Puck and Finn sleep on the floor.  He didn't want to make his plan obvious to Blaine, so he waited until everyone decided to call it a night to put his plan into action, even going so far as to wait for Puck and Finn to be gone to their sleeping bags in the spare room for 20 minutes before pulling on Blaine's arm and signaling to the upstairs.  Blaine grabbed his sleeping bag and made for Artie's room before Kurt stopped him, snagging Blaine's fingers and twining their hands together.
“I made alternate arrangements for us tonight,” he said quietly as Artie rolled into his first-floor bedroom, Mike trailing behind.
“But I always sleep on the floor in Artie's room while Finn, you, Mike, and Puck bunk in the spare ro-” Blaine began but stopped short when he realized Kurt's eyes were boring into him, his bottom lip caught between his teeth, the tell-tale eyebrows low for once.
“So where are we-” Blaine began and then flushed, eyes wide.
“The real question is,” Kurt replied, voice low, “how quiet can you be, Blaine Anderson?”  Kurt had to suppress a giggle when Blaine's jaw dropped slightly, hand limp in Kurt’s, before finding his composure and saying, “Oh my god, lead the way.”
“Well Casanova, how about you get into your pajamas in the bathroom down here, I'll change upstairs, and I'll meet you in bed.”
With that, Kurt turned on his heel, not waiting for a reaction or reply, and went to get changed.
Kurt was slightly shaking when he got the spare bedroom's door.  He wanted this SO much.  His synapses were rioting, creating new memories, feelings, desires.  He wanted so badly right now.  He now understood what desire was and he was working patiently to keep it in check.  There was a certain way he pictured this going down and he wanted his fantasy to come true. Kurt Hummel does not back down.
Kurt opened the door, light from the streetlamp outside illuminating the room. He could see Puck and Finn curled up on the floor, sleeping bags wound around them like cocoons but it was seeing Blaine that made him stop suddenly before stepping on Finn's hand. 
Blaine was already lying in bed and he had folded down the sheets and comforter. He was lying on top of the bedclothes, blue and white striped pajama pants tied low at his waist, one arm under his head, propping him up on his side while his other hand picked lazily at the sheet.  His hair had been rinsed clean of product and was mostly dry, setting his curls loose.  What stopped Kurt, though, was the fact that he was shirtless.  The shirt was there; Kurt could see it sticking out from behind Blaine's pillow but for some unknown reason (that Kurt would never, ever think of questioning) he had taken it off.
Kurt licked his lips and quickly stepped over two sleeping boys to join Blaine on the bed. “So...that should be illegal.” he whispered, barely containing the waiver in his voice.
“If you want me to put it back on I-” Blaine began, but Kurt had already climbed into bed, snuggling close to Blaine's chest, examining him closely.
“No, I quite appreciate the view,” Kurt murmured as he raised his hand to touch Blaine's chest.  “May I?” he asked, hoping.
“Of course you can, Kurt.” came Blaine's choked voice.  Though neither boy cared, both boys were becoming increasingly aware that pajama pants were not conducive to hiding their growing excitement at their current situation.  Kurt pushed it a step further, angling his hips and snuggling ever closer to Blaine, intentionally grinding against him once, twice, and gasped into Blaine's ear.
“Oh my godddd, you can' can't do that to me.  The grinding?  Bad.  The gasp in my earWorse.  You can obviously tell this is...well, this is a lot,” Blaine finished lamely, not wanting to say “This is hot as fuck.”
Kurt smiled, rolling his hips one more time before bending up and reaching low to pull the sheet over their bodies.  We need some privacy he thought as he went in for the kill.
“Blaine?” Kurt whispered, tongue trailing on his boyfriend's ear, making him shiver.
“Kuuurt,” Blaine half-moaned, already broken.
“Will you touch me?”
Blaine pulled back, eyes impossibly wide, searching Kurt's and finding mischief and blue eyes blown black.  Kurt wants me.  Kurt wants my hands on him, Blaine thought, and a thrill ran through his fingertips all the way to his groin as he groaned into Kurt's neck, hips rocking unashamedly.
“Fuck yes, anything...everything.  I've wanted this for so long Kurt.  Want to touch you. . Want to see you...” Blaine whispered, eyes locked with Kurt's.
Kurt pushed in close, lips barely touching Blaine's, sweet breath and tongue touch, moist mouth on mouth whispers.
See me what, Blaine?  See me come?” Kurt said, his nose brushing Blaine's as his lips rose and fell over Blaine's, teasing, “See me fall apart under your fingertips?  Feel me break, shaking against you?”
Blaine moaned into Kurt's mouth, open, naked.  Finn stirred, fluffing his pillow and snoring once.
Kurt stifled a giggled and whispered, “Hey!  HEY!  You need to follow the rules here, Anderson!  Quiet is's like your distracted or something.”
“How the hell are you so calm, anyway?” Blaine asked, fingertips pulling at the hem of Kurt's shirt until he quickly sits up to shrug off the offending item of clothing, Blaine's eyes roving, fingertips mapping his skin, flicking gently at Kurt's nipples, causing muffled moans.
