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Feb. 13, 2012, 8:04 a.m.


This is the third story in the Keeping Promises universe. One-shot.It is Fall 2027, a little over a year since the time-travel drama. Kurt and Blaine have been married for several years and together they have adopted a baby. Even new parents need sexy time! Parent Klaine, Sexy Times, Swearing

E - Words: 1,355 - Last Updated: Feb 13, 2012
477 0 0 2
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: established relationship,

Blaine stood in the door of the nursery watching his husband rock their baby girl to sleep. It was the most beautiful sight he’d ever laid eyes on. It made his heart burst with joy. He had to be the luckiest man alive. He had everything he could ask for and then some.

He heard Kurt finishing a story that sounded familiar. It was one that Kurt had been telling him for years. It was a story that had seen them through many rough times. It was part of their glue.

He remained a silent bystander while Kurt gently laid their new daughter in her crib. Kurt tiptoed towards the door and shooed Blaine out of the doorway. They walked quietly down the hall to their own bedroom. Blaine closed the door until it was only open a crack.

“I’m so exhausted, Blaine. I feel like death warmed over,” Kurt groaned.

“You look sexy as hell,” Blaine countered. Kurt stripped down to his undershirt and boxer briefs and curled up on the bed. Blaine removed his own clothes and spooned up behind Kurt on the bed.

“Can I give you a massage?” Blaine inquired.

“I would never turn down a massage,” Kurt said removing his undershirt and settling onto his stomach.

They’d been fathers for exactly 5 days. They had been in the hospital waiting room the night Sarah was born and were able to take her home the following day. Kurt had not had a proper night sleep since.

“I keep telling you to wake me up so I can take my turns with little Sarah in the night,” Blaine scolded while getting out the massage lotion.

“Blaine, you sleep like a rock. It just seemed easier to do it myself,” Kurt explained.

“You’ll burn out and we need you to be fully functional. Please poke me or something. I want to get up with her tonight.” Blaine rubbed his hands over the lean muscles on Kurt’s shoulders. Kurt moaned loudly.

“Okay, I will. She’s been eating and pooping every two hours ‘round the clock. You have to change her diaper and give her a couple ounces of formula,” Kurt instructed. He let out another deep moan as Blaine fanned his hands out over his lower back.

“I know this, Kurt.” Blaine kissed Kurt on the back of the neck before returning his attention to his lovers back. Blaine had had to go in to work twice since the birth, leaving Kurt on baby duty more, but he still had given many bottles and changed lots of diapers. Who knew that babies could poop that much? At least she wasn’t pooping that black tar stuff anymore.

“She’s so perfect. I can’t believe we’re parents.”

“I can’t imagine doing this with anyone other than you, Kurt. I heard you telling little Sarah our story. I hope you left out the juicy parts,” Blaine teased.

“I miss juicy parts. Have we even had any juicy parts since Sarah was born? I can’t remember,” Kurt complained.

“Oh my god! I don’t think we’ve had sex since we’ve been home with her. This issue must be resolved immediately,” Blaine said seriously. He massaged over Kurt’s ass muscles for a moment and then slipped one hand down between Kurt’s legs in search of his cock. Kurt’s response was immediate.

“Ohgodpleaseyes,” Kurt said with need. Blaine rolled him over so they were facing each other.

“Kurt, you are gorgeous. So, so gorgeous. I’m going to suck on your juicy part now,” Blaine said in his sexiest voice. Or at least he thought it was his sexiest voice until Kurt snorted at him.

“I think we’re both delirious from exhaustion. Just take me before she wakes up!” Kurt demanded. Blaine quickly sank his mouth down over Kurt’s erection causing him to buck his hips off the bed. He accepted full responsibility for the fact that his eyes were now watering, after all he had taken Kurt by surprise. It was totally worth it.

Blaine licked his tongue around the head and sucked at it gently. Using his hand, he stroked the length he couldn’t reach with his mouth. Blaine shifted so he could reach his fingers into Kurt’s mouth to get wet while still bobbing up and down on his cock. Blaine almost came as soon as Kurt started sucking on his fingers. He removed his fingers and positioned himself back between Kurt’s legs. Kurt spread his legs wider and Blaine gently worked one of his slippery fingers into Kurt’s puckered hole.

Kurt grabbed Blaine’s head in both his hands, urging him on. Blaine worked Kurt open until he had both of his wet fingers fucking into him in search of his sweet spot.

“Right there, right there, love. Shit!” Kurt whispered harshly. Blaine smiled wetly around Kurt, sucking and sliding as his fingers continued their glorious torture. All at once he felt Kurt tense up and tug on his hair and then he was coming hard down his throat. Blaine continued his ministrations until he felt Kurt shudder and go soft.

“You should sleep well now, darling,” Blaine murmured.

“Your turn,” Kurt answered searching for Blaine’s aching cock.

“You’re too tired. How ‘bout this, you just lay there and I’ll give you a show,” Blaine offered. Kurt gave him a knowing smile. They had discovered how much they enjoyed this particular act during a difficult finals week during college.

Kurt settled into his pillow and waited. Blaine straddled his waist and stroked his cock lazily a few times.

“You’ve got the most beautiful cock, I swear,” Kurt said quietly.

“You love my cock, don’t you? I bet you can’t decide what you like most, my ass or my cock.” Blaine got up on his knees, leaned over and rubbed the head of his dick on Kurt’s lips. Kurt groaned and licked his lips.

“You are so fucking hot, damn.”

Blaine was kneeling back down stroking more firmly and steady now. Kurt reached for the lotion on the nightstand and put a dab on Blaine’s unoccupied hand. Blaine rubbed the lotion over his cock and moaned in appreciation. This would go so much faster now.

The heat was building in his groin spurring him on. He jerked at himself fast and hard until he was coming all over Kurt’s smooth, pale chest. Kurt was watching him with a mixture of lust and fascination.

“I love you.”

“I love you, too. Always.”

Blaine grabbed the tissues and lovingly cleaned up his husband before curling up next to him and falling into a contended sleep.

An hour and a half later, Blaine awoke to a sharp stab in the middle of his back.

“Blaine, Sarah’s up,” Kurt informed him. And then Blaine could hear her. It was such a tiny sound she made. Blaine was glad Kurt was tuned into it because he sure wasn’t.

Blaine rolled out of the warm and inviting bed and shuffled down the hall to the nursery. He scooped little Sarah out of her crib and snuggled her close making soothing shushing sounds in hopes she would be consoled while he put the bottle together.

“It’s okay, sweet girl. I’m making you’re bottle,” Blaine cooed. He quickly mixed the formula and took it back to the bedroom with them. He set the bottle down by the rocking chair and took Sarah over to the changing table. He still could not get over how teeny tiny her little body was. The itty bitty diaper seemed like it should be made for a doll not an actual child. Blaine was momentarily overwhelmed at the huge responsibility it was to be in charge of someone so small and fragile, so delicate.

Blaine sat down in the rocker with his clean little girl and put the nipple to her mouth. She took to it like a champ. Blaine grinned from ear to ear as he watched her strong suck on the bottle. She was so perfect and she was theirs.

Sarah went to sleep before she had even finished the whole bottle. Blaine put the bottle down. He held his precious daughter up to his face and inhaled deeply the sweet aroma of new baby. A few moments later he tenderly laid her back to sleep in her crib and joined his lover in their bed.


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