Games We Play Series
Hot N' Cold Series
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Games We Play Series

Hot N' Cold

I'm feeling playful. My house. 8pm.

E - Words: 3,278 - Last Updated: Dec 16, 2012
4,551 0 4 8
Categories: Angst, AU, PWP,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, first time,

Author's Notes: Warnings: Badboy!Blaine, D/s undertones, Blowjobs, Blindfolding, Rimming, Fingering
Blaine Anderson thinks Kurt Hummel has the sexiest ass he’s ever seen. He finds himself staring at it a lot in the hallway, watching with discreetly lowered eyes or from behind dark sunglasses. He’s been staring at it a lot in the last few months, since his transfer to McKinley from the Dalton Academy Reform School for Boys.

Now that he’s seen Kurt’s ass naked, had Kurt’s cock in his mouth, Blaine can’t picture anything else when he stares at Kurt. Occasionally he allows himself to meet Kurt’s eye as they pass each other – Kurt blushes every time their eyes lock and then he scurries on his way, whatever girl he’s chatting with at the time always completely oblivious. Maybe not the cheerleader he sees Kurt with sometimes; she seems like she might have a vague idea that something’s going on between them.

Kurt fascinates him in ways Blaine hadn’t expected. He’s smart and funny and completely willing to let Blaine do whatever to him. It’s a heady kind of feeling, and Blaine can’t seem to get enough of it - which is why he’s considering something that he never would otherwise. It’s a dream from another life, when he thought people actually cared what happened to him.

He strolls into glee club that afternoon, amidst surprised looks and what he thinks might have been a gasp from Kurt’s direction. He doesn’t look at Kurt though, instead staring at the floor throughout Mr. Schue’s introduction and taking a seat in the back next to Puck.

Puck slaps him a high five when he sits down (they’ve been bros since Blaine transferred because according to Puck “Blaine’s the only one more of a badass than I am”) and Blaine finally allows himself to look at Kurt. Their eyes lock and Blaine smirks. Kurt blushes, whipping back around in his seat and turning his head so Mercedes can whisper in his ear.

He sits in the back while some short, obnoxious girl wearing an animal on her sweater belts out some song or another. The entire group gets into a shouting match when she’s done, arguing about an upcoming competition.
Mr. Schue had given him the choice of singing in front of the group but Blaine had passed. He wasn’t about to make a fool out of himself if he could help it. He’d sung a few bars a Maroon 5 song when he’d asked to join and that had been that.

Blaine knew that Kurt would be full of questions and might even try to speak to him in the hallway, something they’d never done. He knew Kurt didn’t want to acknowledge what was happening between them publicly – but that was okay. Blaine didn’t care that he was Kurt’s dirty little secret as long as Kurt kept coming around and bringing that ass with him. He made sure to slip out of the choir room first and down the hallway, pausing just long enough to slip a folded note into the vents of Kurt’s locker.

He chuckles, thinking about Kurt’s reaction. He’d kept the note simple (I’m feeling playful. My house. 8pm) and he hopes that it’ll be enough to get Kurt to show.

Blaine hurries home. He’s got plans to put in motion.


Kurt shows up right on time. Blaine smirks as he opens the door, letting Kurt in. Kurt’s taking in the surroundings with wide eyes, the large house with impeccable decorations probably coming as a shock given Blaine’s backstory.

“Not what you expected?” Blaine asks, taking Kurt’s coat and hanging it on the coat rack in the hall. Blaine waits for Kurt to slip off his shoes and gestures for Kurt to follow him.

“I guess not,” Kurt answers quietly. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed.”

“Everyone does.” Blaine shrugs.

“I’m sorry,” Kurt apologizes again. Blaine glances at him, surprised. “That must really suck.”

“I’m used to it.” Blaine wishes Kurt would just let this go. This isn’t some kind of touchy-feely hour. He wants to make Kurt fall apart, make him scream and forget about his life for awhile. When Kurt’s around, everything else disappears.

Kurt seems to get the idea and quiets as Blaine takes him by the hand and leads him up the stairs. He bypasses his bedroom, instead taking Kurt down the hallway to the large playroom he’d used when he was younger. The room is empty now, but the thick carpeting would suit Blaine’s purposes.

Blaine takes another look at Kurt and sees Kurt biting his lip. Kurt’s nervous. Blaine smirks again – he loves that he has this effect on Kurt. Even so, he wonders if Kurt’s going to be up for what Blaine has planned.

Kurt walks into the playroom and then spins around, looking at the empty space, confusion written on his features. Blaine grins.

“I must admit, I’m a little confused,” Kurt says, looking at him, his arms crossed over his chest. “What are we playing?”

