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Puppy Love

Kurt picks Blaine up for a date to find him in bed with someone else.

T - Words: 643 - Last Updated: Jul 02, 2012
1,451 0 0 4
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, futurefic,

Author's Notes: I saw something on Twitter about Klaine cuddles and Margaret Thatcher Dog and I went for it. Thanks, Alicia!
Kurt was surprised when Josh, not Blaine, opened the door. “Hey, man, he’s asleep right now,” Josh whispered.

“Really?” Kurt chuckled. “It’s 5:30. I told him I was picking him up now for dinner and Once.”

“I think it was a rough day for him. He usually ends up like this after one of them.”

“What happened? I thought he only had his Music History midterm today?” Kurt inquired.

Josh nodded. “Yeah, but he pulled an all-nighter on it. I’m pretty sure he went to Starbucks three times between 9:30 last night and 4 this morning.”

“That’s weird,” Kurt said. In the three years he’d known his boyfriend, Blaine had always been a prepared studier, even with the advanced curriculum at Dalton. Juilliard couldn’t have been much different from that.

“Anyway, I’m heading out to grab a bite to eat. Have fun tonight,” Josh said. Kurt waved goodbye as Josh exited the room.

He turned to look at Blaine. It seemed that as soon as he came back to the dorm after his midterm, he went straight to bed. His bag and coat had been tossed on the desk chair. He hadn’t even slipped his shoes off before passing out. Then Kurt noticed something curled into Blaine’s arms. Coming closer to the bed, it looked to be a stuffed animal. That’s odd, he thought, the only time I gave him one was after Senior Skip Day when he was fighting with Cooper. Sure enough, the same puppy eyes from a year and a half ago were staring back at him.

Suddenly Blaine began stirring. “Hey Josh, wake me when Kurt gets here, okay?” he mumbled.

“Josh already left for dinner,” Kurt said.

Blaine blinked open his eyes. “Shit, it’s 5:30 already?” He yawned and stretched, not once letting go of Margaret.

“Just past. We can hit the diner by the theatre if you need to freshen up first.”

“Okay. Sorry I was asleep when you got here. That test wore me out.”

Kurt giggled. “So I heard. An all-nighter?”

“You try remembering about twenty composers and their works,” Blaine replied.

“I’m sure you did great, honey,” Kurt said, placing a kiss on Blaine’s forehead. “But what’s with your sleeping partner?”

“I…” Blaine looked at Margaret Thatcher Dog. “She’s comfort, I guess. When I can’t be with you. You aren’t embarrassed you’re dating a 19-year-old who sleeps with a stuffed animal, are you?”

Kurt shook his head. “Not embarrassed at all. I think it’s adorable.”

He watched Blaine turn scarlet. “Whenever I missed you last year I would hold onto her. Then after the fight with my dad about coming here and turning down Yale, I was so hurt that I cried myself to sleep hugging her.”

“That was why you didn’t tell me until the next day, wasn’t it?”

Blaine nodded. “With her, I felt like you were telling me everything would be okay. I only needed to make it to graduation when you would be home. And now it’s until June when I’m out of here and can move in with you and Rachel.”

“I’m still here though, Blaine. If you ever need me, even just for a hug, call me and I’ll be on the next train. That’s what love does, and I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Kurt,” Blaine said as he leaned in for a kiss.

Once Kurt pulled back (though it took a few minutes, honestly), he said, “If you don’t start getting ready now, we’re either not going to eat or not going to the show.”

Blaine laughed. “Okay, okay,” he replied as he stood up.

Hours later, they found themselves curling up in Kurt’s bed preparing to go to sleep. When Blaine opened up his overnight bag to get his pajamas out, he found Margaret Thatcher Dog lying on top of everything. He didn’t say a word as he pulled her out, making sure she still got her own love when he was able to be with his.


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