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Kurt and Blaine get into an arguemnt and dont talk for a few days. Blaine sneaks over late at night to apologize and gets caught by Burt in the morning.

T - Words: 1,452 - Last Updated: Apr 30, 2012
1,574 0 1 2
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: Kurt

“Kurt!” Kurt sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. Looking around the dark room, he listened closely. The noise came again, rocks hitting the window.  Kurt believed the rocks were what originally woke him from his already restless slumber. Sighing, he swung his legs over the edge of his bed and sleepily made his way to the window. Staring out his bedroom window, he looked to see the boy he knew he would see. Blaine Anderson. Kurt sighed. Blaine shouldn’t be here; Kurt didn’t want to see Blaine.
After everything that just happened, why would he want to see him?
They fought about New York and about how Blaine thought maybe they could break up for now because it was going to be too hard to do this distance. That’s why Kurt didn’t want to see Blaine.
“Kurt please open the window!” Blaine called, looking down at his feet in defeat. Kurt finally gave in, shoving the window open and leaned out, frowning.
“What are you doing here, Blaine?” he whispered loudly, doing his best to look upset. Blaine’s head shot up to stare into Kurt’s eyes. His eyes were red and wet, as if he’d been crying and would start again any minute.
“Just…just let me in Kurt…please?” Blaine pleaded.
“Fine. Go to the front door.” Kurt replied after a long pause. Blaine turned quickly and ran towards the front door. Kurt dragged his fingers through his messy hair and trudged downstairs. Almost immediately after Kurt opened the door, Blaine tackled him into a hug.
“Kurt! Please…please don’t leave me! I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…” Blaine cried into Kurt’s arms. Kurt couldn’t resist the boy in his arms, the one he still very much loved, and hugged him back, shushing him and stroking his hair.
“Come on. Upstairs.” Kurt said quietly, his sleepiness wearing off and his anger subsiding. They carefully and quietly made their way up to Kurt’s bedroom and managed to lay down on the bed together, Blaine’s arms wrapped around Kurt’s middle and Kurt’s face buried in Blaine’s curls.
“Blaine…” he kissed his boyfriend’s forehead gently. “I’m not going anywhere…just New York…”
“I know…I know you’re going there, Kurt! You say it all the time.” He frowned, burying his head into Kurt’s neck. “I don’t want you to go.”
“Is that why you tried to break up with me today? By telling me I was too ‘camp’ for you and then ditching our plans for this evening?” Kurt asked, suddenly feeling upset again. “Because, Blaine, you don’t have a reason to do that. I didn’t do anything to you, and you know it! I’m just trying to live out my dreams and--” Kurt was silenced by a pair of incredibly soft, salty lips upon his in a deep kiss.
“Kurt.” Blaine murmured quietly. “I said I was sorry. I didn’t mean that…you are camp. You cant deny that.“ Kurt frowned a little, but listened anyway. “But I love you so much. The fact that you aren’t afraid to be yourself is what I admire most about you. You are….you are not too camp for me and I am sorry I said that.”
“Blaine…you can’t just-”
“Shhh.” he put his lips up to Kurt’s lips and smiled softly. “I know, Kurt. But I promise I’ll make it up to you.” he pulled him into a kiss and rubbed his nose affectionately on Kurt’s cheek, earning a small giggle from his boyfriend. “And you called me a hobbit who was too short to get laid by anyone but you!”
“I-I was upset! You called me camp!” Kurt exclaimed, then slapped his hand over his mouth, hoping his outburst didn’t wake anyone.
“We were both upset. I think we both owe each other an apology.” Blaine smiled, leaning over to kiss Kurt’s cheek. “Come ‘ere.”
Kurt scooted closer to Blaine and snuggled into his chest this time. “I’m sorry, Blaine. I love you so much. I promise I you, I will never cheat on you. I’ll come back as often as I can to see you.”
“You sound so programmed.” Blaine laughed. “All of those things just rushing out of you at once.”
“I….but I mean them. All of them.”
“I know, Kurt.” Blaine sighed, kissing his nose. “Now lets get some rest. I’m sure you don’t want to look tired at school tomorrow.”
“It’s okay.” Kurt mumbled, closing his eyes as sleep started to overcome him. Blaine watched his boyfriend sleep for a few more minutes before falling asleep himself.