Blaine pulls a silk handkerchief out of his jeans pocket and smiles. “Blindman’s Bluff.”

Kurt swallows hard, his eyes darkening with lust. It’s almost a shame that Blaine’s going to have to hide them.
“Unless you’re not up for it…” Blaine trails off, raising his eyebrows at Kurt, silently begging the beautiful boy in front of him to be willing. He knows he’s asking a lot. He knows that Kurt giving up his sight in an unfamiliar place is huge. Blaine’s asking him to do it anyway.

“No. I mean,” Kurt stutters out. “I want to.”

“You sure?” Blaine double-checks. He doesn’t want Kurt to ever do anything Kurt doesn’t want to do. Kurt nods.

“What are the rules?” Kurt asks, his voice shaking a little.

“Well,” Blaine replies, his voice low. “I blindfold you, you come find me. When you find me, you get a reward.”

“That’s it?” Kurt clarifies, eyeing him.

“Yeah,” Blaine tells him. “Except that we keep playing until we’re both completely naked and so hard we can’t take it anymore.”

Kurt’s mouth falls open and Blaine smiles again. He loves shocking Kurt – Kurt’s face is so expressive.

Blaine holds out the makeshift blindfold. “So.” He cocks his head to the side. “You game?”


Blaine takes two steps back from Kurt and surveys his handiwork. Kurt’s in front of him, the handkerchief folded and covering his eyes, tied in a knot at the back of his head. He’d been careful not to put Kurt’s hair in too much disarray, but Kurt hadn’t said a word about it. His cock is hard and Blaine adjusts himself. He wants Kurt, oh, how he wants – but he’s going to take his time, draw this out. Make it amazing.

Make Kurt his.

Blaine waits, not saying anything. Kurt’s searching without seeing, his head turning like he’s straining to capture every little noise. He knows the hardest thing for Kurt to do is going to be to move, to actively seek out Blaine.

He’s never more proud that the moment when Kurt takes a tentative step in his direction. Kurt takes another, smaller, and then another, putting him right in front of Blaine.

“Good,” Blaine murmurs. “You found me.” Kurt startles at the sound of his voice.

“What’s my reward?” Kurt asks, sounding breathless. Blaine doesn’t speak, just surges forward and kisses him. Kurt makes a whimpering noise and the sound travels down to Blaine’s cock. He’s already aching and they’ve barely started.

Kurt’s breathing heavy when Blaine breaks away, taking a couple of steps back and to the left.

Kurt turns his head, takes three steps and ends up next to him. Blaine just breathes, wondering if Kurt can hear it, wondering if Kurt will find him. Kurt’s hand shoots out and touches his arm. Blaine smiles, pulling Kurt to him for a kiss. Blaine’s hands tug Kurt’s shirt loose from his jeans before undoing the top buttons and raising the shirt over Kurt’s head.

“Did you throw that on the floor?” Kurt asks, breathing hard.

“If I did?” Blaine wants to know.

“Blaine,” Kurt protests, “that’s silk!” Blaine cuts him off with a kiss.

“It’s a shirt, Kurt. Forget about the shirt.” Blaine takes the opportunity to grin against him, letting Kurt feel how hard he is. Kurt groans and Blaine knows he’s not thinking about the shirt now. “Come find me.”

Blaine moves. He’s a little further away this time. For every step that Kurt takes, Blaine undoes a button on his shirt. He knows Kurt can’t see it, but that’s okay, it’s one less obstacle for when Kurt finds him.

“Am I getting warmer?” Kurt wants to know, a few steps from him.

“Definitely,” Blaine murmurs. Kurt smiles and turns his way, walking the last two steps with his hand stretched out in front him. Kurt’s fingertips brush Blaine’s chest, hitting him where the skin is exposed. Kurt’s mouth drops open a little and he moves his hand, tracing the skin lightly. Blaine does his best to hold still and let Kurt do what he wants. Kurt brings his other hand up and slides his hands under the fabric of Blaine’s shirt, pushing it off his shoulders. Blaine lets it fall to the floor, Kurt’s hands still exploring. He jumps when Kurt’s nail catches his nipple. Blaine takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, hands clenching as he resists the urge to touch. This moment is Kurt’s.

Finally Blaine can’t take it any longer and he grabs Kurt’s hands, stilling them. He lets go, moving away again. Kurt bites his lip and then turns, taking a few steps. “Hot or cold?” he asks.

“Cold,” Blaine replies. He watches as Kurt pauses and then turns again, this time the right way. “Warmer,” he continues as Kurt heads toward him. “Hot.”

