Following Through Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Feb. 10, 2012, 4:15 p.m.

Following Through

The second story in the Keeping Promises universe. This story happens in tandem with the first story. Keeping Promises should be read first.Kurt made a promise many years ago under very unusual circumstances. Kurt always follows through on his promises.Warning or incentive: There will be Klaine sexy times near the end.

E - Words: 3,735 - Last Updated: Feb 10, 2012
348 0 0 3
Categories: AU, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: futurefic,

Kurt fidgeted nervously in the front seat of his Prius. It was just after midnight which meant that Independence Day was officially over. He was parked right behind Blaine’s Camry on the far side of their field. Waiting. This whole night was super strange. Strange because a lot was happening that couldn’t be messed with until exactly the right time. Strange because he couldn’t even explain or understand what had happened to Blaine.

He had been relieved when he found Blaine’s car. He wasn’t sure what to expect or how this was going to go down. He wasn’t sure how altering the past…or was it the future…had affected this night. The first time this night had happened he and future Blaine were not a couple and hadn’t seen each other in years. Kurt had never even known that reality. But, Blaine had. Blaine didn’t remember it anymore, but he had experienced two different realities.

So, Kurt hadn’t even been sure if this night would happen or not. But here it was and he was sitting in his car waiting for a very young and possibly very frightened Blaine to appear in the field. He couldn’t take any chances that the other Blaine was still there, though. He’s certain that that would ruin what he had already worked so hard at fixing. No, he wasn’t taking any chances.

Around 1 o’clock Kurt felt the tiny hairs on the back of his neck stand up. It was like the entire area had been charged with electricity. Kurt’s pulse raced as he peered into the moonlit field. He couldn’t see anything from his seat. He quietly got out of the car closing the door with a soft click.

Mentally scolding himself for wearing his favorite Marc Jacobs boots to a field, he walked over to the general area where he thought Blaine should be. He spotted a form lying between the rows and tiptoed over. He could tell from several feet away that it was young, teenaged Blaine. The hair was a little different and the clothes looked a little loose on his slight frame. Thank god he’d apparated (or whatever) right into Blaine’s clothes!

Kurt was beginning to have doubts about waking young Blaine up in the middle of a field in the middle of the night. He was sure to scare the shit out of the poor kid. But he felt certain that they needed to get out of the field as soon as they could.

“Blaine, honey? Blaine, everything’s okay, but you need to wake up now and come with me,” Kurt whispered while gently rubbing on Blaine’s arm.

“Kurt?” Blaine mumbled without moving.

“Blaine, we’re in the field. We have to go before someone finds us here. Can you wake up for me please?” Kurt said a little more urgently this time. He was tempted to pick the boy up and drag him to the car. While he considered that Blaine sat up groggily and rubbed his eyes.

“I don’t feel so good,” Blaine groaned before leaning over and losing the contents of his stomach in the dirt.

“Oh god, Blaine, let’s get you home. I’ll help you walk. Come on,” Kurt said. He put his arms under Blaine’s armpits and hoisted him to his feet. Then he half carried, half dragged him to the car. He buckled him into the passenger seat and sent a plea to the universe that they would make it home before his upholstery was ruined.

Blaine slept fitfully the entire way back to the apartment. Kurt was relieved that he had some time before he would have to explain the unexplainable. Kurt was drained and exhausted by the time he got Blaine up the stairs and in the door. Blaine was still very much out of it.

Kurt helped Blaine into the master bedroom and got him into bed. He removed his shoes and tucked him under the covers. While he watched the boy sleep he thought back to the day so many years before when he was on the other side of this strange trip. He didn’t remember Blaine getting sick. However, they hadn’t woken up until the sun started to rise. Then he remembered the way Blaine had blacked out as he was getting in the Navigator and spent most of that morning sleeping. Apparently time-travel was not kind to the body.

Kurt changed into his pajamas and got on top of the bed on his side. He wasn’t about to get under the covers with sweet, young Blaine. It was too hot for covers anyway.


“Where am I? Kurt? What’s going on?” Kurt was jolted awake by a disoriented Blaine. Not only was Blaine confused he was standing on top of the bed with both arms extended as if warding off unseen attackers. It would have been comical if it hadn’t made Kurt’s heart ache.

“Shhh, Blaine, calm down. I’ve got you,” Kurt continued talking in a soothing tone as he wrapped his arms around Blaine and sat him back down in the middle of the bed.
“What’s going on? How did I get here? Where am I? This doesn’t make any sense. I’m scared.” Blaine was crying freely now in Kurt’s arms.

“Shhh. Shhh. It’s okay. You’re okay. I’ll explain in a minute,” Kurt said calmly while petting Blaine’s sleep-mussed hair. “Take a deep breath. I need you to take some deep breaths so you don’t pass out, okay?”

