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Flap Your Heart Out

Blaine hates Flappy Bird. And Sam. But mostly Flappy Bird.

M - Words: 585 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2014
375 0 0 0
Categories: Humor,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes:

This story was born from my seething hatred of Flappy Bird. Its a loathing that simmers in my loins. Seriously, this game fucking sucks. 

Slight future fic. Klaine are living together and engaged. Also, warning for language. 

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. 






Kurt jolted at the kitchen table, spilling hot coffee all over his shirt at the sound of Blaines enraged shriek. "Fucker," he muttered, getting up and unbuttoning his shirt as he walked towards the couch. It wasnt odd for Blaine to be yelling at inanimate objects, Kurt had discovered after a few months of living together, but Blaine swearing outside of the bedroom was rare. Usually he yelled something silly to get his frustration out, like "cheese on a cracker!" or Kurts favorite, "rainbow sprinkles!" 


Blaine was sprawled all along the couch, his phone inches from his frowning face as he tapped mercilessly at the screen, his scowl deepening. 


"What the hell was that for?" Kurt asked, leaning over the back of the couch and irritated that he had to change shirts before leaving for work. His outfit had been meticulously planned this morning, and now he had to change the whole damn thing. 


Blaine sighed and dropped his phone, forgetting he was holding it over his face and letting out a groan when it smacked his nose. He mumbled something along the lines of "Fucking dumbass bird," and huffed.  


Kurt blinked in confusion. "Run that by me one more time?" 


"Sam made me download this awful game on my phone and I cant stop playing it. This bird is so stupid, Kurt! He cant even fly by himself! What kind of bird are you?!" Blaine was now screaming at the phone in his hand, where Kurt could see the title screen with a little blob of pixels bobbing on the screen. 


"Sweetheart, I think its time to put the phone down." Kurt said, gently tugging the offending technology from his fiancés grasp. Blaine whined in protest, his eyes wide.  "Uh uh, dont try to Puppy Dog Eye your way out of this." Kurt poked Blaines cheek. 


Blaine pouted, batting away Kurts finger. "But Kuuuuuuurt, I almost beat my high score!" 


Kurt looked at Blaines phone. The high score was three. Kurt looked at Blaine, cocking an eyebrow. 


Exasperated, Blaine face planted into the sofa. "Its so hard, Kurt," he grumbled, the sound muffled as he felt the couch dip where Kurt had sat down, now tapping away at Blaines phone. "It looks really easy, but its evil! That demon bird doesnt want to cooperate! He either flies way too high or way too low or he hits the damn pipe out of nowhere! His body is too big for his tiny wings to support his weight! Why are his eyes so big? And why does he have lips? Birds dont have lips, Kurt! And the sound he makes when he hits the pipe is just infuriating. Its like hes mocking my inability to even--" 


Blaine halted mid-rant as Kurt tossed his phone next to his face. Resurfacing from the depths of the cushion, Blaine saw Kurts back retreating into their shared bedroom and sighed. 


He sat up and ran a hand through his hair, currently devoid of gel. He picked up his phone, intending to call Sam and blame him for ruining his life, when he saw he had a new high score. 


Twenty four. 


"YOU KNOW, NOT ALL OF US ARE PERFECT AND GIFTED AT EVERYTHING, KURT! SHOW A LITTLE HUMILITY, WOULD YOU?" Blaines yells down the hall were only met with his fiancés twinkling laughter. 


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