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Take me back to the start

How Blaine Anderson spent his days after his visit in New York, and more importantly, after the break up.

K - Words: 815 - Last Updated: Oct 01, 2012
849 0 0 1
Categories: Angst, General,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Jeff, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: hurt/comfort,

Author's Notes: A/N: This ficlet has been going in my mind for the whole day and it's sort of driving me crazy. Typing this up is the only thing that kept me from listening to The Scientist and bawl until my eyes fell out of its socket (even I had been crying for hours). It's not very well-written, but enjoy!

(Day 1)

After the twenty-fifth ring died down, he switched the phone off and chucked it in the bin. And headed off to the plane. 

He moved on, so it's time for me to move on as well. Don't ever look back, right? 

Blaine smiled bitterly when New York City was no longer visible from his window.


(Day 3)

Blaine stared at the ceiling of his room, listened to the silence. He wasn't crying.

It was the second day he missed school after coming back from New York, and he just didn't feel like going back to McKinley. The thought of those hallways haunted him, the thought of the choir room haunted him, even the courtyard haunted him.

I'm not ready to go back, not yet.

And somehow, he doubted whether he'll ever be ready. To realize the fact that he had broken up with Kurt.


(Day 4)

His dad knocked on his room last night and quietly asked whether he wanted to go back to Dalton. And he said he didn't know.

That was the truth.

Dalton was where we first met, it was where everything started. Everything and everywhere reminded me of him. I transferred to McKinley because of that, why would I go back?


(Day 6)

His laptop hasn't been turned on since he left for New York, he wasn't going to do it now. Blaine didn't have any plans to check his email, or Facebook, or Twitter. Even he knew he should. Seeing that no one could contact him after he threw his phone away.

Instead, he just dragged himself to school, attended classes, left as the bell rang so Tina couldn't catch him, skipped lunch so he didn't have to see any of the New Directions, avoided going to his locker because he knew people would be waiting for him there, avoided Mr. Schue by skipping Spanish, skipped Glee.

He didn't want to go home (our first time was in my room), didn't want to go to the mall (we spent so much time shopping for outfits), but before he knew it, he was in the parking lot of Lima Bean.

I'm never going to get over him, am I?


(Day 7)

It turns out that the Warblers were actually looking for him.

He was queuing up for a hot chocolate (not coffee, never going to have coffee in here ever again) when he heard someone calling his name. Jeff. Sitting beside the window.

"Man, we've been trying to contact you for like... I don't know, forever." Jeff took a sip of his coffee while Blaine sobbed in his heart, I've been looking for you forever.

"Anyway, you're here now! So I'm just going to cut the chase: we have a special performance for you."

"Another attempt of getting me back?" 

"Come on, it'll be fun! We all miss you anyway."

He sighed, it's inevitable isn't it?, "when?"

"Tomorrow, after school, senior commons."

So that's how he ended up in Dalton, after escaping the Glee club for another day in McKinley. And boy did I miss these beautiful hallways, these well-furnished classrooms. Everything just stayed the same.

He walked down those staircase, trying hard to recall that scene once again. Even though the most important person was missing here.

Today will be the last day that I'll remember what we had, what we shared, how I feel about him. Tomorrow, it would be how I felt. I can't do this to myself anymore, I have to set him free.

Blaine closed his eyes, remembered the beautiful voice, the tap on his shoulder. 

I was running late and was rushing down. All I was thinking was how to avoid being killed by Wes and his gavel. I'm glad Dr. Brown insisted to finish the chapter before letting us go that day, I would've never met Kurt if he didn't. And no, we were no rockstars. We're just popular but also, very nerdy and very dorky. He must have realized I was bragging after he joined.

Blaine walked to the ‘shortcut' he showed Kurt after the staircase. This definitely is not a shortcut. It takes five minutes to get to the common room, definitely not a shortcut. I just wanted to hold his hands a while longer. And I'm not even ashamed to want it, because it's perfectly normal for a teenage gay boy to want to hold another teenage gay boy's hand. Perfectly normal.

Oddly enough, the doors of the Senior common was closed. And it was quiet.

Did they installed sound-proofed foam? But well, with the Warblers, you could hear them from heaven when they're in hell. Probably they had millions of layers of foam.

So he pushed the doors open, were they this heavy when I was here?

When Blaine looked up, he saw the Warblers being at the back of the room. He remembered the formation. Teenage Dream.

And a figure in uniform, with his backing facing Blaine. Who's tha----

Before he could grasp the vague idea that flashed across his mind, the figure turned around. 

It's Kurt, smiling.

"There you are, I've been looking for you forever."



End Notes: I'm not going to elaborate too much, any questions feel free to ask! :D


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