“Kurt, time to get up for school, buddy. You’re usually up by now.” Burt stepped slowly into the room to wake his sleeping son. What he saw surprised him though. He sighed at the sight and shook his head. Kurt was laying flat on his stomach, blanket’s pooled at his feet. Draped over his son’s sleeping form was his boyfriend, Blaine. He was curled up on his right side, arm thrown across Kurt’s shirtless back and feet tangled in Kurt’s legs. Their foreheads were pressed together as they slept peacefully. Burt almost smiled at the sight of his son, sleeping so soundly, which he hadn’t done all week, since him and Blaine had started to argue. However, Burt was not pleased to see Blaine in Kurt’s bed.
“Burt, is Kurt okay? I haven’t seen him all morning.” Carole rushed by, holding a cup of coffee. She stopped in the doorway to see what her husband was staring at. She, of course, didn’t hesitate to giggle and cover her mouth with her empty hand. “Oh go easy on them, Burt. It looks like they finally made up.” She smiled and made her way back to the kitchen to rinse her cup.
“Blaine!” Burt called out, not sure why he didn’t call out Kurt’s name first. Burt wasn’t angry, just a little upset but he knew he couldn’t take it out on these kids.
Blaine sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, focusing on Burt. He jumped and fell back down into Kurt’s body. Burt had to chuckle then, because he knew Blaine was embarrassed and probably thought he was in a lot of trouble.
“Blaine, you’re not in trouble. Although…this could be considered breaking and entering, hmm?” Burt laughed again when he saw Blaine’s panicked expression as he shot up from the bed again.
“I swear, Burt, Kurt let me in through the front door!” he croaked out, voice still thick with sleep.
“I said it was fine, Blaine. Now make sure Kurt gets up for school, would ya?”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Hummel.” Blaine said quickly, looking down at the sleeping boy next to him.
“I said to call me Burt.” he laughed as he walked back out of the room, pulling the door shut behind him.
Surprised as his boyfriend’s dad’s reaction, Blaine snuggled into Kurt and kissed his cheek and nuzzled his ear. Kurt’s eyes eventually fluttered open, smiling at his boyfriend and kissing him full on the lips. Blaine decided he would tell Kurt about the encounter with his dad later. Right now, he just wanted to ravish his boyfriend before school.

The next day:
Kurt called Blaine that night after Glee practice. He had been home for about 2 seconds before his dad started in on ‘the talk’ again and he wanted to tell Blaine. Burt wasn’t as awkward as before as he explained gay sex and the risks and pleasures. Kurt, of course, already knew these things, since he and Blaine had been doing those very things for a months now. Kurt took all of 4 minutes of this before he finally confessed to his dad that him and Blaine were already having sex and yes they were safe. Then his dad told him if he caught Blaine in his bed one more time without his permission, he’d personally hunt Blaine down.
“Now I don’t wanna have to do that, Kurt. I like Blaine a lot.” Burt told his son. Kurt grimaced and agreed to his dad’s conditions. Then he called Blaine. His boyfriend answered after 2 rings, sounding cheerful about Kurt’s call.
“Hey Kurt!”
“Blaine, if I have to hear my dad talk about our sex life again, I will personally find you and make you suffer with me.”
“Kurt? I…what? Did your dad ask about us?” Blaine asked carefully, no longer as chipper as he was a few moments ago.
“More like explained the process and pleasures of sex for gay men. Care to join us next time?” his snaky comment was a bit much, but he knew Blaine would know he wasn’t seriously angry at him.
“How about we leave your dad out and you and I can talk about pleasures for gay men?”
“Blaine Anderson!” Kurt shrieked, but secretly, he was feeling the same way.


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This feels more like a first draft than a finished piece, but I love the actual story here and the ending made me laugh (in a good way, I promise). :)