They’re right next to the wall, and Blaine doesn’t waste the opportunity. He grabs Kurt by the hips and shoves him lightly up against the wall, pressing against him. Kurt makes a surprised noise followed by a shaky moan at the full body contact. Blaine lifts him up a little, lining up so when he rocks forward, he can feel Kurt’s cock pressed up against his through their pants. Kurt’s just as hard as Blaine is and that means he’s getting off on this as much as Blaine is and Blaine loves that. He loves that Kurt is so willing to just go along with this, that Kurt is letting him do this.

He rocks against Kurt for a moment, his lips finding Kurt’s neck and sucking on the delicate skin. Kurt’s hands are tangling in Blaine’s hair and he keeps breathing out little sounds when he exhales. Blaine kisses him again, and then slowly pulls away, letting Kurt’s feet find the floor. Kurt’s leaning against the wall, breathing heavily.

They take a minute, getting themselves under control. Blaine moves away again, staying quiet. It takes Kurt a little longer this time to find him and when Kurt does, he’s trembling. Blaine wraps his arms around Kurt, kissing him lightly this time. He pulls away just Kurt tries to deepen the kiss and the frustrated sound Kurt makes is worth it.

Blaine has no idea how long he can keep this up. He’s about ready to give up on the game himself, but he reminds himself to have patience and see if this can go on a little longer. He thinks it’ll be worth it.

“A little longer,” Blaine encourages Kurt, who’s still shaking.

Blaine,” Kurt manages.

“I know,” Blaine says. “Just a little longer.”

Kurt nods and Blaine moves his hands to the waist of Kurt’s pants, expertly unfastening them and pushing them down to his ankles, along with Kurt’s underwear, in one fell swoop.

Kurt’s blushing when Blaine glances up at his face, and Blaine can’t help but smirk. He holds Kurt steady while Kurt steps out of his pants. Blaine tosses the clothes in the corner near Kurt’s shirt and sighs. Kurt’s gorgeous, his body flushed with desire, his lips swollen from kissing. His cock his hard and leaking and Blaine licks his lips, planning the next reward.

Blaine moves away again and Kurt seems to hesitate this time before trying to find him. Blaine wonders if it’s because Kurt’s completely naked now, except for the blindfold, but if Kurt’s uncomfortable he doesn’t say anything. He just walks forward, away from the wall.

“Cold,” Blaine calls out. He’s across the room, so Kurt has to change directions. “Warmer.”

Kurt huffs and continues on. “Warmer,” Blaine teases. “Hot,” he says, once Kurt’s in front of him. Kurt waits to see what Blaine will do so Blaine sinks down to his knees, lifting Kurt’s cock with one hand and sinking his mouth down over as much of it as he dares. Kurt cries out, his hands scrapping against Blaine and Blaine knows he’s trying to remain upright. Blaine pulls off, sucking hard around the tip as he does.

Blaine’s shaking now too, his pants so tight he can’t fathom why he hasn’t taken them off yet. He strips them off quickly and they end up in the same pile as Kurt’s. He wraps his arms around Kurt, holding him tightly, letting Kurt feel him skin against skin. Kurt whimpers, his hips moving, searching for friction.

“Just a little more,” Blaine promises.

“I can’t,” Kurt gasps. “I need…”

“I know,” Blaine says, and he’s not sure how he’s managed to not just throw in the towel and grind against Kurt until they both come. “But think of how worth it it’ll be.” He brushes a fingertip across Kurt’s lips. “I’m going to make it so good for you.”

Kurt shivers at his words and Blaine lets go, backing up. Kurt finds him with little trouble, but if he’s being honest, Blaine’s not even really trying to hide from him anymore. He takes Kurt by the hips and turns him around, Kurt squeaking out a noise but letting Blaine move him. Blaine kneels down behind him, staring at Kurt’s ass.

“Blaine?” Kurt asks, sounding unsure. “What are you…?”

“What’s your opinion on rimming?” Blaine replies.

Kurt’s quiet for a second. “People actually do that?”

“Sometimes. It’s not for everyone,” Blaine tells him.

“And you… you want to do that?”

Blaine hums in agreement. “I think you’ll like it.”

“And if I don’t?” Kurt wants to know.

“Then I stop,” Blaine answers. “Then I find some other way to make you come your brains out.”


Blaine waits a moment and then puts his hands on Kurt’s ass cheeks, spreading them. He licks lightly across Kurt’s hole, hearing Kurt inhale sharply. He pauses, waiting to see if Kurt will stop him, but Kurt doesn’t, so he continues. He licks and licks until Kurt is trembling, crying out at every sensation before he pulls away.

