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Ten Blocks

Kurt didn't mean to be naughty... He never did.

E - Words: 2,632 - Last Updated: Jul 23, 2014
1,641 1 0 0
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: dom/sub, established relationship,

Kurt realised, as he strode briskly home from work, that hed made two major mistakes this evening. The first was stopping off at his favourite coffee shop for an extra large non-fat mocha. Although in his defence hed barely had time for a drink all day and his body was in desperate need of caffeine, resulting in a dull fuzzy headache. He knew he needed to cut back, but now wasnt the time - Blaine had planned for them to have a quiet Friday night  in, and that definitely wasnt the occasion to announce you had a headache. It really wasnt.

The second, much bigger mistake was not paying a visit to the bathroom before leaving said coffee shop. He wished he had. Hed been engrossed answering a few emails on his phone while he drank his coffee, rushing out of the shop when he noticed how late it had got, not giving anything else a second thought. Ten blocks home had never seemed so far. He realised two blocks in that maybe he should have done the sensible thing before he set off home, and at that stage he probably should have turned back… but he didnt. At four blocks he realised his error when he had to discreetly give his cock a squeeze through his unforgivingly tight jeans while standing still, waiting to cross the busy intersection. He should have had a smaller coffee. He really should.

Kurt picked up speed a bit with his walking, but by six blocks he realised that he couldnt probably even go into any of the small restaurants and cafes he was passing and ask to use their bathroom, as standing still just to make the request was probably going to result in him having to clamp his hand tightly over himself while he asked the appropriate member of staff. Then if they said no, well, hed really be in trouble. He could try a subway station he thought fleetingly,  but most of those were usually out of order… he wasnt sure he could risk it.

He made it another couple of blocks, his head swimming with the exhaustion of keeping his bladder under control. He wasnt really looking where he was going and managed to knock shoulders with someone walking the other way. The jolt resulted in a big wet patch appearing across the front of his jeans as he turned to call out sorry to the person hed bumped. Kurt glanced down at himself in horror, trying to keep walking so as not to draw attention to himself.

He was beyond desperate as he reached their apartment building and it became more of a damage limitation exercise as with each step he leaked a little more. There was no point waiting for the elevator, opting instead for the stairs. His main aim was to now get inside the apartment and empty the rest of his bladder in the bathroom and hopefully get himself showered and changed before Blaine came home. Hed die if Blaine saw him like this...

Outside his door, he realised the difficulty of rummaging in his large satchel for his door key whilst frantically clamping his thighs together…  he could barely stand still. There was just no way. In complete frustration he threw his bag down onto the floor, not caring that half his possessions were spread across the floor. Typically, his keys remained firmly tucked away somewhere inside the bag, assuming they were actually in there. He crouched down weakly, giving up completely as he let his tired bladder release a small puddle on to the floor and on his shoes. Just great.

"Kurt? Are you okay?" came Blaines familiar voice from down the hallway. Kurt thought things couldnt get any worse, but actually they could. Blaine was domming this evening, or at least that was the plan, and Kurt had been really looking forward to it. He knew that now, once Blaine had established that he wasnt seriously hurt or something, he could be in all sorts of trouble. That didnt stop him lashing out though.

"Great.." Kurt mumbled, staying in his crouched down position as Blaine began picking up Kurts bag and contents. He glanced at what Blaine was doing, suddenly angry at the state hed got himself in and the fact that Blaine had even chosen this moment to arrive. "For Gods sake, just leave it…." he snapped, "I really dont want you here…"

"I just want to help you sweetheart..." Blaine said softly, touching Kurt gently on the arm, while assessing his current predicament, "if youll let me.."

Kurt shook him off, standing up straight in the puddle hed made and showing off his wet clothes to full effect. He was too annoyed with everything to care though. "Leave me alone, please. Why dyou have to turn up? So fuckin perfect." His face grew red as he started. "Okay. Yes. Ive had an accident. Satisfied? You can say what you want…"

"I…" Blaine began, "Um, please Kurt.." He tried to reach out for Kurt, but was shaken off again. Kurt was too prickly to allow anyone to touch him at the moment - even Blaine. Hed dealt with Kurt in far worse situations than this though and he really wasnt about to be put off. He knew Kurt would be begging for something sexual in no time at all once they were inside. In fact a little bit of anger from Kurt definitely wouldnt do any harm either; Blaine always found it made Kurt a lot more responsive.

