The Realization of Wanting You Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

The Realization of Wanting You

We were getting married in a few weeks. "The day I told you I wanted you to be my boyfriend..." I said. "How could I forget that speech you said to me at Dalton!" Kurt quipped "But did I ever tell youhow I came to sayingthose wordsto you that day?" I asked. Kurt shook his head. "Well..." I started.

K - Words: 1,356 - Last Updated: Mar 10, 2014
876 0 0 0
Categories: AU, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, futurefic,

Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading my first story I posted! Dont forget to rate, review, favourite and follow. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. ;) Love you guys! <3

I was going to marry the love of my life in a few weeks.

     “...there is a moment where you say to yourself – Oh, there you are. Ive been looking for you forever. Watching you do Blackbird this week, that was a moment for me - about you. You move me... and this duet would just be an excuse to spend more time with you."

Three years later, back on the Dalton staircase...

     All the New Directions and Warblers were there. I even invited the Haverbrook School for the Deaf choir and Vocal Adrenaline. We all had performed Love Love Love'

     “We met right here, on this staircase. And I took this mans hand and we ran down that hallway,"
I gestured to the long hallway behind me. 

     “For those who know me, Im not in a habit of taking peoples hands Ive never met before." I stated.
Mr. Schue and all the Warblers laughed.

     “It knew that our hands were meant to hold each others, fearlessly and forever, which is why its never really felt like Ive been getting to know you, its always felt like I was remembering you from something. As if in every lifetime you and I have lived, weve chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, over and over for all eternity. And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime because all I want to do, all Ive ever wanted to do is spend my life loving you.”

     Sam handed me the black box. I went down on one knee. 

     “So, Kurt Hummel, my amazing friend, my one true love,” I asked.

     Kurt had tears in his eyes. “Yeah... Yeah” he said quietly. It was all he could manage to say in that moment. I was crying happy tears as well.  I slipped the ring on his finger and captured him in a passionate kiss. Everyone cheered and hollered. “Get it on guys!" hollered Santana. We parted for a moment, chuckling. Kurt admired the ring and proceed to wrap me in a tight hug. That was one of the best days of my life.

We were getting married in a few weeks.

     “The day I told you I wanted you to be my boyfriend..." I said. “How could I forget that speech you said to me at Dalton!" Kurt quipped “But did I ever tell you how I came to saying those words to you that day?" I asked. Kurt shook his head. “Well...” I started.

     “Oh, excuse me." asked a boy I turned around and looked into the most beautiful eyes Ive ever seen. I couldnt pinpoint the name of that colour. It had blues, greys and greens all mixed together.
   “Um, hi. Can I ask you a question? Im new here." the boy asks. "Im Blaine." I say, extending my hand out for a handshake. "Kurt." he introduces, shaking my hand.  "Can you tell me whats happening around here? " asked the boy, Kurt. 

     “The Warblers are giving an impromptu performance, it tends to shut the school down." I explained. "Here," I held my hand out and grabbed the boys hand. We ran down another hallway and told him we were going down a shortcut. 

     After the encounter, we became the best of friends. It was wonderful I met another gay about my age. Yes, he was cute, loving, friendly and funny too. And we also had many common interests. One being a love for musicals, which frankly, not very many liked.

     The moment Kurt sang Blackbird I realized I had fallen for him. The porcelain, flawless face, the resonating high voice was something he hadnt imagined my future boyfriend to be. But in that moment it was like Kurt was an angel descended from heaven. Suddenly, Kurt was everything and the only thing I wanted. I wanted to hold him and comfort him through the death of Pavarotti. I wanted to spend every moment of the rest of my life with him, to make him the happiest man in the world.

     I declared to the Warblers that I wanted to sing a duet with Kurt at Sectionals. It was mostly just an excuse to spend more time with him. I went to find him after class one day to let him know what song we would be singing and to practice. I found Kurt sitting at one of the round tables in “hangout hall" as most students nicknamed it. I leaned against the side wall under the arch leading to the hall, watching Kurt decorating some sort of ordinate box, not wanting to disturb him. Kurt had the most saddened face that broke my heart just watching him. It was then I knew that I needed to tell him how I feel. I just couldnt keep it to myself any longer. I was ready to accept his reaction, for better or for worse.

     "Wow..." Kurt said slowly in awe. "Why did you never tell me this?" "I was already so lucky to have you and I didnt want all of this to be only about me." I supplied. "Aww... Blaine youre so sweet. But this is about you... and me, and were in this together. Dont ever feel like youre being selfish. I wouldnt allow this normally, but you can be selfish whenever you want." replied Kurt. I raised my eyebrows in excitement. "Does this mean I can ask you if we can..." I started. "Mmm, Im listening Blaine..." said Kurt. "Wait. Before you ask, I want to clarify one thing." I nod, an indication for him to continue. "An angel?" Kurt wondered. I nod again, biting my lip. I take Kurts hand and look deeply into his eyes. "Yes. Youre always an angel, when we first met, now and... forever. You have that effect on me. And I never want it to stop. " Blaine admitted. "Oh Blaine, never." whispered Kurt.

     I never in the world dreamed of receiving love from a person so perfect and so soon in this lifetime. All I ever wanted to do was spend my life loving him. Sometimes I felt I didnt deserve this love from a person that perfect. But in this moment, I realized going to have him as my husband is one of best decisions Ill ever make.  





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