Blaine obediently took a deep, shuddering breath and calmed a bit. At least he had stopped asking questions and seemed to accept that Kurt would tell him what was happening if he would calm down. Kurt patted his back for a few more minutes until his breathing had evened out and he was sniffling periodically.

“Blaine, this is going to sound really insane and I want you to try to stay calm. I already know how to fix this and everything is okay. Remember that while I explain what is happening,” Kurt went on when he felt Blaine nod, “You have traveled to the future. I have no idea how it happened, but you and your older self have traded places. It seems to have happened because of a wish. Tomorrow night you are going to travel back to your own time and your older self will return home to me.”

“Wait, what?” Blaine pulled out of Kurt’s arms and looked at him properly for the first time. Kurt watched the astonishment and fear contort Blaine’s beautiful, young face.

“This is where we live when we grow up, Blaine. You are visiting the future.”

“You don’t have any wrinkles. You sound a little different, though. You’re even hotter than you were in high school!” Blaine exclaimed. Kurt giggled.

“I told you my night-time moisturizing routine would pay off, didn’t I?” Kurt teased. Suddenly Blaine was in his lap hugging him so tight he couldn’t take a proper breath. After getting over the initial shock Kurt returned the hug and gave Blaine a kiss on the top of his head. God, he loved this boy!


Blaine seemed to shake out of his shock and fear after a hot shower and big breakfast. He was actually very animated and curious. Kurt held back nothing. He knew Blaine would go back and forget any of this had ever happened so there would be no harm in telling him anything he wanted to know.

“Are we in New York? It seems too quiet for New York.”

“No. We’re in Ohio now. We moved back here a few years ago,” Kurt answered warmly.

“Why? How are you okay with that?” Blaine asked incredulously.

“Dreams grow and change as people do, Blaine. This is where we wanted to settle down to raise a family. We wanted to be near our families so that when we have a child they will be able to know their grandparents and all their extended family.” Blaine looked dumbstruck and Kurt felt himself blush. They had already begun the adoption process and Kurt still felt his stomach wobble when he thought about it.

“Are we…are we married?”

“Yeah…yes we are. You wanted to get married in every state just because we could, but I was able to convince you the license fees and traveling expense would be better spent decorating the apartment.”

“Omigod, are you serious?” Blaine said jumping onto the coffee table and pumping his fist in the air. Kurt doubled over laughing. Thank goodness Blaine hadn’t lost his boyish charm over the years. He still occasionally jumped up on furniture in moments of excitement or while singing.

“Who proposed to whom? Did I…did you…”

“Get off the table and I’ll tell you! We talked about it for years, you know. There came a moment where we decided that it was time, well, when we could do it in any state we wanted. Anyway, since it was a mutual decision I didn’t think there was any reason to do a big proposal. We went to our favorite place to celebrate with dinner and dancing.” Kurt’s eyes went misty as he got lost in the memory. “After we had finished dessert you excused yourself. I thought you were going to use the restroom, but the next thing I knew you had taken over the stage and were announcing our engagement to the entire establishment. Then you sang “Teenage Dream” to me while I sat at the table and cried. It was one of the most perfect moments of my life.”

“I’m impressed. I usually feel like I don’t know what I’m doing with romance and relationship stuff,” Blaine mused.

“Blaine, I don’t want you to get the idea that any of this has been easy. Life isn’t a fairytale. This has been hard-earned by both of us. We work hard to keep our relationship alive. We make it a priority to feed the passion that we have for each other and to talk about problems as they arise.” Kurt had grown very serious and he hoped he wasn’t discouraging young Blaine. But if he was going to be open with him, it was going to be the good and the bad.

“Like what? What kind of problems?” Blaine asked.

“Well, one of our first big fights was about getting married. As a matter of fact, we almost broke up over it.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“I’m serious. We were on Spring Break during college. Let’s see…it was during your sophomore year. You got drunk and begged for my hand in marriage. You wanted us to run over to an Elvis Chapel and get it done right then. You couldn’t understand why I wouldn’t go along with your very insane, very unromantic idea.” Kurt smiled as Blaine groaned and hung his head. “Blaine, you should know that that is the last time you have ever gotten drunk. You’ll have a glass of wine or champagne on occasion, but that’s it.”

“This is kind of embarrassing,” Blaine admitted. They had been sitting next to each other on the couch and now Blaine sidled up close and tucked himself into Kurt’s side.


The credits were rolling on the second movie in the Back to the Future trilogy. Blaine had just finished a huge pile of pasta for lunch. Kurt secretly enjoyed watching young Blaine eat. He had forgotten just how much a teenage boy could pack away.