"What would you like to know Blaine?" Kurt gritted his teeth. "Would you like to know I was too desperate to stop a big wet patch blooming all over the front of my jeans while I was still out on the street? Would you like to know that I had to hold myself while I was waiting to cross the road? The only preference to actually peeing myself several blocks away from home.. Are you happy to know that you turned up too fuckin late as Im only in this state.." he glanced down at himself, "because I couldnt concentrate on finding my key… then you breeze along after, putting on your bloody sympathetic face……. and…" Kurt tailed off as he glanced at Blaines now tight lipped expression. Hed gone too far, he knew

"Okay, Kurt," Blaine said firmly. "Im not judging you. If you think I am then perhaps you dont know me as well as you think you do." He moved to open the door with his own key, taking Kurts bag with him as he went inside. "As you already know, we dont go inside wearing wet clothes do we? So you can take those off outside…"  Kurts face was a picture, but he decided not to argue. Generally they saved their role playing for inside the apartment, but Kurt knew Blaine wouldnt hesitate in giving him a spanking outside in the hallway if Kurt made him angry enough, and Kurt could hardly complain as he was the one who loved Blaine to dominate him from time to time. Only recently hed had the experience of being punished out in the hallway and had only just got his bare bottom back in the apartment before the middle aged lady across from them had poked her head out the door to see what all the noise was about… and then there was the time when Kurt had begged Blaine to dom him while they were out for the evening…..

Kurt stood in the doorway, bare from the waist down, holding his wet things in front of his exposed cock. "Right, wait there please. Im just going to get a towel for the floor… your feet are probably wet, and some paper towel for you to wipe the hall floor…." Blaine took the wet things from him, leaving Kurt with nothing to cover himself. He placed his hand over his cock, really hoping no one was going to come along as he pointlessly tried to cover his ass with his other hand. 

"Youve got to be kidding. Couldnt you have got them before….?" Kurt huffed, "and if you tell me I cant touch myself…"

"Theres a thought." Blaine pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Colour, Kurt?"

Kurt rolled his eyes, but couldnt help a small smile escaping his lips. "Green."

"Sure?" Blaine raised his eyebrow questioningly. "We can stop if you want sweetheart only you dont seem as if you want it…. "

"I promise I do.." Kurt said softly. "Green, Blaine. Please. Just hurry up… before someone comes.. "


Kurt could see Blaine slipping off his tie and rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, out of the corner of his eye, but he darent turn his head to look. Now, naked and shower fresh, he was bent over Blaines desk in their small office, legs spread just wide enough that he couldnt help the small quiver in his muscles as he waited. Ass raised up high… waiting. He heard Blaine come over, then he ran his hand gently over the small of Kurts back. "You look so beautiful like this Kurt," Blaine purred, "But.. " he looked at Kurts erect cock, making him blush at the scrutiny, "I think just ten spanks tonight as your punishment… you look like youre enjoying this a little too much.."

Any other time Kurt would probably have laughed. "So," Blaine continued, "tell me why youre being punished."

"For what I said to you when you arrived home…" Kurt said quietly.

"Speak up… and explain clearly please Kurt." Blaine moved round in front of him. "Look at me. I want you to talk to me."

Kurt looked up into Blaines kind eyes, distracted for a moment at the sight of his biceps beneath his well fitting shirt. His cock twitched freely. "I spoke disrespectfully to you when you came home. You wanted to help me… but I hadnt wanted you to see me like that." Kurt spoke up, his eyes not leaving Blaines. He wanted to be honest. "I didnt want you to know, but I was wrong and Im sorry…"

"You dont have to say sorry, baby. This is just to help you to understand that Im here to take care of you…." Blaine reached over and got a tube of lube out of the top drawer of the desk. Kurt subtly raised his eyebrows. He didnt know that was in the drawer. "After your punishment Im going to fuck you and youre not going to come until I tell you. Okay?"

