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A Simple Question

While the rest of the guys in New Directions don't know how to ask their girls to prom, Blaine has the perfect plan.

K - Words: 721 - Last Updated: Oct 23, 2011
1,325 0 1 5
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Blaine was pretty sure that most, if not all, of the guys in New Directions were complete idiots (Kurt aside), though it could just be that they had crazy girlfriends. Somehow Blaine had gotten roped into a conversation with Finn, Puck, and Sam about prom, more specifically how they were asking their respective partners to the end all be all party of the school year.

Sam and Puck were convinced that they needed to scheme together to create some elaborate musical number to ask their girls since they seemed to enjoy a flair for the dramatic.

Finn, on the other hand wasn’t sure he needed to ask Quinn since she had already made it abundantly clear that they were going together. Quinn had already informed him what colors he should wear and what color corsage he should be getting for her.

Mike jumped into the conversation long enough to inform Finn that he still actually needed to ask Quinn and proceeded to stumble over himself trying to figure out how to ask Tina.

Blaine stayed silent throughout most of the conversation, only voicing his opinion when one of the guys expressed a truly inane idea. Blaine knew how he was going to ask Kurt. He had nearly pulled his hair out trying to decide how to do it, and even though all of the guys asked what he was planning for Kurt, he wasn’t going to let anything split, especially with Finn in the room.

Finn who, after catching him and Kurt sneaking good bye kisses shortly after they started dating, immediately told Burt despite Kurt swearing him to secrecy. There was no way in hell Blaine was going to let it slip in front of him.

No, Blaine would just sit back and relish the fact that he knew what he was doing.

That afternoon found Kurt and Blaine in line at the Lima Bean, and, as usual, Kurt brought the plate of biscotti to their regular table while Blaine waited for their two medium drips to be prepared.

Blaine smiled to himself when “Teenage Dream” came on over the caf�’s sound system while he prepared his coffee. The smile didn’t fade as he brought the cups over to the table where Kurt patiently waited.

He slid the steaming cup in front of Kurt who snatched it up and took a quick drag. Blaine settled down across from Kurt and just smiled.

Kurt hummed along to the song for a few bars while Blaine’s hand slid over to grasp Kurt’s free one. Blaine twisted his cup just so and brought it to his mouth, not drinking from it and continued to watch Kurt.

“I can’t hear this song and not think of you now.” Kurt blushed at little as the words came out on his mouth and Blaine tightened his grip on Kurt’s hand for a moment.

“Is that such a bad thing?” Blaine asked, pinning Kurt with his most charming smile.

“I suppose not,” Kurt replied, a light laugh escaping his mouth. Kurt’s eyes stayed on his for a few moments before traveling steadily down Blaine’s body. Blaine shivered a little under the gaze, but never stopped watching Kurt because – there it was.

Kurt’s eyes widened, his breath hitching with a sharp intake of air. His eyes shot to Blaine’s a grin spreading across his face.

“Yes!” Kurt shouted earning them a few stares from the patrons around them. Kurt leaned over the table pressing a gentle kiss to Blaine’s lips. Blaine set down his coffee to pull Kurt deeper into the kiss and the writing on the cup was clearly visible for everyone else to see.

In Blaine’s scrawling script was Kurt, will you please go to prom with me?

Kurt shook his head as he parted from Blaine.

“You know, for someone who claims to be bad at romance, you’re awfully good at it,” Kurt teased, a grin still plastered to his face. Blaine shrugged.

“Only with you,” Blaine murmured, giving Kurt a small wink. Kurt smiled and brought their hands to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on the top of Blaine’s hand.

“As it should be.” Yes, Blaine thought, staring at the boy he loved, watching as he went back to humming along with the Katy Perry tune and sipping his coffee. Blaine was perfectly okay with only being good at romance with Kurt, he was the only one Blaine wanted to.


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