Kurt took their plates to the sink and when he sat back on the couch Blaine had already started the third movie.

“Kurt, I want to go home now. Why do I have to stay ‘til tomorrow night? I miss Kurt and my house and it just feels weird to be here.” Blaine sounded so young and vulnerable.

“I know, sweetheart. The problem is that the other you and I are not going to be in the field for the switch until tomorrow night. When I originally planned this I had to be sure that all of us would have time to get everything together and be in the right place at the right time. I’m sorry this is so hard,” Kurt said with a sigh.

“Not your fault,” Blaine muttered as he cuddled back into Kurt. Kurt absently played with Blaine’s hair as they watched the DeLorean take an adorable Michael J. Fox back to the Wild West.

“I forgot this is the one where we get to see his butt!” Blaine said enthusiastically.

“He does have a pretty cute ass,” Kurt snorted, “from what we get to see of it, anyway.”

“Not as nice as yours,” Blaine said in a voice that went straight to Kurt’s cock. Shit! He still had over 24 hours with this too cute and so very young Blaine.


Kurt put clean sheets on the guest bed and left Blaine there while he went about his nightly rituals. They had already gone out that afternoon and purchased the sparklers they would need. Kurt tried to keep his anxiety under control by reminding himself that this had worked already and there was nothing to be concerned about. He just hoped he could get some sleep.

He stuck his head in the guest room to say goodnight to Blaine and found him sitting on the floor surrounded by their photo albums. He was looking through their wedding photos with a big goofy grin on his face.

“Find something interesting?” Kurt asked. Blaine startled and looked sheepish.

“I couldn’t help it. I saw these on the shelf and curiosity got the best of me.”

“I’m glad you found them. Don’t stay up too late, though. You need to get a good night sleep.” Kurt admonished. It felt strange to be acting almost parental towards Blaine.

“I won’t. Just a little longer,” Blaine said while flipping the page.

“That blue book to your right is our honeymoon,” Kurt offered. He gave Blaine a quick kiss on the cheek and left the room.

Kurt had just arrived in that place between sleep and awake when he felt the bed shift. Blaine was slipping under the thin sheet as gently as possible trying not to disturb Kurt. Kurt was just going to pretend he was asleep when he felt Blaine reach out and touch his arm.

“Blaine,” Kurt warned. The hand on his arm froze.

“Please don’t make me sleep in the other room.” Blaine’s hand had found Kurt’s and he was squeezing it desperately.

“Go to sleep. Stay on that side of the bed. I was almost asleep.”

“I will. Goodnight,” Blaine whispered happily. A few minutes later, Blaine was snoring softly.

Sleep was more elusive for Kurt. He couldn’t stop thinking about a time when his young, teenage self was in a similar predicament.


“That is so awesome that we went to Paris for our honeymoon! I can’t wait! We saw all the cool stuff, too. I feel like I have so much to look forward to now.” Blaine was radiating excitement as he wolfed down his eggs, bacon and toast. Kurt wondered if he should switch Blaine’s coffee over to decaf before he exploded into a mess of rainbow glitter.

“We did have a wonderful time. And of course you have a lot to look forward to! You haven’t even finished high school, yet. Your best years are ahead of you,” Kurt promised. Blaine bit his lip and looked away.

“Kurt, I have a confession to make. This is all my fault. I wished to be in the future. I was so worried about you leaving for college and me staying behind…I mean, I’m so proud of you and everything, but I know it’s going to be hard. I’m going to miss you.”

“Blaine, you had no way of knowing that a simple wish was going to result in you and your future self switching places. Besides, it only worked because your future self was doing the exact same thing. And you know what? I’m glad. If this hadn’t happened we wouldn’t be married today. We wouldn’t be starting a family. We wouldn’t even be living in the same state. So, Blaine, thank you,” Kurt said earnestly.


Kurt was once again parked behind Blaine’s Camry on the dark, empty road behind their field. Young Blaine was in the passenger seat looking relieved to be going home. They set out for their spot with the sparklers in hand. They had to be there at exactly 10 p.m. and they only had a few minutes to spare.

“Blaine, here’s the plan. We’re going to light the sparklers at 10 o’clock. You’re going to wish yourself back home. Then, you’re going to lie down and I am going to leave. I can’t be here when the switch occurs.” Kurt was all business ticking off the list of procedures.

“Wait, you didn’t tell me you were leaving before I get back home,” Blaine said with panic.

“That’s because I didn’t want you to worry. Blaine, the switch occurs about 10 minutes after the sparklers go out. You will only be alone for about that long. Then, I promise you that you will be in the arms of your Kurt back at your time. Trust me.” Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand and held it tightly to reassure him.

