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Another one inspired by a Tumblr post. Kurt is in NY, missing Blaine, so they decide to Skype.

K - Words: 247 - Last Updated: Nov 21, 2011
990 0 0 1
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: futurefic, OMG CREYS,

“Can you hear me?”

“Loud and clear, babe.”

Kurt adjusted his webcam and angled it lower, making sure that Blaine couldn’t see his dump of an apartment in the background.

“I miss you,” Blaine said from the other side of the screen. He was wrapped up in blankets, on his bed, currently Skyping Kurt, who was in New York.

Kurt chuckled softly and smiled sadly. “I miss you, too, Blaine. More than you know. I wish you were here with me, you would love New York.” Kurt pulled the laptop closer to him, yearning to hold Blaine in person, feel his warmth against his body.

“Hey, six more months, right? And then New York won’t know what hit it.” Blaine smiled eagerly leaned in closer to the camera. “Plus, only 2 more months ‘till you come back and visit. And then we can…make up for lost time.“

Kurt was sure that the flush creeping up his neck to his face was visible, even through the shitty quality of the webcam, to his boyfriend. “Blaine!” he whispered, half amused, “You can’t just say those things, my roomate could have been in the room.”

Blaine shrugged and chuckled, “Sorry, babe. I just…you know I can’t stop thinking about you. I miss you way too much.’

Kurt rolled his eyes playfully, deciding it was better to just give in to Blaine’s qualms than to argue them. “You are…adorable. And impossible. Impossible adorable.”

Blaine just smiled shook his head playfully.

“Love you,” Kurt sighed wistfully.

“Love you too, Kurt. Always.”


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