"Oh Blaine.. please… oh…" They werent the words hed meant to say, but Blaine didnt pick him up on it, smiling softly instead. Kurt felt like he was going to come with the anticipation… he didnt know how he was going to last.

"No touching yourself Kurt," Blaine said moving round behind Kurt. Whoops, Kurt hadnt realised he was. Hed barely removed his hand when a sharp stinging smack landed firmly on his left buttock, signalling that while he was only getting ten spanks, he was certainly going to feel them.


Kurts ass was stinging, but that didnt stop him from raising up a little higher to meet Blaines fingers that were thrusting deep inside him, teasingly hitting his prostate every few strokes. Kurt lay his head on the desk, his hands gripping white knuckled around the edges, his cock leaking steadily. "Blaine.." Kurt panted, "Oh my god… I need to come… Oh my….."

"Kurt…." Blaine sounded a little breathy himself as he removed his fingers. "You can do it baby. I know you can." Once his fingers were removed, Kurts urge to come subsided a bit as he relaxed to the gentle sound of Blaine undoing his pants and sliding out of his clothes. He heard a quiet moan as Blaine lubed himself up, relieved to hear that he obviously wasnt faring much better than Kurt. 

"Youre mine," Blaine whispered, as he sheathed himself inside of Kurt.

"Only yours.." Kurt cried out, his toes curling into the floor.

Their stamina was hopeless tonight, Blaine coming after only a few strokes. "Come…  Kurt," he gasped, collapsing on top of him. 

Kurt didnt need to be told twice as he gripped his cock tightly.


"Dinner?" Blaine asked after hed cleaned them both up with a soft warm towel. "Ive suddenly realised how hungry I am."

"Hmm." Kurt hummed in agreement. "Sex always makes you hungry," he commented, smirking as Blaine looked extremely puzzled.

"Ill phone for pizza then. Your usual.?"

"Yeah. Please… Im just going to put some laundry on while youre doing that…I think"

"Kurt." Blaine grabbed his hand as he went to walk away. "Are you..? Um… after last time…."

"I know, I know," Kurt sighed. "Im an idiot.. youd have thought Id have learnt my lesson after that other time on the train.. but I really didnt think…obviously. I dont even know how I made it home to be honest… I nearly died. I tried every tactic. But the fact is, big drinks and an empty stomach are not a good combination. Ive learnt my lesson."

"Mmm." Blaine cupped Kurts cheek, leaning in kiss him chastely, deepening the kiss as Kurt responded. "I have noticed that you only usually do naughty things when Im dominating you…."


"Like that time when you unplugged my xbox at the crucial part of the game, on the very final section.. That was a very naughty thing to do. So naughty."

Kurt pouted.

"Then there was the time when Rachel and Santana were round for dinner. You were a bad boy that night Kurt. Stroking my cock underneath the table until I could barely concentrate on my food and dinner companions. There was a wet patch on my pants that I had to try and hide with a napkin when I got up. You had to be punished before they went home that night… while you were making the coffee I recall."

"I remember," Kurt said quietly, shrugging his shoulders. Of course he remembered.

"How about when your dad and Carole stayed the night… when we gave up our bedroom for them. You hid my underwear and swapped my towel for a tiny one while I was in the shower. I had to go commando all day in those tight jeans youd picked out for me to wear. Not that comfortable for sightseeing…. " Blaine looked carefully at Kurt, clearing his throat. "They were barely out of the building when you were being punished for that one," he whispered.

Kurt blushed as he swallowed heavily. Nonchalance wasnt coming easy.

"Come to think of it… I cant think of a time when I havent had to punish you when weve done this…." Blaine said softly. He raised their joint hands, kissing Kurts knuckles. 

"Blaine? Kurts voice came out high, as he glanced down at the bulge in Blaines pants. "Can the pizza wait? ….Only I really want to ride you. Take me to bed?"

"Yeah," Blaine was flushed and breathing loudly. "I can do that… we can do that…"


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