Oct. 8, 2012, 12:57 p.m.
Oct. 8, 2012, 12:57 p.m.
Another response fic to 4.04. How Kurt Hummel decided to find out what Blaine meant by 'seeing somebody' in his own way.
It took Kurt three and a half months to finally realize how miserable he was without Blaine Anderson.
He went on dates with those ‘temptations', had one-night-stands, fooled around with countable but numerous people. But whenever he moaned, the name Blaine Anderson will automatically slip out, even it was incomprehensible to the other party, he knew very well what it meant.
So after a month, he stopped meeting people. It wasn't fair to those suitors if he still wasn't over his ex-boyfriend.
At some point, he snapped. Kurt Hummel will not settle for anything less than love. And the only love he wanted, would be Blaine Anderson. The next day, he booked a flight to Ohio.
He burst into Glee and dragged him away, musical or not, it's none of his business.
And much to his surprise, nobody said anything.
"Kurt I'm so sorry, I know you came here to break up with me, I totally understand. But I just really want to let you know how sorry I am, and I love you. So much. And it's fine for you to break up with me, but I won't stop loving you, Kurt, I won't and----Ouch."
It was a clean slap. All the anger, all the frustration, all the sadness, pain, agony, was cleaned off with that slap, and Kurt pulled Blaine's collar and said, "Now kiss me."
So he did.
Their kiss was aggressive and dirty, it was almost as if they were trying to consume one another. They've been making out for hours, moaning each other's name, but no real conversation had been carry out. Kurt started to unbuttoned Blaine's shirt, within seconds, they were both naked, lying on Kurt's bed.
That was when Kurt started to cry.
"You fucking bastard." He whimpered as Blaine started to prep him, "you fucking asshole. I cried myself to sleep for five fucking weeks. You have no idea how much I wanted to hate you."
"But I couldn't, I hate that I couldn't hate you for what you've done to me; I hate that I still love you after what you've done." Tears rolled down his flushed skin, absorbed by the pillow, "How can you----shit, oh god, oh my god. How can you cheat on me?"
He covered his eyes, trying hard to stop his tears, but even without looking, he was certain that Blaine was also crying, too.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, Kurt, I was so alone."
"I'm here. Do what you haven't done with him, with me."
The next thing he knew, Blaine was fingering him, fondling his balls, giving him a blow job, all at the same time. If this wasn't the hottest thing Kurt Hummel had seen in his lifetime, he'd be lying.
He was reduced to a mess of moaning and writhing, his cock was so hard, so hard, Kurt can feel the heat building up to the boiling point.
"Fuck, Blaine! I'm close!"
"No, not yet." He rolled on a condom after replying, and started fucking vigorously into him. His heart beat was synchronized with the rhythm of Blaine's pounding, Kurt was about to come not only from the long yearned touch, but the intimacy.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so, so, so, sorry. And I love you baby, love you so, so, so much."
"Harder, there, harder!"
He blacked out after having the most intense orgasm of his life, but he could still feel Blaine's continuous movement, and his turn to come.
When Kurt finally came back to his senses, Blaine was planting soft kisses on his shoulders, he teared up because of the tenderness of the sight.
"I forgive you. But I don't know how long will it take me, to trust you again."
He hitched a breath, and replied, "I know, I deserved it."
Then Kurt remembered one thing. "What have you actually done with the guy? We've done almost everything just now."
"We----He, he kissed me."
Words cannot describe how he felt at that moment, with too many feelings coming up at the same time.
He cannot believe how innocent, and stupid, his boyfriend was. All he did was a kiss? Seriously?
"You don't call that ‘I was with someone' asshole!" He screamed, but wasn't angry, in fact, it was the happiest moment he had for months.
His Blaine didn't cheat on him.
"No buts, you made me cried for ages over nothing. Asshole. Now make out with me so I can sanitize you in the Hummel way."
And so, they did.
so funny how every fic after the break up said Blaine only kissed a guy..lets hope this is true in the show too...
Well, we're all just trying to be hopeful right here.
Ohhhh, if only. We all hoped this for so long, but then they took our suppositions and threw them to the ground and stomped all over them in less than a 1-minute segment of an episode. Bastards.
I know right? But the Christmas episode was cute enough so, I'll let it pass :P