They sat down facing each other on the small blanket Kurt had retrieved from the back of Blaine’s Camry. At exactly 10 o’clock Kurt lit the sparklers and handed one to Blaine. He reminded him what to do and then watched the sparks reflected in Blaine’s amber eyes. When the last spark went out Blaine leaned over and crushed Kurt in a hug.

“I love you,” Blaine said.

“I love you, too. I’ll see you on the other side,” Kurt promised. He kissed Blaine briefly on the lips before standing up. Walking away from Blaine in the field was one of the hardest things Kurt had ever done.


Kurt fell back, suddenly unable to see, and felt his skin tingle from the electric current in the air. He rolled over onto his stomach and got up on all fours crawling around searching for Blaine until his hand skirted across some bunched up fabric. He patted around until he felt what must be Blaine’s hip. His eyes finally readjusted and he saw Blaine lying on his back. He looked like he was asleep. Kurt put his head on Blaine’s chest to make sure he was breathing. He cried out in relief when he felt the gentle, life-affirming rise and fall.

He crawled on top of Blaine and peppered kisses over his face and neck until the kisses were being returned. Blaine cupped his face and drew him in for a deep, passionate kiss. It literally took his breath away. This boy!

“God, I love this field,” Blaine mumbled before his lips suctioned to Kurt’s neck. Kurt’s heart constricted.

“Me too, but I’d rather take you home to my bed right now,” Kurt breathed.


They grabbed the blanket and box of sparklers and ran to the Navigator. They held hands tightly the entire drive home and several times Kurt had to warn Blaine that they would get in an accident if he kept putting his hand between Kurt’s legs.

By the time they pulled into the garage they were in a frenzy. Blaine straddled Kurt’s lap before he had even turned the engine off.

“God, Blaine,” Kurt gasped. Blaine was palming Kurt through his pants and pushed his tongue into his mouth. Their tongues slid around each other until they had to part for air.

“Want you so bad, Kurt,” Blaine urged.

“I want you on my bed. Now.” Kurt opened the door and Blaine spilled off his lap landing unsteadily on the cement floor of the garage. Blaine tugged Kurt out and they ran in the house and scurried up the stairs.

Kurt pressed Blaine against the bed and shoved his hands under his shirt. Kurt couldn’t get Blaine naked fast enough. He tore Blaine’s shirt off and slipped his pants down around his knees. Blaine removed his shoes and scooted the rest of the way out of his clothes while Kurt expertly removed his own clothed. Finally freed from the restriction of fabric Kurt lay back over the top of Blaine.

“Feel so good, Kurt.”

Kurt slotted their bodies together until they were perfectly molded to one another. They rocked together, hips thrusting and cocks sliding. Kurt could feel the heat growing in his belly. The bed shook as he increased the drag against Blaine’s body.

“I’m so close, love. Come with me,” Kurt murmured into Blaine’s ear. He felt Blaine seize with his orgasm and Kurt’s own release mixed with Blaine’s between them. They continued to rock slowly until they both became too sensitive.

“You’re smothering me,” Blaine squeaked from underneath Kurt. Kurt slid off his lover and over onto his side.

“We’re a mess,” Kurt observed.

“A sexy mess,” Blaine corrected. Kurt really didn’t find the mess all that sexy, but Blaine sure looked sexy in his thoroughly debauched state.

“Let’s shower off,” Kurt said grabbing some tissues to wipe off the drying cum. He wasn’t going to be able to sleep while they were both sticky and sweaty and gross.

After a quick shower they got back in bed together. Blaine laid his head on Kurt’s chest and wrapped his arm around his waist. Kurt loved it when they cuddled like this, mostly because Blaine loved it so much.


“Hmmm?” was the sleepy reply.

“Let’s promise to always work on us. I want us to always talk about our problems and needs. I don’t want to ever lose you. Please let’s always make our relationship a priority.”

Blaine was propped up on his arm so they were looking into each other’s eyes.

“Of course, Kurt. I mean, I’m going to miss you so bad when you leave for New York. I know it’s going to take a lot of work to keep our relationship strong, but I’m committed, Kurt. Don’t ever question that. I promise that this is my priority. I love you,” Blaine promised.

Kurt wanted to ask Blaine what he remembered from the past couple days, but he was too nervous to ask. He had a suspicion Blaine couldn’t remember traveling in time. If that was the case, what did he think had happened? Was there a 2 day blank or had what really happened been replaced with false memories? Kurt didn’t think the mystery would ever be solved.

What he did know was what was important. Kurt had made a promise. He had promised future Blaine that he would fix things and that was exactly what he was going to do. He would keep that promise every day for the rest of his life.

Kurt drifted off to sleep with his boy in his arms and a promise in his heart.


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