“Okay, confession.”
Blaine stilled; eyes on Kurt's.
“I've had a little time to think about this...I...I tried to use your computer yesterday to email my lab partner and...well, when your NAME'S there you kind of see, and I didn't read it all but...enough...and I hope you're not mad...”
Blaine seemed to consider this for a moment before surging forward, capturing Kurt's mouth and rutting against him in a way that would leave all touch a moot point if Kurt didn't still Blaine's hips with his fingertips.
“I don't even care.  Maybe I should but now you know and...well, I didn't know where to begin so this is as good a place as any.” replied Blaine when his lips were free again.
Kurt breathed a sigh of relief and settled into the mattress, leaning back to get comfortable again.  He tentatively grabbed the heel of Blaine's hand and pulled it to him, Blaine's eyes a question mark, before gently, slowly trailing Blaine’s fingertips down his exposed torso, skimming the thin hairs on his stomach, drawing it down, down, until it reach his lower abdomen, right above the waist of his pajama pants.  He let go of the hand for a moment to pull the string on his pants and shifted, pushing them down to his thighs.
He heard Blaine take in a deep breath and quickly glanced back up to him, checking.
“Is this okay?  Because I want to if you want to and...” Kurt began before Blaine's lips were pressed hotly to his, forcing his tongue into Kurt's mouth in a completely new way.  It was like Blaine was fucking his mouth, entering him repeatedly, leaving him gasping, making his balls ache and his toes curl.  He needed to be touched, dammit.
He keened, a high aching sound, signaling his fuckwantneed and then stilled, snapping his lips closed around the sound as he glanced at the sleeping forms on the floor.
Thank god they could sleep through a brass band.
Kurt quickly moved his hand to Blaine's and curled it around his cock, slit leaking,  pinksoftsweetskin of it thrumming, hips bucking into the friction.  Blaine leaned his forehead against Kurt's, panting. 
I can't believe I'm touching you,” he whispered harshly, Kurt's hand wrapped around his, wrapped around Kurt's cock, Kurt showing him exactly how to touch him, tease him, bring him closer...closer...”Fuck I love this.  You...fuck, you're so fucking hot.  I love touching you.  Your cock...” Blaine groaned, grinding into Kurt's leg before finishing his thought, “feels so good in my hot Kurt.  So hot...”
Every word Blaine whispered brought him closer and he realized what he truly wanted and stilled against Blaine, removing his hand from Blaine's and reaching above them to retrieve his shirt pushing it between them, under Blaine's hand, before swiftly untying Blaine's pajamas and gently pushing at them, whining low in his throat.
Blaine pushed the band down, revealing his own straining cock, resting his pants on his thighs.  Kurt gazed below the sheets, panting, hips gently rocking, wanting.  But fuck if this wasn't the sexiest thing he had ever seen. 
Kurt?  I want to...I want to make you come with me.  Come with me.  Please?” Blaine murmured, eyes bright and hand returning to fist Kurt's cock, resuming his strokes, strong, determined.
Kurt pressed his mouth to Blaine's neck, biting, sucking, putting all his moans and gasps – all his pleasure - into Blaine's skin and sealing it there, tattooing his skin with his concupiscence while he reached down and gripped Blaine for the first time. Blaine emitted a choked-out groan, his head thrown back, throat begging to be bitten.
And bite Kurt did.
Kurt had never understood the allure of teeth and tongue on sweat-slick skin but tonight, when his voice could not convey his pleasure, his mouth could.  Tiny crescents etched on Blaine's canvas skin, Kurt's sexual signature sealed deep.
They rocked together, raw and silent, swallowing each other's pleasure where their mouths met as Kurt reached his peak, spilling over Blaine's hand and onto his shirt, Blaine watching as Kurt came, eyes locked until Kurt squeezed his shut, “yesyesyes” pressed to Blaine's skin, shuddering against him. 
This was enough for Blaine, Kurt's hand still stroking him (though now roughly) as he came, biting into Kurt's neck, a muffled wail in the still room.
They came down together, breath ragged and lips wet, hands gently wiping, cleaning, and balling up Blaine's now useless shirt before stashing it unceremoniously at the foot of the bed before rearranging their clothing.
Recovered and resplendid, reddened cheeks and joyful-eyed, Blaine cupped Kurt's face and kissed him gently, lovingly, opening Kurt's mouth up to him before licking sweetly into it, tasting sleep on his tongue.
“Thank you,” Kurt murmured, eyelids heavy and shoulders leaning.
“No, thank YOU.  I'm going to leave my journal open more often.  In fact, I think I will invite you over to read it...” replied Blaine, a smile in his voice.
Kurt smiled, sleep crashing over him, and they made their way down to sleep together. Finn started to snore and Puck shuffled in his sleep, none the wiser.
End Notes: Hope you liked it! If you did, please just give a quick rating! THANKS!!!


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That was smokin' hot... I loved it. :)

Hello there :D Pretty good story, I loved Blaines journal and how he said he'd invite Kurt over to read it. Although I found it a bit awkward with Puck and Finn on the floor but I could easily forget them ;D