“Blaine, please,” Kurt moans. “I can’t…” Kurt’s sinking to the ground, like his legs can no longer hold him up, and Blaine knows the game is coming to a close. Kurt is at the breaking point and Blaine can’t take much more himself. He helps Kurt down to the ground and holds him close.

Blaine kisses him and Kurt responds with ferocity, his hips moving. Blaine stills Kurt’s hips with his hands because there’s just one more thing he wants to do.

“Blaine, I can’t,” Kurt cries when Blaine tells him that. “I’m going to die if I don’t come soon.”

“I think you can,” Blaine tells him. “I think you’ll like this too.”

“What?” Kurt asks, his voice cracking.

Blaine moves his hand between Kurt’s legs, under his cock, using one finger to circle lightly around his hole.
“Have you ever fingered yourself?”

Kurt lets out a slightly hysterical laugh. “Until Rachel’s party, I’d never even kissed anyone, Blaine.”

“That doesn’t mean you haven’t…”

“No, Blaine,” Kurt whispers, and Blaine can see his cheeks flush with color.

“Can I?”

“And then I can come?” Kurt clarifies. His voice is hoarse now and Blaine know he’s thinking about it and the things that does to Blaine nearly have him coming on the spot.

“Yes,” Blaine agrees.

“You’ll stop if I don’t like it?”

“Always,” Blaine promises. He’s a lot of things but he will never make any partner of his do anything they don’t want to do.

“Okay,” Kurt whispers. Blaine moves him back a little.

“I just have to grab something,” Blaine tells him. “Don’t move.” He’s across the room in a flash, grabbing the lube he’d stashed in his pants pocket earlier. “Come here,” he says softly, back at Kurt’s side.

He helps Kurt adjust so that Kurt’s now straddling him, Blaine on his back on the floor. The last thing Kurt needs is rug burns and this is the best way Blaine can think to avoid that.

Blaine lubes up two fingers and slides his hand under Kurt, circling around his hole like before. Kurt doesn’t seem to be breathing and Blaine rubs his free hand on Kurt’s thigh. “Relax.”

“I’m trying,” Kurt mutters. “Can you just… do it?”

“Bossy,” Blaine chuckles.

“You know me,” Kurt replies, and Blaine uses that momentary distraction to slowly push a finger in. Kurt takes a deep breath and Blaine keeps his eyes on Kurt’s face, looking for any signs of distress around the blindfold. Part of him can’t actually comprehend this is happening, if he’s honest.

Blaine shifts his finger, moving it around, feeling Kurt tight squeezing him tightly. He imagines that feeling around his cock and he groans. “You’re so tight.”

“Is that bad?” Kurt’s voice is low and uncertain.

“Never,” Blaine replies, thrusting his finger in and out a little faster before adding the second one. Kurt moans in response and Blaine can’t help the feeling of pride that goes through him. He’s the first one to ever get to do this with Kurt.

Blaine,” Kurt manages.

“I know,” Blaine laughs. “Just wait a second, it’ll be unbelievable.” Blaine moves his fingers around inside Kurt, searching.

The sound that Kurt makes when Blaine brushes his prostate lightly is shrill and unexpected. Kurt’s hands are gripping his arms tightly now, nails digging in. Blaine knows this is it; Kurt’s on the cusp and it won’t take hardly anything to send him over the edge.

He brushes against it again, more firmly this time, and Kurt wails, his hips lifting and back arching more than Blaine would have thought possible. Kurt comes, splatting Blaine’s stomach and chest and holy hell if that’s not the hottest thing Blaine’s ever seen. He pulls his fingers out of Kurt after working him through his orgasm. Kurt’s limp and boneless and Blaine helps slide him onto the floor.

“I’m gonna take this off now,” Blaine whispers, tucking his finger under the blindfold. Kurt nods and Blaine lifts up on it, pulling it off. Kurt’s eyes are closed and he blinks them open slowly.

“Wow,” he says, shyly meeting Blaine’s eyes. Blaine smiles and Kurt smiles back. Blaine uses the handkerchief to clean them both up the best he can for the moment. Kurt’s smile turns to a look of confusion. “You didn’t…”

Blaine looks down. He’s still hard but it hadn’t mattered to him; watching Kurt come more than made up for not getting to himself. “It’s fine,” Blaine says. “Don’t worry about it.”

“It’s not fine,” Kurt murmurs. Kurt’s hand is on his cock before he can blink and Blaine groans. It’s not going to take much and sure enough, a few strokes later and he’s coming over Kurt’s hand.

Blaine’s suddenly exhausted, pulling Kurt down on top of him.

“You know the best games,” Kurt sighs, sounding happy. Blaine smiles and starts planning for next time.


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Wow.... just.... wow!